Never Ignore These Signs Of A Bloated, Toxic Belly
Top doctor reveals an odd “coconut trick” to eliminate bulging belly
Dr. Chad Walding, DPT
NativePath Co-Founder
Dear friend,
Do you suffer from embarrassing gas, stinky farts or a big bulging belly?
If the answer is "yes", the cause might surprise you…
Experts are now pointing to a little-known condition…
It’s called toxic overload.
And yes, it’s just as gross as it sounds.
Research now suggests that many older adults are full of toxic, rotting wastes… and most don't even know it…
You see, toxic wastes build up inside our gut over time from our food, water, and environment.
Leading to constant bloating, excess gas, constipation and a pregnant-looking belly.
Gone unchecked, this toxic overload can turn your gut into a landfill of putrid, rotting garbage…
Unless you do something to get rid of it.
So if you have a large, protruding belly…
It may not just be your diet… Or your age…
There’s a strong possibility that toxic overload is secretly behind it.
But, what exactly is toxic overload?
You might not realize this, but…
We are exposed to hundreds and thousands of toxins through food, our homes and workplaces, and our environment…
Therefore, toxic load refers to the accumulation of toxins, heavy metals and chemicals in our bodies that we unknowingly ingest from our environment.
And they can cause embarrassing (and downright harmful) effects to our body if we don’t do something to get rid of them.
What’s worse…
Just by living and breathing…
We are constantly being exposed to toxins all the time.
Even the simplest of daily routines can expose one to common pollutants found in the water we drink, food we eat, and air we breathe.
The Body's Toxic Load
Our Bodies Can absorb a Fixed Amount Of Toxins in our Lifetimes
Here's where it gets serious...
While our liver, kidneys and lymphatic system play a major role in removing biologically harmful compounds…
Our bodies have not evolved to deal with the growing number of toxins we unknowingly interact with every day.
Detoxification systems can easily become overwhelmed, causing toxin overload.
This happens when your body has taken in more toxins than it can process.
When this happens, real damage is imminent…
Since our gut is where most of our toxic wastes are held, it makes sense that toxin overload would lead to a distended, bloated stomach.
But, noticeable swelling or “ballooning” in the midsection is only the first warning sign...
As such…
Many older adults are walking around with a toxic landfill in their belly that is expanding every year…
Leading some health experts to believe that…
“Garbage gut” is the new “beer belly”.
And these trapped, fermented wastes are the real cause of bloating, gas and stomach pain.
But, toxic overload doesn’t just cause a bloated-looking stomach…
It’s much more serious than that.
This toxic build up affects nearly every process in the body.
Here’s what really happens when your belly becomes toxic…
Toxic overload can cause a number of nightmarish changes in your body.
In the early stages, your body tries to expel those toxins by any means necessary.
You may experience…
- Intense bloating (leading to a pregnant-looking belly)
- Stinky farts
- Occasional diarrhea
- Excessive urination
- Sore throat
- Occasional heartburn or indigestion
- Mucus overproduction
Many people notice changes to their body odor or excessively oily skin, as well, since their bodies are acting to purge those toxins through their pores.
As the toxins gradually accumulate in your system, you may also find impairment to some of your faculties…
Most people experience fatigue, memory difficulties, sleep impairment, eczema (and other inflammatory conditions like gout), joint pain, unexplained weight gain, depression, or “brain fog”.
Dangers Of Toxic Deposits In Your Body
Even worse, certain toxins can disrupt the very hormones that control our metabolism…
This class of toxins are known as endocrine disruptors.
The most common endocrine disruptors can be found in our everyday hygiene products, detergents, tupperware and so on…
Gone unchecked, endocrine disruptors can “turn off” the hormones that control metabolic function.
Ultimately making it impossible to lose weight – no matter how strict your diet is or how much you exercise.
For these reasons, it’s imperative to cleanse toxins and chemicals routinely from the body.
This process is called detoxification.
