​​Exclusive: Dr. Chad Walding Reveals Why Most Turmeric Supplements Are a Complete Scam!

Plus: The surprising “Organic Engineering Breakthrough” that’s finally providing thousands of women and men with real relief from their aching, swollen hands, feet, knees, and hips.

Most turmeric products are a scam!

Hey it’s Dr. Chad Walding here…

And I’ve got an urgent message for anyone who is struggling with aches and pains…

Who feels like inflammation is ruling their body…

And who is sick of dealing with stiffness, soreness and swelling in their back, hands, feet, knees, or hips.  

If that’s you…

If you’ve ever found yourself feeling like your health and happiness are slipping away from you, one day at a time…

Or you’re terrified that you’re on an irreversible collision course with “getting old”…

Please pay close attention… 

Because today I’m going to show you the REAL reason why things like turmeric, CBD, fish oil, and other supplements you’ve tried…

Simply haven’t gotten you the relief you expected…

And more importantly…

You’re going to see how a new advancement in something called Organic Engineering…

Is allowing scientists to take curcumin – which is the main active ingredient inside turmeric…

And break it down into microscopic, highly absorbable particles…

While increasing its bioavailability in the human body by a staggering 185x.

This “Organic Engineering Breakthrough” is a total game-changer for those who are tired of living in pain…and who feel like they’re a prisoner in their own body…

Because now, thanks to this new advancement that I’m about to reveal…

You can get back to enjoying all of life’s simple pleasures…

Like going for walks…

Taking road trips or flights to faraway locations without wincing and writhing in discomfort…

Getting on your hands and knees to play with your children or grandchildren…

And do it without feeling like there are limitations on your body, your freedom, or your life. 

Even better, everything I’m about to share is backed by a human clinical trial…

It’s not some pseudoscience or a bunch of marketing hype…

It’s a way to get true, rapid, and deeply impactful relief…

Because this Organic Engineering Breakthrough gives you the chance to experience the REAL power of the wondrous spice known as turmeric…

In a way that simply wasn’t possible before. 

And before you ask…

  • What I’m about to share has nothing to do with piperine, black pepper extract, or bioperine…
  • And it’s not related to nanoparticles either.

Actually, unlike the nanotechnology that you see some companies marketing to consumers these days…

The breakthrough I’ll be revealing here is an ORGANIC process…

Something that takes one of mother nature’s most genius biological “inventions” – that’s already found inside all of the cells in the human body…

And then applies it to one of the world’s best studied spices (turmeric)…

Allowing you to transform your relationship with your pain, mobility, and mood. 

So even if they’ve tried countless turmeric pills, powders and creams in the past...

I promise, you’ve almost certainly never tried this...

And yet it could save you from going down a never-ending road of side-effect heavy NSAIDs, numbing injections, sketchy stem cells, or optional surgeries…

And get you back to feeling the way you used to when you were in your physical prime…

When aches and stiffness and soreness weren’t even on your radar…

And when each day promised to be a new adventure that was filled with excitement, passion, and possibility. 

That might sound hard to believe now…but I promise this is achievable.

It’s backed by hard science…

And it’s already having a huge impact on the lives of thousands of women and men across the U.S. 

People like Pamela G, who writes that she now has more energy...

And James F, who says this breakthrough really made a big difference in his elbow, and that he feels better now than he could have ever imagined.

Or Ann M, who recently told me this breakthrough has helped with the pain in her spine and her hip…

Along with Jill S, who says it’s been great for the bulging discs in her lower back…

Carol A, who says she feels a difference in her joints when she uses this breakthrough consistently…

And Reggie G, who says that before doing this, he wasn’t able to grip his golf club…

But that after just 5 days of using this innovative discovery…

He’s back out on the course and can feel a huge difference.

Those are just a few of the stories I’ve heard from the many thousands of folks across the country. People who are now using this Organic Engineering Breakthrough I’m about to share with you…

And it’s why I’m so confident that your story can be just like theirs. 

So let’s dive in…

Because in the next few moments…

  • I’ll share the REAL reason why turmeric and other natural supplements have probably left you underwhelmed in the past…
  • Show you exactly how this breakthrough changes all of that, by bringing you powerful, and natural relief starting IMMEDIATELY…
  • And reveal how combining it with a powerful ancient ingredient, that’s sometimes referred to as The Prophet Seed…can deliver even faster, effective support for your achy, swollen, and inflamed joints and bones. 

All of that and more starts now…

So let’s dive right in…

Starting with:

The disgusting story of how Western Medicine is keeping you in the painful dark (AKA Why I had to quit working at the hospital)

Now as I mentioned a minute ago, my name is Dr. Chad Walding…

And over the past decade I’ve become obsessed with stuff like diet, nutrition, and natural health…

But I didn’t start out that way. 

