55-Year-Old MD’s Numb Hands and Feet Stumped Doctors For Years - Until He Tried This

What Pins & Needles Mean About Your Nervous System

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT

NativePath Co-Founder

Do you ever suffer from occasional tingling, numbness, or pins and needles…

Particularly in your legs, hands, and feet?

Maybe it’s getting worse as you get older?

Like many people, you might think this is a simple sign to get up and move around…

And while more movement is always a good idea for your health, new research suggests there could be more to the story…

If you’re also experiencing shakiness that’s changing your handwriting with age…

Foggy thinking or mood dips more often than you're used to……

Or low energy that makes it hard to get through a full day without taking a nap…

Your pins & needles could be a sign of a bigger problem that is 3X more common in men and women over 60 - but often swept under the rug

Dr. Ahmed Badhar shared his personal journey with pins, needles, and pain that started when he was 55 in an autobiographical case report published in The Cereus Journal of Medical Science

“At times there was numbness, at others a feeling like locking of fingers.” 

As the days went on, his dull pain and numbness progressed up his left arm and into his chest…

And with it came waves of panic and stress.

Thanks to his profession, Dr. Badhar had access to friends and colleagues that could help. 

He consulted with a cardiologist, an orthopedic surgeon, and a neurosurgeon…

Was told to try hot and cold therapy, pain relievers, and physical therapy…

Each of which failed to provide long-term relief. 

At one point, surgery was on the table…

“I had lost my faith in examinations and investigations over those few weeks of continuous pain and associated anxiety,” he wrote.

“I lost hope and decided to think of another approach.”

Until he visited his neurologist colleague, who ordered simple blood tests. 

That’s when he got the call that finally gave him the answer he'd been searching for...

“All the other tests are normal,” the neurologist explained, except for one… 

“You have very low levels of B12.”

Most people don’t realize the body’s ability to absorb vitamin B12 significantly declines with age…

B12 is an essential vitamin for the nervous system, brain health, and metabolic health…

It’s not something the body can produce on its own, meaning you need to get it in your diet. 

Studies show less than 6% of younger adults are deficient in B12…

While men & women over 60 are 3X as likely to have low B12 levels!

B12 becomes much more difficult for the body to absorb as you age - and you need a certain amount in a specific form in order to normalize levels. 

Luckily, one Texas doctor and his team of researchers have developed a simple, dropper-a-day solution to help overcome these absorption issues.

One study found the exact amount of B12 included in this solution can restore levels in 90% of men and women over 65 in as little as 8 weeks!

Imagine just 8 weeks from now, no longer waking up with uncomfortable tingling in your feet…

And instead, having newfound energy you haven’t felt in years…

I’ll fill you in on this dropper-a-day solution in just a second. 

But first…

What does B12 have to do with numbness & tingling?

You’ve probably heard about celebrities getting B12 injections for energy and focus… 

But most people don’t realize B12 is essential to nerve health. 

You see, B12 is necessary for the creation of myelin, a protective sheath around your nerves…

And this sheath allows the brain to communicate with every cell in your body.

Without this protective layer, communication between your brain and nerves can decline.

When that happens, many people experience:

  • Tingling
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Aches & Pains
  • Muscle Twitches
  • Brain Fog
  • Numbness 
  • A Burning Sensation in Hands & Feet

The good news is, nerves are amazingly regenerative and capable of healing themselves…

And studies show that simply adding B12 into your daily routine could be the solution you need. 

A 2019 study reported the protective myelin sheath around nerves was “rescued by B12…”

Meaning simply taking B12 can regrow your nerves’ protective layer and help those cells regenerate!

So, what does that mean for your day-to-day symptoms?

A 2022 meta-analysis of studies including men and women around the age of 60 looked at the effects of B12 supplementation using two scientific tests designed specifically for nerve health. 

They first looked at visible signs, like occasional dry skin, calluses, and curling toenails.

And the second considered the symptoms that you may occasionally feel day-to-day - numbness, tingling, burning, and dull pain

And the results of simple B12 supplementation was amazing.

Patients who received vitamin B12 showed a greater reduction in symptoms like tingling, pins & needles, and dull pain compared to those who didn't!

This means adding B12 into your daily routine could be the key to reclaiming your nerve health!