By now it’s easy to see why regularly detoxing your body is mission critical…
The good news is, you don’t have to do a juice cleanse or fast for days to effectively detox your body from toxin overload…
Fortunately, researchers discovered an odd “coconut trick” that vacuums up toxins in your body and binds them together – allowing you to easily poop them out.
What is this so-called “coconut trick”?
It’s actually less of a trick and more of a science-based tool that’s flown under the radar…
Until now.
It’s called activated charcoal.
What is activated charcoal?
As early as 1500 BCE, the ancient Egyptians documented several kinds of charcoal for various therapeutic uses such as for healing wounds, to remove odors and for problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
What we now know is that they were using a special “activated” form of charcoal.
Today, activated charcoal is created by the controlled decomposition of carbon-based compounds, such as coconut shells, bamboo, wood or vegetable matter.
The safest, most effective and most scientifically proven form used today is coconut shells.
To make this special form of charcoal, the coconut shells are “activated” with gasses at high temperatures, which expands its surface.
This results in a very porous final product, which allows it to rapidly trap toxins.
But, it shouldn’t be confused with barbeque charcoal…
What is the difference between charcoal and activated charcoal?
Well, for one thing, barbecue charcoal contains many toxins and chemicals, which is why it should never be consumed.
Activated charcoal is made from natural sources, like coconut shells, and it’s used as a natural way to cleanse the body of chemicals that build up over time and deplete your health.
After charcoal is activated, it’s compressed down into a fine powder form where it can easily be taken in a supplement form.
It’s so powerful at detoxing the body that it’s even been used medicinally for major conditions, like poisoning and overdoses.
By far the most popular activated charcoal use is for the safe and effective elimination of toxins, otherwise known as detoxification.
Since our gut is where most of our toxic wastes are held, activated charcoal can offer big benefits for digestive health.
It's used to reduce bloating and gas, improve cholesterol, treat bile flow problems, and even promote healthy aging.
But, before we get into the research-backed benefits, you might be wondering…
How does activated charcoal “detox” the body?
The science behind how activated charcoal works its detoxifying magic is intriguing.
As you just learned, the process of “activating” the charcoal involves exposing it to ultra-high temperatures.
This action creates thousands of tiny microscopic pits on the surface of the charcoal.
This gives it a “honeycomb-like” consistency, and it is these tiny gaps that provide the beneficial impact.
When activated charcoal comes into contact with impurities like stomach gas or toxins, these are trapped into the tiny gaps found on the particle surfaces.
They are essentially locking away these impurities safely and allowing them to be passed swiftly in normal digestive processes.
In simple terms…
Activated charcoal works by trapping toxins and chemicals in its millions of tiny pores.
But, it doesn’t actually absorb the toxins…
Instead, it works through the chemical process of adsorption.
In the body, absorption is a process by which nutrients, chemicals and toxins, are soaked up into the bloodstream.
Adsorption on the other hand is the chemical reaction where elements bind to a surface.
Like a sponge, absorption refers to the “soaking up” of substances within the body. It doesn’t necessarily help eliminate the toxins, though. That’s why when it comes to ridding the body of toxins, it’s important to use a compound that boosts adsorption, like activated charcoal.
The process of binding or “trapping” toxins so they can easily be passed through stool. Thanks to activated charcoal's large porous makeup, it helps bind wastes to its surface area for fast, effective elimination.
The porous surface of activated charcoal has a negative electric charge that causes positive-charged toxins and gas to bond with it.
These nooks and crannies that enhance toxin elimination inside the body are the result of a heating process, which is what allows the charcoal’s “activation.”
In other words…
Activated charcoal “sucks up” toxins and chemicals and contains them like a vacuum cleaner, allowing your body to quickly and conveniently dump them out.

Thus, the toxins and chemicals get trapped in your gut and then are eliminated through stool instead of being absorbed into your body.
For this reason, activated charcoal is very effective at adsorbing gasses, which can help reduce flatulence, stinky odor and excess gas.
To put it frankly… Activated charcoal traps the toxins and binds them together so you can easily poop them out.