Actually, when I first became a doctor, I was pretty set on going the traditional Western Medicine Route…

But within a few months of being in a hospital setting…

The artificial lights…

The smells of fast-food meals that patients were bringing into the hospital to eat before their surgeries…

The way I saw doctors seemingly tossing out prescription drugs like they were Tic Tacs…without ever stopping to ask about the root causes behind patients’ ailments and illnesses…

These things started weighing on my conscience…

And then one day, something inside of me just snapped. 

Now some doctors might call what I did next an act of full-on rebellion…

But to me, it wasn’t anything like that…

I just decided “to hell with it”…

I was going to start having REAL conversations with patients…

So I could educate them on what was REALLY going on inside their bodies. 

And that’s what I did. 

“I talked with patients about how gluten and dairy are big inflammatory foods. How sugar is a big player in things like high blood pressure, inflammation, and chronic disease. How toxic oils like canola and safflower can lead to inflamed, calcified arteries…”

All I was doing was speaking the truth…

And the funny thing is…

While a lot of doctors like to act like patients are just dumb and lazy “lost causes” who will never change…

My experience absolutely proved them wrong. 

The vast majority of my patients DID listen to me… 

They started making small little tweaks to their diets…

Started saying “no” to toxic ingredients…

They began to question why they were always being prescribed pills, and never being prescribed healthy foods…

And then, sure enough…

They started to feel better.

I mean some of these transformations were pretty radical. 

Their pain disappeared. Unwanted weight came off. Their skin was restored. Their energy and sleep were better…

And to those on the outside, it looked like I was some kind of miracle-worker…

But the truth was, all I’d done was tell my patients the truth about food and nutrition.

And then, one day, I got a phone call that changed everything.

It was from one of the nurses at the hospital…

And she told me: 

“You need to stop telling my patients about nutrition.”

Can you believe that?

It was just shocking. 

It made me feel jaded. 

It made me think that all those stories we hear about Western Medicine and “Big Pharma” wanting to keep people dependent and sick…so they can keep squeezing away every penny they have…well maybe they’re true? 

And so I quit…

Leaving the world of Western Medicine behind…

And going out on my own, to share my knowledge with anyone who would listen.

Over time I started putting on big health conferences in the paleo space – and they were attended by many of the leaders in natural health and wellness…

I created a Facebook Community with over 100,000 people - where I shared what I knew with anyone who would listen...

Plus I even started a few health and wellness companies along the way.

And as all of this was happening…

AsI was beginning to speak out on a bigger and bigger stage…

One of the #1 things I would always share with patients, clients, friends and community members…

Was this wondrous spice called Turmeric

And its main active ingredient, which is something called curcumin. 

You see, just like a lot of other forward-thinking doctors and folks who were interested in alternative health…

When all of the amazing research on turmeric and curcumin started coming out in the late 2000s and early 2010s…

And more-and-more blogs, Talk Shows, and health experts started singing its praises…

I grew enamored with this so-called miracle spice.  

And there were really good reasons to be excited too. 

I mean, just look at some of these studies.

In the first study I'm showing you here today…

Scientists found that there was a “statistically significant and clinically meaningful reduction in pain, stiffness, and improvement in physical functioning” in the humans who took turmeric.

In the second study shown above…

Researchers report that patients saw an improvement in the severity of their pain in just 14 days of taking a curcumin supplement.

In the third one…

It says that patients who took curcumin experienced significant improvements in their pain and physical function as compared to a placebo group.

While in the fourth study you can see there…

Researchers followed 150 patients with knee pain for 90 days. At the end of the trial, the groups given turmeric had roughly 3x to 4x less pain than the placebo group. Crazy right?

And then in the last study I’ve shared above…

Researchers looked at the effects of turmeric in people with joint pain…and found that after 3 weeks and 1 day, turmeric helped to reduce pain when people were in bed at night and also when they were standing…plus participants had lower markers for inflammation too.

And those are just 5 studies out of HUNDREDS.

The research on turmeric and curcumin is just insane…

So hearing all of this…

How could you NOT want to give turmeric a try, right?

The scientific literature makes it sound like it’s the greatest ingredient of all time…

And so is it any wonder that turmeric suddenly exploded in popularity?

Well needless to say as I kept seeing study-after-study…

And almost all of them were saying amazing things about turmeric and curcumin…

I was sold. 

I started recommending it to all of my patients…

I was taking it personally... 

And it was a really exciting time in my career.

There was just one big problem: Turmeric and curcumin didn’t seem to be making a big difference for a lot of people. 