No longer massaging your own feet to rid them of occasional, nagging tingling…

And finally getting uninterrupted sleep because your muscle twitches and aches are gone... 

But that’s not all…

There’s another incredible benefit of reaching optimal B12 levels that you’re going to want to hear about…

You see, your brain is full of nerve cells responsible for communication with the rest of your body. So, as this protective sheath deteriorates with age, the health of your brain cells can also be impacted…… 

So it makes sense that…

B12 supplementation can boost attention, calculation, coordination, and memory!

I’m sure you’ve noticed some changes to your brain power as you’ve gotten older…

You walk into a room and can’t remember why you went there…

Maybe family members notice that you’re retelling the same stories…

Or you bump into an old friend in the supermarket, and their name just won’t come to you.

While these brain fog moments can be scary, it happens to all of us…

Starting at the age of 40, the brain shrinks at a rate of about 5% per decade! 

But studies show low levels of B12 may accelerate this process…

A study on men and women over 65 published by The American Academy Of Neurology found low B12 levels were associated with smaller brain volume…

And lower scores on cognitive tests.

Luckily, the opposite is also true…

One study on 501 participants over the age of 60 found higher levels of B12 were associated with a decreased rate of total brain volume loss…

Meaning B12 may slow age-related brain shrinkage!

And thanks to new research, we now know this could improve overall brain function! 

Research published in August of 2023 found…

B12 supplementation resulted in “significant improvement, especially in attention, calculation, and visual-constructional ability…”

So if you find yourself rewinding shows or movies because you lost focus and missed crucial plot points…

Are having trouble balancing your checkbook or filing your taxes when that wasn’t an issue for you in the past…

Or take multiple tries to park your car because you’re struggling to estimate the distance to the curb…

Supplementing with B12 could help!

After correcting this common deficiency, you might notice you’re more present in conversations with loved ones because your mind isn’t trailing off…

And you start beating your friends at card games because your brain is firing on all cylinders!

With increased B12 intake, you can feel like your old self again.

But before you head to the grocery store and buy a generic bottle of B12, there’s one problem…

While B12 is essential for supporting nerve and brain function…

Without healthy blood flow, all that valuable B12 might not make its way throughout your body!

Research published by The American Heart Association found blood flow naturally declines with age…

And older men had 26% lower blood flow compared to younger men!

Along with the health of your nerves, blood flow is essential to minimizing those pins and needles. 

Which is why, along with B12, there is another B vitamin men and women over 60 need daily. 

According to 2017 research on a group of 9 older adults, folate supplementation can significantly increase blood flow!

Folate, also known as folic acid, or vitamin B9, is another essential B vitamin. 

When researchers gave 9 healthy older adults folic acid during exercise, their leg and forearm blood flow significantly increased.

Plus, Penn State researchers found that supplementing with folic acid can enhance blood vessel dilation in older adults!

But it gets even better…

Researchers compared the effects of B12 supplementation on its own, folic acid on its own, and the two in combination for 6 months and found…

The combination of folic acid and vitamin B12 was significantly superior to either folic acid or vitamin B12 alone… 

And the combination significantly improved cognitive performance in older adults!”

Anyone looking for a solution to brain fog, numbness, or dull pain should be taking both B12 and folate.

You could purchase each of these supplements individually and take them at the same time every day…

But two, high-quality supplements from a brand you can trust could cost a pretty penny. 

How can you get affordable B vitamins in a form you can absorb?

Remember Dr. Ahmed? 

His neurologist colleague told him to get B12 injections every day for six days. 

Then, once a week for one month. 

And once a month for the rest of his life. 

And it worked!

According to Dr. Ahmed’s autobiographical report, “All the symptoms, including pain, numbness, and anxiety, improved by the fourth injection. They completely disappeared in two weeks. They have not recurred in the last 25 months.”

B12 injections bypass the digestion process making them easier to absorb...

But they’re also expensive - at about $80 for one dose. 

And because B vitamins are water soluble and excreted every time you go to the bathroom, they must be replenished daily. 

This means Dr. Ahmed’s protocol would cost $800 for the first five weeks…

And then nearly $1000 a year for the rest of your life!

“B12 injections are not an affordable option for most people”

 - Dr. Chad Walding

My name is Dr. Chad Walding, Senior Nutrition Expert and Doctor of Physical Therapy for over a decade.