That’s what makes it different from any other detox method you’ve ever heard of…
It doesn’t absorb toxins…
it actually works to bind them together, so your body can eliminate them through your stool.
Thus, allowing you to decrease the toxic overload and deflate your bloated belly fast and effectively.
But, the science-based benefits of activated charcoal don’t stop there…
✔︎ Toxin Removal
One of the most common activated charcoal uses is to remove toxins and chemicals. Toxins we accumulate from our environment – including pesticides, mercury, fertilizer and bleach – bind to activated charcoal’s surface, allowing for quicker elimination, while preventing their absorption in the body.
✔︎ Digestive cleanse
Environmental factors, including pesticides on food, chemicals in the water we drink and exposure to mold, create a toxic burden – aka toxin overload – in our bodies. It’s important to routinely cleanse the GI tract to support overall health and wellness.
Activated charcoal can help promote a healthy digestive tract by removing toxins that cause allergic reactions, oxidative damage, metabolic damage, weight gain, bloating and poor immune function.
By removing the toxins from your system, you can even reduce joint pain, increase energy and increase mental function.
✔︎ Eliminate gas and stinky farts
Activated charcoal uses adsorption to trap gas molecules on its surface and in its widened pores.
One recent study reports that taking activated charcoal 8 hours before an abdominal ultrasound significantly reduces the amount of gas in your gut, making it easier to get a clear ultrasound image.
Activated charcoal’s ability to trap gas also results in less odorous flatulence. By binding sulfuric gasses to its surface, activated charcoal greatly reduces unwanted smells. Additionally, activated charcoal can trap the bacteria and toxins that cause the gas. Once the activated charcoal traps the bacteria, the gas-causing agents are expelled.
✔︎ Bloating
Although some bloating may be related to excess gas production, bloating may also be a sign of a more serious problem: inflammation caused by harmful gut bacteria.
According to many studies, several species of harmful bacteria can disrupt the typical colonic bacterial makeup, leading to inflammation. Fortunately, activated charcoal can reduce this inflammation by trapping and eliminating these harmful toxins.
By removing toxins, you can support a healthy inflammatory response in the gut which can help eliminate bloating.
✔︎ Anti-aging
Activated charcoal not only helps the digestive tract, but it can also detox our organs.
Uses include helping reduce cellular damage to the kidneys and liver, as well as supporting healthy adrenal glands.
It’s imperative to cleanse toxins and chemicals routinely from the body. Activated charcoal benefits major organs by helping the body flush out the toxins and chemicals that cause the internal damage. Studies show that it’s able to remove organic and inorganic compounds from the body, and it tightly binds with metallic compounds.
Aging is a natural part of life, but due to the toxic load we are exposed to through food, our homes and workplaces, and our environment, to prevent premature aging we must get rid of them.
✔︎ Cholesterol health
Activated charcoal may help improve cholesterol levels. Research suggests that activated charcoal may bind to cholesterol and cholesterol-containing bile acids in your gut, preventing them from being absorbed*.
In one older study, taking 24 grams of activated charcoal per day for 4 weeks lowered total and LDL (bad) cholesterol by 25% each while raising HDL (good) cholesterol by 8%*.
In another, taking 4–32 grams of activated charcoal daily helped reduce total and LDL (bad) cholesterol by 29–41% in those with high cholesterol levels. Larger doses were most effective*.
✔︎ Detoxing from mold
Activated charcoal can help rid your body of almost all unwanted toxins, including mold mycotoxins and other harmful gasses.
We tend to think of mold as a substance that lives outside of our bodies, but if we're frequently in an environment where mold is present, quite the opposite might be true.
Older homes, especially ones that have flooded in the past or have poor ventilation systems, can be prone to mold, and as you live and breathe in that house, the mold can enter into your system.
It can be quite toxic, causing mood disorders, vomiting, or respiratory distress, and using activated charcoal will help to cleanse your body of it.
“With 91+ studies as validation, activated charcoal truly is one of nature's most miraculous detoxifiers... As long as you’re using its most potent form.”