It was a mixed bag…

On the positive side…

Some of my patients said turmeric seemed to help with their pain levels…

Others said they felt like it gave them a bit of energy…

And still others claimed it was helping their joints…

And that was all awesome…

But a whole lot of other patients and clients also told me the opposite…

That they were taking turmeric regularly, but just not noticing any big difference. 

And while I’m kind of embarrassed to admit this next part…

The truth is…

At first I was kind of okay with those mixed results.  

Looking back, it’s hard to say why…

But maybe it was because, despite my whole “awakening” that I had at the hospital……

Some part of my subconscious mind was so deeply programmed by Western Medicine…

That it felt like natural ingredients could never be better than manufactured pharmaceuticals. 

It’s kind of crazy…the biases we can have entrenched deep inside of us without realizing it…

But that’s the way it was for me:

Turmeric, CBD, fish oil, glucosamine, krill, collagen, ashwagandha, or whatever new supplement or ingredient was trending at the time…

I’d try them out, sharing the research with patients and friends…

And then just sort of shrug my shoulders when people’s experiences in the “real world” didn’t come close to matching the clinical studies.

And then I got sick. 

Like really sick. 

I’m not going to go into the whole story here…

But basically I took this once in a lifetime trip to South America and spent several weeks in the rainforest…

And while it was a “dream trip” for me…

Unfortunately I returned home to Texas with an illness that afflicted me for months.  

It was devastating.

I was having trouble maintaining my weight…

I was tired all of the time…

The brain fog was unreal…

And every day my body would be hit by these waves of aches and pains.

It was like I’d returned from the Amazon with some curse…

And while I was eventually able to turn the corner (using natural remedies and food as medicine by the way)…

That bout with a “mystery sickness” left a real imprint on me. 

I realized that when you’re truly in pain…

When you’re exhausted…

When you’re so achy and stiff that getting out of bed in the morning can feel like some brutal task…

When unscrewing a bottle cap, or opening a jar, makes you cringe…

When bending over to pick something up leads to you clutching your back…or sends pain rushing up your legs…

And when nothing you try…natural or otherwise…is making things better…

“Just okay” is NOT an acceptable outcome.  

The truth is…

I learned that living in pain is like having some invisible illness. 

Every day is an uphill battle. 

It can feel almost impossible to stay positive... 

It destroys your mood. 

It ruins your sleep. 

It makes you no fun to be around…

And you can even end up alienating those closest to you at a time when you need their love and support the most. 

And it’s scary too. Because you can’t explain it to others who haven’t gone through it…

Yet that pain and fatigue is always there…

Lurking just beneath the surface. 

Now I don’t know if you can relate to any of what I’m sharing…

But if you can, then first off – I’m sorry you’re going through this…

And second off, I’m really so glad you’re here reading this report…

Because, like I’ve been promising you already…

There IS hope…

And I’m going to show you what this hope looks like right now. 

You see…

Getting sick led me to start taking a much closer look at the various natural ingredients I’d been recommending to others and using personally… 

And that included turmeric. 

I couldn’t get this question out of my mind:

Why does turmeric seem to be so great in a laboratory setting…

But only “okay” when we use it in the “real world?”

So I started digging deep into all the research on turmeric out there…

And that’s when I came across the Organic Engineering breakthrough that changed everything. 

It’s called Micelle Technology

But don’t rush off and “Google It” just yet…


1) I’ll explain it to you right now in much simpler terms than most websites will…

2) There are a LOT of companies out there misusing this term…and I don’t want you to go get tricked into wasting your money or get taken advantage of…


3) There’s a very specific way this Micelle Technology can be applied to both Turmeric, and a few other really important pain-relieving ingredients…and this makes them extremely effective…so I want to make sure you know about that.

Sound good?

Okay so what is Micelle Technology?

Well, micelles are these microscopic, spherical structures that are made up of what’s called a lipid bilayer…

And because I’m sure you may be wondering…

A lipid bilayer is basically just a particle-sized barrier or “fence” that surrounds something.  

In the human body, for example, all of our cells are surrounded by these bilayers…

And these microscopic “fences” control what goes in and out of our cells…

Which helps to protect them. 

Pretty cool, right? 

Well what Micelle technology does…

Is it takes things like the curcumin that’s found inside turmeric (and that’s the most important part of turmeric when it comes to supporting your health)…

Then it puts one of those lipid bi-layer fences around it…

And it turns out this changes everything. 

Here’s why…

It’s no secret that turmeric and curcumin are not easily absorbed in the human body...

And one of the big reasons why is because of something called “solubility.” 

Solubility is just a fancy word that describes how easily a substance can dissolve into something like water…

And turmeric has very poor solubility…so it can’t be absorbed into water normally. 