Over the years, I’ve had dozens of patients come to me feeling hopeless and frustrated because they couldn’t find a long-term solution for their tingling, numbness, and pain.

But more importantly, I’ve seen people achieve incredible results with the strengthening powers of B12.

People who’ve gone from taking daily naps to chasing their grandkids around all day…

Men and women who returned to their favorite activities like crossword puzzles and card games with friends because they finally felt confident in their brains again. 

And people who felt like they tried everything for their tingling and pain finally get relief.

But, not all B12 supplements are created equally.

Which is why I set out to create an effective B12 solution that can overcome those absorption battles that naturally happen with age… 

And won’t cost you your life savings. 

So you can support your nervous system and get natural relief from numbness, tingling, pain, and brain fog.


A Dropper-A-Day For Absorbable B12

NativePath Liquid Vitamin B-Complex

With just one dropper-a-day in a glass of water, tea, or straight in your mouth…

Native B-Complex is designed to flood your body with 500 mcg of vitamin B12…

Which has been shown to normalize B12 levels in 90% of older participants in just eight weeks!

Along with 680 mcg of folate for enhanced blood flow!

Thanks to its liquid form in organic flaxseed oil, it is easily broken down and transported throughout your body, so absorption will no longer stand in your way. 

It comes in a delicious, natural raspberry flavor without artificial flavorings, sugars, or dyes, or unnecessary ingredients…

For a clean, pure, and high-quality product to help you get on The Path to better health. 

The NativePath Promise

At NativePath, we prioritize high-quality nutrients for the purest form your body can recognize and absorb. 

While our ancestors lived, moved, and ate in alignment with nature, in our modern world, we've strayed far from this path. 

As a consequence, our collective health has suffered.

That's why we created NativePath - to help people get back on The Path to eating, moving, and living in a way that works with our human nature, not against it.

Bridging the gap between ancestral principles of health and modern science, we've created a suite of nutrition products to help you reclaim a vibrant life. 

Our supplements are inspired by the natural world and the practices of our ancestors, who thrived in harmony with their environment. 

Being on The Path means following a lifestyle that supports your health naturally – and we believe that starts with food. 

But in today's world, it can be difficult to get the nutrients we need through our modern diet alone. 

And B vitamins are no exception.

It is our mission to help make it easier to get back on The Path by making real, whole-food nutrients more accessible through our supplements and health education.

Every ingredient is meticulously selected with the highest standard of purity and excellence to provide supplements that are as close to nature as possible.

And every single ingredient counts.

Unfortunately, other supplement companies cut corners with cheaper, less effective doses of ingredients to increase their profit margins at your expense.

They also use ultra-processed ingredients, including fillers, preservatives, artificial colors, and sugar.

That’s not how we do it at NativePath.

None of this is native to the human body – nor will it help you achieve your health goals in the long run. 

Our products, on the other hand, follow a strict set of guidelines to ensure you’re getting the best products that are as true to human nature as possible.

  • It must contain ZERO filler ingredients. This is a non-negotiable. Artificial ingredients, including colors, preservatives, and chemical sweeteners, are not native to the body and will never be found within NativePath products under any circumstance. 
  • Every ingredient must be backed by science, showing its ability to provide maximum desired benefits. 
  • It must contain the right form and effective dose of every ingredient to make sure that you’re getting the absolute best bioavailability for the results you’re looking for – without burning a hole in your wallet
  • It must be on The Path. Being on The Path means following a lifestyle that supports your health naturally. The easiest way to do that is by addressing our diet. Our products are designed to help you live in alignment with nature by filling in nutritional gaps that exist in our modern world. - That's why every ingredient is as close to its real, whole-food form as possible. That means no ultra-processed ingredients and no GMO's
  • It must meet strict manufacturing guidelines, including GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) testing, screening for contaminants, and dissolution and disintegration testing to ensure it would be easily absorbed.
  • It must be made in the U.S. – Manufacturing supplements in the U.S. ensures safety, quality, and regulatory standards are met, providing trustworthy products for health while supporting American jobs.
  • It must be risk-free for you to try today - At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we offer a Risk-Free 365-Day Return & Refund Policy. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply reach out to our friendly Customer Care Center for return assistance. 

Meeting these standards requires extra time and money, and most supplement companies skimp on these areas. 