As I mentioned, my name is Dr. Chad Walding, Doctor of Physical Therapy and co-founder of NativePath.
For the past decade, I've been battling big pharma on the frontline by providing natural solutions to my follower's health concerns... Leading a health revolution more than 70,000 strong on Facebook...
And by now, you see how supplementing with activated charcoal could be the answer to clearing your body from the toxin overload that’s been piling up in your gut for decades…
Leading to better digestion, less bloating, reduced gas, easier weight loss, improved cholesterol and so much more…
In fact, it's a MUST-HAVE for a health-conscious individual like yourself...
Because believe it or not, you deserve to live your golden years to the fullest – free from the harmful side effects of carrying around pounds of trapped toxins…
The reality is this:
You can detox your body naturally, reset your gut and flatten your midsection at any age.
Which is why at NativePath, we’ve worked tirelessly to provide you with the most potent and pure form of nature’s #1 detoxifier on the market – which we call NativePath Activated Charcoal.
We designed NativePath Activated Charcoal to detox your body from the toxins and chemicals we accumulate every day.
That’s why we believe NativePath Activated Charcoal to be the most important supplement you can take to get rid of toxin build up and maintain total body wellness at any age.
Because NativePath Activated Charcoal:
- Contains 1,000 mg of activated charcoal powder – to trap harmful toxins in your gut and eliminate them through stool instead of being absorbed into your body.
- Derived from raw coconut shells – Unlike many other types of activated charcoal, coconut-shell activated charcoal has a large surface area and higher density of micropores. Thus, allowing for maximum detoxification.
- Naturally promotes detoxification – The properties of NativePath Activated Charcoal cleanse the body of toxins and chemicals that build up over time and deplete your health. Regularly detoxing your body can help promote gut health, reduce bloating, improve metabolic and immune function – and so much more.
- Eliminates bloating and excess gas – Activated charcoal works by absorbing gas in the digestive system. Because charcoal is not digested, it stays inside the gastrointestinal system and eliminates the toxins it has adsorbed when you pass stool.
- Contains ZERO junk. It’s 100% free of artificial ingredients, preservatives and binders and is also non-GMO.

- Is made in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified facility in the USA. NativePath Activated Charcoal is 3rd party tested to ensure purity & potency.
- Great value and no-risk. You can experience the NativePath difference from only $0.53 a day! Meaning you’ll keep more of your hard earned dollars. What’s more, it’s 100% risk-free. When you place your order today, you’ll have a full 365 days to experience the wide array of detoxifying benefits. And if you aren’t THRILLED with the results, we’ll happily help you with your return – no questions asked.
The clinical results of activated charcoal are nothing short of astonishing…
Just imagine no longer feeling bloated all the time…
Looking in the mirror and seeing a flatter stomach…
Never again having to worry about embarrassing, smelly gas…
Or the painful “bubble gut” feeling after every meal you eat…
Imagine being able to simply “poop” out all the toxic wastes that have been building up in your belly for years…
Or even decades…
What's more: feeling more confident, inside and out.
And with every dose of NativePath Activated Charcoal you take, you’ll feel less bloated, and more happy and healthy in your body.
That's just how effective our detoxifying NativePath Activated Charcoal formula is.
Don't let this opportunity pass you by.
If any of this sounds like the future you want to wake up to, the time to act is now.
Because you simply can't get this level of purity and potency anywhere else.
At this point, you're probably wondering the best way to incorporate the detoxifying power of activated charcoal into your day?
Activated charcoal has become so popular that it’s available in many different forms such as activated charcoal capsules, powders, liquids, and personal care products.
When it comes to detoxing your digestive tract, alleviating gas and reducing bloating – taking an encapsulated powder form derived from coconut shells can be most helpful.
While activated charcoal supplements can be sourced from bamboo, peat or other types of vegetable mass, by far the most effective form is derived from coconut shells.
Because coconut shell activated charcoal has a large surface area, it has a higher density of micropores which allows for maximum adsorption and detoxification.