That’s a big problem because our digestive system is filled with 10-12 liters of water on average…

And it’s this water that breaks down food and supplements…

To that their nutrients can be absorbed into our bloodstream. 

In other words, our digestive system is like a wet sponge that wants to soak in nutrients…

But turmeric and curcumin don’t mix with water very well…

So our digestive system, the sponge, can’t absorb most of the turmeric or curcumin we take. 

In fact, some estimates have said that as little as 2% of the turmeric in supplements makes its way into our bloodstream…

And it’s the same with curcumin…

Which is why so many people don’t experience real benefits from curcumin in turmeric. 

Micelle Technology changes all of this though…

Because it keeps curcumin safe from the stomach acids and enzymes that normally break down supplements before they have been absorbed…

And then, even more importantly…

Micelle Technology also does a great job of dissolving curcumin and turmeric down into tiny little particles that CAN mix with water…

Which drastically increases their solubility…

And allows them to become easily absorbed by your body.

Does this make sense?

To sum things up in very simple terms:

  1. Micelle Technology takes substances like curcumin, which are normally not soluble and very hard for your body to absorb…
  2. This makes them extremely soluble and easy to absorb…

And unlike stuff like black pepper, bioperine, or piperine (which are all different forms of the same thing)…

Micelle Technology is much less likely to upset your stomach…

Since you’re not needing to add a bunch of pepper to your pills.  

Oh and then what’s even neater…

Is that there is one special type of turmeric, which I’m going to share in a second…

That has harnessed this Micelle Technology…

And in a clinical study…

It was found to be 185x more absorbable in the human body than normal turmeric…

Plus, it got absorbed into the human body more than 600% faster than normal turmeric too...

Which means it was able to start working its magic FAST. 

I’ll reveal what that type of “Micellular Turmeric” is in just a second…

But first, let me answer two quick questions you might be asking yourself. 

Question #1: “Why do I keep calling Micelle Technology an Organic Engineering Breakthrough?”

The answer to that question is because, unlike nanotechnology…

Micelles are already found in nature (like in Hen Eggs for example!). 

So Micelle Technology just applies this organic process to special ingredients… 

Whereas nanotechnology is done in a lab and is considered inorganic. 

Okay and then Question #2: “Is this absorption issue the real reason why turmeric seems so great in studies, but not the real world?”

The answer to that question is “YES”…

But it’s worth taking a second to explain the answer further. 

In a lot of the major studies out there about turmeric and curcumin…

They were either done in test tubes…where solubility wasn’t an issue…

Or they were done in humans…

But the humans in those studies were given extremely high dosages of turmeric to make up for the fact that it’s so poorly absorbed in the body.

So for example…

There might be some great study out there about how turmeric helps with stiffness, soreness, and pain…

But then you look closer…

And realize that in the study, humans were given several GRAMS of turmeric. 

Well, several grams of turmeric = taking a big heaping handful of pills…

Which most of us are NOT going to do…

Plus even if we did…

The absorption wouldn’t be nearly as good as if the curcumin in those pills was shrunken down and surrounded by microscopic micelles…. 

Plus taking several grams of turmeric can be really hard on your stomach too…

Especially if you’re combining it with stuff like black pepper extract. 

So the point here is:

Most turmeric supplements you find sold online, or in the store, don’t have dosages that are anywhere CLOSE to what was used in the studies…

Which is why when you take them…

You’re very unlikely to get results that are even remotely close to the ones reported in those studies.

Micelle technology fixes this problem though

Because now you can take a much smaller dosage of turmeric and curcumin – which is much easier on your digestion and stomach by the way…

And yet, because it’s in such a form that is so easily absorbed by the body…

For every 25 milligrams of curcumin that is encapsulated with micelle technology…

It’s the equivalent to taking a whopping 4.625 grams of curcumin that is not encapsulated in micelles.

But without the digestive issues, stomach problems, or absorption challenges.

Pretty wild, isn’t it?

And so hopefully you are starting to get why this Organic Engineering Breakthrough called Micelle Technology is such a game changer. 

I know it was for me.

As I learned all of this, I grew really damn excited…

And I knew I needed to bring Micelle Technology to the public as quickly as possible…

That way my friends, patients, clients, family, and even total strangers…

Could all finally begin to experience the REAL benefits of turmeric. 

So I got to work…

Leveraging all of my medical contacts, my engineering contacts, all of the experts in health and nutrition I knew…

And they all pointed me towards one very special form of turmeric…

One that uses this Micelle Technology…

And this form is the same one that has been shown to be up to 185x more absorbable than regular turmeric in a human clinical study.

It’s called NOvaSOL Curcumin..