It takes hard work to do the right thing and not cut corners. Sometimes, that decision cuts into profits.

But our #1 goal at NativePath is to establish radical trust with you. 

When you see the NativePath logo, we want you to feel confident, knowing that you never have to scrutinize our labels to ensure they’re free of shady ingredients.

We’ve done the work for you. 

And that’s exactly what you can expect with NativePath products. 

Every supplement in our NativePath line is thoughtfully designed to help you regain what has been lost in our modern lifestyle. 

That includes nutrients, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, adaptogens, and so much more.

That’s why we consider our products to be staples for meeting your dietary needs. 

By restoring these nutritional gaps, you can get on The Path to your most vibrant state of living – and stay on The Path. 

That’s why our formula uses the purest form of B vitamins we could find…

So, not only are you getting the highest-grade source of B12, but you’re also getting the total-body benefits of additional B vitamins in every serving. 

And since it's free of soy, gluten, artificial sugar, artificial coloring, and fully compliant with GMP standards…

You can be sure it fits with your lifestyle.

Thanks to high-quality sourcing and the perfect combination of B vitamins as you would find in nature… 

Native B-Complex can support multiple different aspects of your health!

Struggling with ringing in your ears? B12 can help with that too!

If you deal with occasional hearing impairment often brought on by loud noises… 

Or sometimes have a nagging ringing in your ears that is enough to drive you crazy…

It could be another sign of low levels of B12!

You see, your ears are full of nerves, and when they aren’t getting the B12 they need, it can alter their function.

One study on 113 army personnel with ringing in the ears and noise-induced hearing impairment found 47% of them were deficient in B12!  

You can see how supporting healthy nerve function with B12 is crucial to many aspects of your health…

And how simply adding B12 to your daily routine could give you your life back. 

And that’s just the start of the health benefits of B12.

Studies show B12 can also:

  • Boost mood and reduce stress - Because B12 is responsible for the production of your “happy hormones” serotonin and dopamine, it can support a balanced mood and minimize uneasy feelings. 
  • Support heart health - B12 can help lower levels of an amino acid called homocysteine, which can have negative effects on the health of your arteries. This means having more B12 in your system can support a healthy heart!
  • Support vascular health - B12 supplementation has been shown to support arterial function in those with low B12 levels.
  • Support a healthy weight - One study on over 9,000 participants found lower levels of B12 were associated with being overweight, meaning maintaining healthy levels is critical for anyone concerned about their weight.  
  • Improve vision and eye health - Because B12 can minimize oxidative stress and unhealthy inflammation in the nervous system, it has been shown to support vision and eye health, especially in older adults.  
  • Provide all-day energy - Because B12 is essential for cellular energy, insufficient intake can lead to low energy levels and weakness. 

You’ve seen the incredible benefits of B12 for your nerve and cognitive health…

And how it needs folate to make its way through your bloodstream and boost its effectiveness…

But the truth is, B12 and folate are just two of the B vitamins that you need for optimal health. 

At NativePath we believe in full-spectrum vitamins, in combinations that you would find in nature.

That’s why, in addition to B12 and folate, NativePath B Complex contains…

6 Additional B Vitamins For Energy, Metabolism, Immune, & Respiratory Health!

  • Thiamine (B1) - Known as the “anti-stress” vitamin, thiamine can support mood, a general feeling of well-being, and energy levels! It can also support a healthy immune system and inflammation response by reducing aging free radicals.
  • Riboflavin (B2) - Essential for carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism into energy. Its antioxidant effect is vital to a strong immune system!
  • Niacin (B3) - Helps convert food into energy and has been shown to support a healthy cholesterol profile.
  • Pantothenic Acid (B5) - Essential for the breakdown of carbohydrates and fat for use as energy. Can help promote healthy hair, eyes, and skin. 
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - Studies show low B6 levels DOUBLE your risk of heart-related issues! B6 helps provide additional nerve and circulation support, as well as supports a healthy metabolism.
  • Biotin (B7) - Can help support balanced blood sugar levels, promote significant hair growth in women, and increase nail thickness by 25%.

These are the essential nutrients your body needs to keep you vibrant and well into your golden years. 

At This Point, You May Be Wondering How You Can Try Our New Vitamin B-Complex Yourself…

At NativePath, we’re committed to getting high-quality nutrients without any unnecessary additives or chemicals into as many hands as possible. 