That’s why we used 100% raw coconut-shells in our premium NativePath Activated Charcoal capsules.
There's just one downside...
The process of “activating” this form of charcoal has its challenges.
The coconut shells have to be treated with gasses at high temperatures in order to develop the microscopic holes, which increase its surface area.
Through this careful process, the coconut shells become porous. This porous final product is what traps the toxins in your gut so your body can eliminate the harmful wastes through stool instead of being absorbed into your body.
The tedious extraction and heating process of the coconut shells can add weeks (sometimes months) onto manufacturing processes.
Plus, activated charcoal products that are doing clinical research, or third-party testing for quality assurance, are going to be more expensive to source. You’re paying for quality.
To make matters worse… Inflation has caused massive spikes in freight costs, fuel and in shipping…
On top of that…
We have hundreds of customers who are already asking to place large pre-orders…
Of course, this is a good problem to have, but…
The expected increases in order volume will likely put an even BIGGER strain on production.
As a result, it’s very possible that we won’t be able to make this offer to all of our valued NativePath customers due to stock restrictions…
Lucky for you, we set aside a private supply with your name on it.
Since we know how much you care about your wellbeing, you are getting priority access to our new NativePath Activated Charcoal.
Where you can stock up on NativePath Activated Charcoal for as low as $16 per bottle.
That’s a whopping 56% OFF!
Plus, when you take advantage of this special launch offer you’ll also be guaranteed to get our absolute best discount – even if it costs us more to make our NativePath Activated Charcoal down the road.
Which it probably will with the way inflation is going.
We’ll even pick up the shipping cost.
That’s right… You get FREE shipping on today’s order.
Of course, you have a full 365 days to try NativePath Activated Charcoal and if you are not completely satisfied you can reach out to our friendly Customer Care Team for assistance.
Zero risk, zero hassle – complete convenience. That’s how we do business.
This is incredible news since myself along with many experts believe the detoxifying power of activated charcoal to be mission-critical for supporting digestion, metabolic and immune health as you age.
So, how much activated charcoal do you need to take in order to reap its benefits?
Thanks to the unique properties found only in activated charcoal, it works to bind to toxins, gasses and harmful chemicals in the body – which in turn, helps you eliminate them in your stool instead of absorbing them in your body.
When you detox your body, your digestion, metabolism, and immune function thrive.
Bottom line: supplementing with activated charcoal can be incredibly helpful for eliminating toxins and embarrassing gas – provided it’s used properly.
It’s important to take your serving at least two hours before or after medication or other supplements. This is because it can affect their absorption.
If you regularly struggle with digestive issues such as bloating, gas and constipation, you might consider using NativePath Activated Charcoal to help clear toxin load.
Furthermore, it can help you avoid toxic overload from your environment.
Especially if you live in an area with poor air-quality, or you live in an older home, or are concerned about contaminants in your government-regulated tap water – activated charcoal is the best protection to have on hand.
Here are other ideal ways to use Activated Charcoal:
- Take it with you when you travel: Traveling can be stressful on our bodies, not to mention, subject us to foreign pathogens. Taking Activated Charcoal is a smart way to protect your body from any bacteria or harmful toxins picked up during traveling.
- Take it after you eat not-so-healthy foods: If you ate something and feel an upset stomach coming on, Activated Charcoal can be helpful to clear it out fast.
- Take it during and after the holidays: Splurged on sweets or alcohol over the holiday season? Reset your gut with Activated Charcoal.
Once you experience the benefits, you won’t want to ever go without it.
As I said before, NativePath Activated Charcoal is no “miracle” supplement...
Activated charcoal works best if you…
- Take the proper dose. Simply take one serving with a large glass of water two hours before taking any supplements or medications or eating any food.
- Take it on an empty stomach. To make sure it only binds with toxins, gasses and unwanted materials, make sure you take NativePath Activated Charcoal on an empty stomach.