And so I took that special formulation…

Combined with one of the healthiest ingredients on earth, an ancient food source called The Prophet Seed…

Added in some essential Omegas for good measure…

And by the time me and my team were finished…

We’d created what I believe to be the finest, most powerful Curcumin supplement in the world.

It’s called Total Turmeric…

And it’s brought to you by NativePath, a company that I’m the proud founder of.

In just a moment…

I’m going to share how you can get your own supply of this breakthrough formula for a discounted price you won’t find anywhere else (not even on my main website)…

And I want you to know each bottle of Total Turmeric contains 60 soft gel capsules…

And each capsule is made with that same Micelle Technology I’ve been telling you about throughout this report…

Which means not just the curcumin…

But also the Black Seed Oil and Omegas you get inside…

Are all presented in highly bioavailable forms that are easily absorbed into your body and easy on your stomach…

Total Turmeric also has zero fillers, no soy, and no artificial colors. 

So all that up…

And it’s why we have over 516 Five Star Reviews from real life customers. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 516 reviews

Theresa Wright



I am very satisfied with your product 🥳☺️

Yasemin Leimbach

Helps Arthritis


Turmeric is really working with my arthritis.

Pamela Grubbe

I love it!


I have more energy!!

Darilyn D



Works well in calming painful inflammation.

Jill Stanton

Great Product


I have lower back Bulging Discs, this product has kept the inflammation down. I did not realize how much until I ran out, Reordering right away.

Carol Amrhein

Turmeric perks


I feel the difference in my joints when I am consistent in taking turmeric. It also helps with inflammation. Nice product. 👍🏻🙂

We’ve got dozens of pages of reviews like this…

And I couldn’t be prouder of what I’ve been able to help formulate and bring to the public…

Or more excited to share it with you today (especially since you’re going to be getting it at a big discount that we don’t even offer on our website). 

I’ll share that discount with you, and I’ll do that in literally seconds from now…

But first…

Let me quickly tell you about the Black Seed Oil that we added to this formula…

Because it may be the most underrated natural ingredient in the U.S. today.  

If you’re not familiar with Black Seed Oil…

It’s also sometimes referred to as The Prophet Seed, as it plays an important role in numerous religious and holy texts…

Including the Old Testament of the Bible, the Quran, Hindu Scripture, and Ancient Chinese tomes.

Cultures from around the world have known about the amazing health supporting benefits of Black Seed Oil for thousands of years…

And in countless modern studies…

  • Scientists have found that it’s one of the most potent antioxidant ingredients on earth
  • Something that has a profound anti-inflammatory effect in the body…
  • That supports healthy blood sugar, healthy cholesterol levels, and even helps us to maintain a healthy body weight …
  • Supports a healthy memory and brain health…
  • And of course, they’ve found that it can help provide pain relief in humans.

So given all of this…

It only made sense to combine it with curcumin…

Especially since, thanks to Micelle Technology…

I knew I could Black Seed Oil to consumers in such a highly absorbable form. 


Now at this point you’re probably asking how you can get your hands on Total Turmeric for yourself…

Along with how often you need to take it for best results?

Well to be honest…

I wish it was easier for folks to gain access to it…

Because as I’ve mentioned repeatedly throughout this report…

My goal is to make health breakthroughs like Total Turmeric available to every American possible…

Especially those who are 45 years of age or older…

And who are struggling with pain and aches every single day.  

Yet while that’s my goal…

Because every single bottle of Total Turmeric needs to be produced in a pristine, state-of-the-art facility…

And each capsule of every bottle incorporates this special Micelle Technology process I’ve been sharing with you…

Which only a few manufacturing facilities in the world are able to do…

It can take a very long time to produce each bottle of our Total Turmeric

And because Total Turmeric truly is such a game-changer…

Something that, when you use it regularly, can make it feel like you’re regaining the body you had when you were young…

Pretty much everyone who tries Total Turmeric keeps asking for more of the stuff…

Since they simply don’t want to spend every day worrying that they’re “growing old,” or feeling tired and sore. 

Total Turmeric is also becoming extremely popular with many of my peers in the health and wellness profession too…

Which is great…

But this also puts even more of a strain on production…

Especially since it takes up to 3 months to custom-create each batch. 

And so as a result of the fact that Total Turmeric is expensive to manufacture…

Takes up to 3 months to produce a single batch…

And keeps selling out…

I frequently don’t have any Total Turmeric available for the public.

But that being said…

I don’t want ANYONE to stay awake each night, worrying about what will happen if their bodies continue to fall apart…

Which is why in the next few moments…

I’ll share how you can get your hands on a brand-new bottle of Total Turmeric…

And how you can try it risk-free as part of our breakthrough new Pilot Program.

But first, let me answer that other question:

How much Total Turmeric do you need to take?