And we don’t want money to ever come between you and your health. 

That’s why we’re offering a limited-time launch discount…

Where you can stock up on B-Complex for as low as $17 per bottle.

That’s a whopping 57% OFF the normal retail price!

We’ll even pick up the shipping cost.

That’s right… You get FREE shipping on today’s order.

So, how much B-Complex do you need to take in order to reap its benefits?

Studies show 500 mcg of B12 was enough to reach optimal levels in 90% of older men and women. 

Which is why we recommend 1 dropper-a-day, morning or night. 

That said, B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning they need to be replenished every day. 

Thus, I recommend long-term daily use of B-Complex to help ensure that one’s B12 levels are maintained for good. 

The benefits of B-Complex’s strengthening powers are only truly realized when they’re taken day-after-day and month-after-month.

Simply put, B12, folate, and B vitamins are no “miracle supplement”...

B vitamins like these only work if you…

  • Take it on a consistent daily basis. Simply take a dropper-a-day.
  • Take the right amount for the results you want. By taking at least one serving every day, you’re giving your body the B12 it needs to support nerve, blood flow, and brain health.
  • Take it for the proper amount of time. Clinical studies show that as you consistently achieve optimal B12 status, the greater your health will be.

In other words, adding a little bit of B vitamins into your diet here and there isn’t going to cut it. 

Consistency is key. 

You need to make sure you’re getting enough into your diet every single day.

Which is why I recommend my clients to:

  • Start with at least 3 bottles of B-Complex at a time.
  • And 6 bottles if they want to be completely safe. 
  • Then take it every single day.

And there’s never been a better time to secure your supply of our premium B-Complex than now.

Right now when you take advantage of our 6 bottle package of B-Complex…

Not only will you lock in our special launch pricing of $17 per bottle...

But you will also receive FREE SHIPPING!

If you’re committed to the long-lasting benefits of B vitamins, like better blood flow, concentration, and memory…

It’s important to recognize that B vitamins are something that need to be replenished every single day.

Which is why I highly suggest you take our 6-bottle supply and secure our largest discount of 57% OFF!

This is only $17 per bottle and is the absolute lowest price you can get. 

Just 1 Dropper-A-Day Keeps The Pins & Needles Away!

Native B-Complex comes in a natural raspberry flavor that is delicious when added to water, tea, or straight into your mouth! 

Thanks to the liquid form and optimal combination of B vitamins, this is the most absorbable B-Complex we’ve seen on the market! 

Here’s what’s going to happen next:

When you click on the “CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE” button below, you'll be able to select your desired amount of B-Complex. From there, you can proceed to our safe and secure checkout page where you can complete your order.

And even better...

Introducing our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we now offer a 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee every time you purchase. 

That means you have an entire year to try out your B-Complex, and if you don’t feel the difference or if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, you may return unopened products from your most recent order to us within 365 days of the day it is delivered to your door. 

Simply call our friendly Customer Care Center toll-free at 1(800) 819-2993 for assistance.

Rest assured you can order with confidence in knowing that your purchase is backed by our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Exclusive Launch Special:

Try Native B-Complex Risk-Free Today For Up To 57% OFF!

One Time Purchase










TOTAL $63 $120.00

TOTAL $32 $40.00

TOTAL $102 $240.00




Due to the supply and demand for high-quality B vitamins, we can’t offer this incredibly low price to everyone because it would cause stock issues. 

So if you're reading this, the good news is we still have enough in stock to offer our 57% OFF discount...

Which means NOW is the time to take action.

Because the truth is, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, there's nothing more painful than the look of disappointment and regret in patients who've missed the boat...

Who've told themselves they'll do everything in their power to stay healthy...

To give their body, mind, and soul everything they need...

But, then push comes to shove...

They vanish.

I realize this is a bit of tough love, but the way I see it, it's necessary.

That's why we formulated our product to be the most pure and potent source of B vitamins on the market – in the perfect combination.

To make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself (without burning a hole in your wallet).

All that's left is for you to get on The Path. 

Click the button below now:

365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Thank you for your time today. 

Dr. Chad Walding

Co-Founder, NativePath

PS. If you're still here, you might have some questions:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What makes NativePath B-Complex different from others?