- Use it as needed. For continued digestive detox relief, you can use NativePath Activated Charcoal for detoxification, for traveling, after indulging in sweets and alcohol and for regular cleaning.
Fast-Acting Digestive Detox Relief

NativePath Activated Charcoal binds unwanted toxins and gas in the digestive tract for fast, effective detoxification.
Each serving contains 1000 mg of coconut-shell derived charcoal per serving and in an easy to take capsule form – no messy powder required.
- Helps eliminate toxins
- Reduce bloating
- Remove excess gas

NativePath Activated Charcoal is so effective at cleansing your body, that you’ll never want to be without this detoxifying breakthrough…
And because we are constantly interacting with toxins on a daily basis, it’s important to always have a supply of NativePath Activated Charcoal handy.
Which is why I recommend my clients to:
- Start with at least 3 bottles of NativePath Activated Charcoal at a time.
- And 6 bottles if they want to be completely safe.
- Then take it for regular detoxification, or when traveling, or after eating an unhealthy meal.
And there’s never been a better time to secure your supply of NativePath Activated Charcoal than now…
Because so many studies show that using activated charcoal can be incredibly helpful for relieving gas, bloating and other digestive issues…
We wanted as many people as possible to have access to this powerful natural detoxifier.
Unfortunately, with the high-demand of activated charcoal and long lead time for production – we are only able to fulfill a limited number of orders each month…
But that’s where the good news comes in…
As an exclusive launch special, we’ve set aside a very limited-supply of NativePath Activated Charcoal just for you…
And are giving you the chance to secure your supply now at up to 56% OFF!
Right now when you take advantage of our 6 bottle package of NativePath Activated Charcoal…
Not only will you lock-in our special launch pricing of $16 per bottle...
But you will also receive FREE SHIPPING!
You will also lock in our biggest discount and receive the perfect supply needed to experience full results.
That means you can enjoy the deep, cleansing benefits of our premium activated charcoal formula without ever worrying about running out.
This special launch price is first come first serve…
Once you leave this page, we will not be able to offer this exclusive deal ever again.
As a special “new product” launch promotion, we reserved an exclusive 56% launch discount on this page only
At NativePath, we don't believe you should spend an arm and leg for good health.
Especially considering if you calculate the money wasted on overpriced colon cleanses or over the counter digestive aids…
Add in the time, energy, and resources spent googling how to naturally clean out your gut…
And it'd easily add up into the thousands, if not MORE.
But you won't be paying that today.
In fact…
Am I crazy for making NativePath Activated Charcoal this affordable?
Listen: I’ve given you a 56% OFF discount for a few reasons…
Firstly, in today’s economy I understand it can be a struggle to make ends meet… Especially for those on a fixed income.
You shouldn’t have to choose between paying your electric bill or taking care of your body and health.
Besides, this small investment in your health today could end up saving you thousands of dollars on future medical bills.
Bottom line: I don’t want money to ever come between you and your health.
Secondly… Because we are so confident in the benefits of this product, we are offering our best-ever launch discount price to a limited number of loyal NativePath customers.
Which is exactly why with our exclusive launch discount, we’re letting you stock up on NativePath Activated Charcoal for as low as just $16 per bottle.
This is the absolute best price we can afford to sell NativePath Activated Charcoal for – and unfortunately, we can not offer this incredible deal for long.
This special launch discount will only be available for the first 250 customers who purchase today.
After that, NativePath Activated Charcoal will only be available at the full retail price of $36 per bottle. That’s a big difference considering you can grab your supply for as low as $16 right now!
Best of all, there's no risk involved since our 365-Day Money Back Guarantee has you covered for a full year.
This is a no-brainer if you ask me.
All that's left is for you to come and join us.
So, if you’re ready to experience the NativePath difference yourself… And finally get on the Path…
Here’s what’s going to happen next:
If you’re ready to try NativePath Activated Charcoal, simply click on the “Get Activated Charcoal” button below.
From there, you can select your desired amount and proceed to our safe and secure checkout page where you can complete your order.