That’s simple…

Just take 2 gel capsules each day, for at least 30 days.

The reason it’s important that you take Total Turmeric for at least 30 days is very straightforward…

You’ll likely feel the difference that Micelle Technology makes right away, with your very first capsules…

And that’s because this formula gets absorbed into your bloodstream in as little as about an hour…

While most turmeric products out there take over 6 hours, on average.

Yet even though that’s the case…

In many of the studies about turmeric and black seed oil that I shared with you today…

Along with the dozens and dozens of others that I didn’t have time to go into…

It’s been found that taking ingredients like curcumin for 30 days…60 days…90 days…or even longer…

Is where you’ll see an even more powerful impact in your health. 

I think all of us would like to live a longer, healthier, more energized life for years to come…

Which is why it just makes sense to keep taking Total Turmeric day-after-day and month-after-month…

Just like you would with a multivitamin or probiotic…

That way you get not just the maximum benefits…

But you continue to experience those benefits for the long-haul. 

And fortunately, making my Total Turmeric part of your daily ritual couldn’t be easier…

Because the most it’s going to cost you is a few pennies per day (more on that in a second).

Which is why I recommend that you grab at least 3 bottles of Total Turmeric at a time…

And 6 bottles if you want to be completely safe…

Then commit to this breakthrough formulation for a period of at least 90 days…

That way you can feel confident that you’ve done everything you can to support your body and your health. 

Since introducing Total Turmeric to the public…

I’ve heard from so many people who had once felt like their happiness had been stolen from them…

Who said it was like they were nothing but a shell of their former selves…

Or who told me they felt trapped by their pain, aches, and soreness…

And that they were in a losing a battle against their own body…

A battle that they were fighting all alone.

These people tell me that now, everything has changed. 

That their days are brighter, happier, and healthier…

And today, this is your golden opportunity to join them.

Shirley Lukesh

Twice A Day Pain Reliever


It really helps with my almost daily back pain. Easy to use

Toni Daniels



I’ve noticed a really big difference in less joint pain since taking this.

Jo Ann Burns

Really Works


Turmeric is very effective at relieving all over aches and joint pain. This became painfully clear when I was without for a couple months. I’m going to do my best not to go without again. I learned my very painful lesson.

Those are just a few of the hundreds and hundreds of 5 Star Reviews I’ve gotten from folks about Total Turmeric…

And you should know that the special discount you’re going to be getting today is only available from this website, while there are supplies in stock. 

Which is why, if you’re here right now and there are bottles of Total Turmeric available…

It’s vital that you don’t put this decision off. 

Using Total Turmeric really can feel like you’ve just hit the rewind button on your life…

Something that lets you travel back in time, to make up for lost opportunities and to get a second chance…

Every day you take your two easy-to-swallow and easy-to-digest capsules of Total Turmeric…

It’s another day of living life without regret…

As you take another step towards ensuring you have the physical and mental energy needed to get out there…

And to be the strongest, healthiest, and happiest version of yourself. 

When you consider that Total Turmeric really can do all of this for you…

You can probably understand why I’ve had some extremely smart marketers and health experts tell me that we could charge $67 per bottle for this formulation…

Which honestly, I think is extremely fair…

Especially considering that injections and other invasive pain-relief options out there can cost anywhere from 10x to even 100x that amount….

While things like NSAIDs have a well-documented history of wrecking our livers…

And that’s not even getting into all those addictive pills out there, that are destroying so many lives.  

And yet…

While I know that we could charge $67 for a bottle of Total Turmeric and I’d still sleep soundly at night…

This really isn’t about making some huge profit for me or my team.

Instead, it’s about fulfilling a promise I made to myself years ago…

After I quit my job at the hospital.

I know how Western Medicine has failed so many people…

And how hopeless it can feel when you’re in pain…

When every day hurts you physically and drains you mentally…

And when it feels like you’re growing old and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. 

I’ve seen it in too many patients throughout my career…

And I experienced it personally when I got back from the Amazon and struggled with my own health battle…

And while it really does SUCK…

Maybe, just maybe, it doesn’t have to be that way. 

That’s my hope for you, and for all of us…

Which is why if you decide to take action right now…

And say “YES” to the scientific breakthrough that is Total Turmeric…

You won’t need to spend $67 for a bottle…or Even $57…

And why instead, from this website only…

You can order Total Turmeric for just $49.95 $39.99 per bottle

And That’s Actually Just the Start

You see…

Because so many of the studies show that the longer you take the ingredients inside Total Turmeric…

The more you could benefit from them…

And because so many people have been ordering multiple bottles of Total Turmeric at a time…that way they can share this with their family and friends as well…

Me and my team have created an even deeper discount program…

Where, when you stock up on 6 bottles of Total Turmeric today…

The price per bottle goes from $39.99 to just $19.99 per bottle…

That’s a total savings of $180 compared to if you were paying the single bottle price on our website…

And it’s the best deal we’ve ever offered to the public. 