Unlike other isolated B vitamins, B-Complex contains a combination of high-quality B-vitamins that work together to optimize nerve, brain, and circulatory health.

The liquid form makes it more readily absorbed by your body, helping you reach optimal levels with just a dropper-a-day!

It doesn’t undergo massive processing like most supplements, or have any added sugars. 

Q: How much should I order?

Our biggest savings is our 6 bottle package which you will get at an unbeatable price of just $17 per bottle.

Plus, with a 6 bottle supply, you will have more than enough B-Complex to use daily without worrying about running out.

Q: What does B-Complex taste like?

NativePath B-Complex has a natural raspberry flavor. Some people say it tastes like a berry popsicle or berry sherbet. It’s delicious when added to water, tea, or simply straight into your mouth!

Q: How does it work?

Vitamin B12 becomes increasingly difficult for the body to absorb as you age. 

As a refresher, B12 is vital to healthy nerve function and to prevent age-related brain shrinkage. Studies show when combined with other B vitamins, particularly folate, the benefits of B12 are increased!

Consistently replenishing B vitamins is linked with minimized pins & needles, improved blood flow, healthier heart, a decrease in inflammation, and minimized signs of aging!

Q: How many servings are in each jar?

Each bottle of NativePath B-Complex contains 30 servings.

Q: What is the best way to use this product?

Take one serving daily or as recommended by a healthcare professional.

Q: How long do I have to use this product before I see results?

Many folks notice results in energy levels shortly after boosting B12 levels! 

But, in order to experience the nerve regenerative properties – as well as brain function, circulation, and heart health – it is mission critical that you’re getting the proper amount of B vitamins in your diet every day. 

For this reason, it’s smart to stock up on a larger supply of B-Complex so you can experience the full long-term benefits without the risk of running out. 

Q: How soon can I expect to receive my order?

You can expect to receive your order within 7-10 business days.

Q: Is it really safe to order this product from this online website?

Yes. Our website is protected by Trust-Guard, an online PCI Compliant Security Scanner software that prohibits security holes from compromising your shopping experience. The Security-Scanned seal is intended to inform shoppers that our business is certified and trusted as safe, and responsible.

Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

Many folks begin to see and feel a difference shortly after their first few uses.

However, we want to make sure there’s absolutely no risk involved when it comes to investing in any of our NativePath products.

That’s why you can try B-Complex for a full 365 days and if for any reason you're not completely satisfied, simply contact our Customer Care team to begin the return process for a full refund on any unopened bottles.. Rest assured, you can complete your order today knowing that you're protected by our risk-free 365-day “Feel Better” guarantee.

Q: What are the ingredients?

Q: Can I get this product on Amazon?

No. B-Complex is only available through this exclusive website.

Q: How long will this special launch discount last?

Due to the limited and tedious sourcing process of high-quality B vitamins, our launch discount offer will likely not last long and it can be deactivated without notice at any time. So, if you’re even a little curious about what this unique B vitamin formula can do for you, now is the best time to stock up and save big on NativePath B-Complex while it’s available at our lowest-ever online price.

NativePath B-Complex

Absorbable B Vitamin Formula

Discount:Save Up To 57% Today 

Go ahead and order your 6, 3, or 1 bottle supply of B-Complex by choosing one of the packages you see below.

Our 6 bottle package is the best way to stock up at the lowest price.

Since you need B vitamins every day to maintain nerve, circulation, and brain health, it’s wise to keep a large supply of this product handy. That’s why we are offering our best deal to those who are most committed to experiencing the best long-term results.

The 6 bottle package allows you to save 57% – that means you’ll be locking in the perfect supply for full results at our absolute best possible price of just $0.57/serving.

You’ll also get FREE SHIPPING!

Once you begin using B-Complex and experience the difference in your numbness, tingling, brain power, and more, you’ll never want to be without the breakthrough. 

That’s why the smartest option is a multi-bottle supply. That way, you’ll have more than enough to continue using it while securing our absolute best price. 

Launch Special: Save Up to 57%

B-Complex Absorbable B Vitamin Formula

One Time Purchase










TOTAL $63 $120.00

TOTAL $32 $40.00

TOTAL $102 $240.00




365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Safe & Secure Checkout

FREE Shipping On All U.S. Orders

Customer results have not been independently verified. Results may vary.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

© 2024 NativePath

114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993