This major discount is only available through this website though, while there are supplies in stock…

So go ahead and choose your package now to get started.


1 Bottle

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

($9.96 in savings)

($179.76 in savings)

($59.88 in savings)







/ Bottle

/ Bottle




365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

🔥 Recently Sold: 87 🔥

🔥 Recently Sold: 259 🔥

🔥 Recently Sold: 202 🔥

Once you’ve chosen your package you’ll go to our secure checkout page…

Where you’ll join the tens-of-thousands of satisfied NativePath customers who already swear by our products…

And the moment your order is complete…

My team will get to work rushing your supply of Total Turmeric to your front door. 

Plus, to make this an even easier decision for you today…

All orders also come with our 365-Day, Feel Good Guarantee

This is really important, and here’s why: 

Every day I hear from folks across the U.S. who say that taking Total Turmeric is helping them feel like they did 10…20…30 years ago…

And while I’m very confident that you’ll have a similar experience once you try it for yourself…

I also know that in today’s society of big promises and over-the-top-hype.

Talk is cheap.

That’s why I want to put my money where my mouth is…

By offering you the opportunity to try Total Turmeric for yourself for the next 2 months…

And you can place your order TODAY with confidence, knowing you’re backed by our 365-Day Feel Good Guarantee.

It works like this.

Simply click on one of the packages you see below to add Total Turmeric to your shopping cart…

Then complete your order on the next page…

And when your order arrives in just a few business days from now…

I want you to tear open that box, grab your first bottle, and start using Total Turmeric every single day.

I’m positive that once you do this…

You’ll feel AND see the difference Total Turmeric makes right away…

And after you’ve taken Total Turmeric in the weeks and months to come…

My guess is that you’ll never want to go another day without this Micelle Technology powered breakthrough again. 

But if for any reason I’m wrong…

If you aren’t head-over-heels in LOVE your experience with Total Turmeric…

If you are not dancing for joy as your knee pain goes away… 

Shouting with glee as your fingers stop aching & swelling… 

And overall just feeling your absolute best… 

If for any reason you are not 100% satisfied…

Simply call or email my U.S. based, Award Winning Customer Service Team…and they’ll make it right. 

The only reason I’m even able to offer such a bold guarantee...

Is because I’m confident you will be blown away by what life feels like using Total Turmeric…

And that you’ll become a loyal, rabid customer for life.

Still though, isn’t it nice knowing that you have nothing to lose?

You’ve seen the science, you’ve seen the studies, you’ve heard from everyday folks who are feeling their absolute best thanks to the Organic Engineering breakthrough that is Micelle Technology…

Yet you still get a full 365 Days to decide if Total Turmeric is right for you.

So go ahead and choose your package of Total Turmeric while there are still supplies in stock.


1 Bottle

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

($9.96 in savings)

($179.76 in savings)

($59.88 in savings)







/ Bottle

/ Bottle




365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

🔥 Recently Sold: 87 🔥

🔥 Recently Sold: 259 🔥

🔥 Recently Sold: 202 🔥

Okay at this point we’ve covered a lot of ground…

And now, this is the part where you get to choose. 

You can ignore everything you’ve seen today…

The incredible studies showing how Micelle Technology can increase the body’s absorption of curcumin by 185x…

The way that technology changes EVERYTHING…

How adding in Black Seed Oil only makes everything more powerful…

And how people across the U.S. are using my Total Turmeric right now to feel their absolute best.   

If that’s the choice you make – to ignore all of that and not take action…

Then there’s no hard feelings, and I wish you all of the best…

But just think about what life will be like in a few months, or even a few years from now…

Or even just the next time it’s late at night, and you’re awake in bed, staring at the ceiling…

With stiffness and soreness keeping you up…and your brain racing with thoughts and fears of “getting old.”

Is it at least possible that you might think back to this moment…

When you had the chance to claim your very own supply of Total Turmeric at a huge savings…

While there were supplies in stock…

And feel just a little bit of regret that you didn’t try this breakthrough risk-free today?

If the answer is even a “maybe”…

Then I would strongly urge you to take that second, smarter path…

Which is to say “YES” to Total Turmeric right now…

By choosing your package below while it is available to the public, and I do have bottles on hand.


1 Bottle

6 Bottles

3 Bottles

($9.96 in savings)

($179.76 in savings)

($59.88 in savings)







/ Bottle

/ Bottle




365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

🔥 Recently Sold: 87 🔥

🔥 Recently Sold: 259 🔥

🔥 Recently Sold: 202 🔥

Your decision today is covered by 365-Day Feel Good Guarantee…

So you truly have nothing to lose…

And an entirely new body to gain.

Ultimately the decision is yours…

But I trust you’ll make the right choice.

Thank you so much for spending your time with me today…

And I look forward to hearing about your success using Total Turmeric.


Dr. Chad Walding

Frequently Asked Questions

1.) What Is Micelle Technology Again and Why Is It So Important?

Micelle Technology takes substances like curcumin, which are normally not soluble…

And then makes them extremely soluble and easy to absorb. 

This is a big deal…

It means getting the benefits of curcumin and turmeric is actually a lot easier… 

And unlike stuff like black pepper, bioperine, or piperine (which are all different forms of the same thing)…

Micelle technology is much less likely to upset your stomach…

Since you’re not needing to swallow a bunch of pepper.

And then, what’s even NEATER…

Is that in a clinical study…

The curcumin inside our formulation was found to be 185x more absorbable in the human body than normal turmeric…

Plus, it got absorbed into the human body more than 600% faster than normal turmeric does…

Which means it was able to start working its magic FAST.

2.) Why do most turmeric products get people mixed results (at best)?

In a lot of the major studies out there about turmeric and curcumin…

They were either done in test tubes…where solubility wasn’t an issue…

Or they were done in humans…

But the humans in those studies were given extremely high dosages of turmeric to make up for the fact that it’s so poorly absorbed in the body.

So for example…

There might be some great study out there about how turmeric helps with stiffness, soreness, and pain…

But then you look closer…

And realize that in the study, humans were given several grams of turmeric. 

Well, several grams of turmeric would mean taking handfuls and handfuls of pills…

Which is not what you’ll be told to do if you read the labels of most supplement bottles…

And who the heck wants to do that?

Plus, that much turmeric can be really hard on your stomach too…

And that’s even truer when you’re combining it with stuff like black pepper extract. 

So the point is…

Most turmeric supplements you find sold online, or in the store, just don’t have dosages that come close to matching the ones used in studies…

Which is why when you take them…

You can be left feeling underwhelmed 

Micelle technology fixes this problem…

Because now you can take a much smaller dosage of turmeric and curcumin…

And yet because it’s in such a form that is so easily absorbed by the body…

For every 25 milligrams of curcumin that is encapsulated with micelle technology…

That’s the equivalent to taking a whopping 4.625 grams of curcumin that is not encapsulated in micelles. 

Pretty cool right?

3.) What Else Can You Tell Me About Total Turmeric?

Total Turmeric is made right here in the United States, in a facility that follows all Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines. 

It also contains no fillers, no soy, and no artificial colors…

Making this an incredibly pure yet highly effective breakthrough.

4.) How Long Will This Discount on Total Turmeric Be Available To The Public?

It’s hard to say.

My goal is to get this Organic Engineering breakthrough into the hands of as many Americans as possible…

Especially since Total Turmeric represents such an important step in human nutrition and wellness.

It takes something that was previously overhyped but often a letdown, in Curcumin…

And makes it extremely bioavailable…

Which is giving real Americans real relief…

For just pennies a day. 

Yet while that’s my goal…

Total Turmeric can take up to 3 months to manufacture…

Which is why I simply cannot guarantee how long this site will remain online or we’ll have bottles in stock…

So if you’re ready to experience the incredible benefits of Total Turmeric…

It’s important that you do take action today by ordering your supply. 

5.) How Does the Guarantee Work Again?

You just click the button you see below that says “Experience The Power NOW” to get your supply of Total Turmeric today... 

And you’re covered by our 365-Day Feel Good Guarantee. 

This means that if you change your mind about Total Turmeric for any reason over the next six months…

Just call or email NativePath’s U.S. Based Customer Service Team…

And we’ll refund your entire investment in Total Turmeric with no questions asked.

So there’s no risk for you whatsoever!

6.) Okay I’m Ready To Order Total Turmeric. What Now?

It’s easy…

Just click the button you see below right now to place your order. 

Our 6 Bottle Package is by far the most popular option because of all the added savings you get…

But no matter which package you choose…

The moment you place your order…

We’ll begin rushing Total Turmeric out to you.

Then, once you’ve received your order in a few short days from now…

Simply start taking this little Organic Engineering Breakthrough each day…

And I’m confident you’ll be amazed by just how different you begin to feel.  

Plus, as I just mentioned, this is all covered by our 365-Day Feel Good Guarantee…

So go ahead and place your order now…

So you can experience the power of Total Turmeric for yourself right away!

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

Scientific References:



Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

© 2024 NativePath

114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993