And even better…
Introducing our 365-Day Money Back Guarantee
At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we now offer a 365-Day Money Back Guarantee every time you purchase.
That means you have an entire year to try out your NativePath Activated Charcoal, and if you don’t feel the difference or if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, you may return unopened products from your most recent order to us within 365 days of the day it is delivered to your door.

If you don’t feel the difference or if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, simply call our friendly Customer Care Center toll-free at 1(800) 819-2993 for assistance.
Rest assured you can order with confidence in knowing that your purchase is backed by our 365-Day Money Back Guarantee.
You've got nothing to lose… Except those pesky toxins, excessive gas and uncomfortable bloating!
Are you ready to get started?
Because in a few days from now… Your order of NativePath Activated Charcoal will arrive right to your doorstep.
Then... get ready.
Because after your very first serving… You can relax and kick your feet up… Because you’ve just done the most IMPORTANT thing you could do for your long-term health for the rest of the day.
And within as early as your first few days...
Don't be surprised if you wake up with a slight smirk because, for the first time in decades, you actually feel GREAT...
You don’t feel the same gassy, bloated belly after eating meals…
The “heavy” feeling of not being able to go number two is gone…
And you’re even noticing your clothes are starting to fit a bit more loosely…
And you’re finally starting to feel like your younger self again…
More importantly...
Finally enjoying quality time with loved ones without your digestive troubles getting in the way...
All of this - and MORE - is waiting for you when you grab NativePath Activated Charcoal today for as low as 56% OFF.
NativePath Activated Charcoal
Launch Discount:Save Up To 56% Off Today & Get FREE Shipping
Go ahead and order your 6, 3, or 1 bottle supply of NativePath Activated Charcoal by choosing one of the packages you see below.
Our six-bottle package is by far our most popular.
Since you need to regularly detox your digestive tract once a month to keep your body of clear of toxins, it’s wise to keep a good supply of this product handy. That’s why we are offering our best deal to those who are most committed to experiencing the best long-term results.
The 6 bottle package allows you to save 56% – that means you’ll be locking in the perfect supply for full results at our absolute best possible price of just $0.53/serving.
You’ll also get FREE SHIPPING on this order.
Once folks begin using NativePath Activated Charcoal and experience the difference in their bloating, gas and regularity, they never want to be without the breakthrough.
That’s why they typically grab a multi-bottle supply, that way they have more than enough to continue using it while securing our absolute best price.
Special Launch Price Expires In:

1 Bottle
6 Bottles
3 Bottles

365-Day Money Back Guarantee
Safe & Secure Checkout
FREE Shipping On All U.S. Orders
NativePath Activated Charcoal is your one-way ticket to reclaiming a vibrant body & life... And I reserved a supply with your name on it!
The one catch?
We are only offering this special launch price for a limited-time.
Due to the supply and demand for high-quality activated charcoal, we’re only able to offer this incredibly low price to our first 250 customers today.
So if you're reading this, the good news is we still have enough in stock to offer our 56% OFF launch discount...
Which means NOW is the time to take action.
Because the truth is, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, there's nothing more painful than the look of disappointment and regret in patients who've missed the boat...
Who've told themselves they'll do everything in their power to stay healthy...
To give their body, mind, and soul everything it needs...
But, when push comes to shove...
They vanish.
I realize this is a bit of tough love, but the way I see it, it's necessary.
That's why we formulated our product to be the most pure and potent source of activated charcoal on the market.
To make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself (without burning a hole in your wallet).
All that's left is for you to get on The Path.
Click the button below now:
365 Day Money Back Guarantee
Thank you for your time today.

Dr. Chad Walding
Co-Founder, NativePath
PS. If you're still here, you might have some questions:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What makes NativePath Activated Charcoal different from others?
While other activated charcoal products contain a blend of different sources, NativePath Activated Charcoal uses only 100% coconut-shells – which offer the highest potency when it comes to toxin absorption.
Q: How much should I order?
Our best value and most popular quantity is our 6 bottle package which you will get at an unbeatable price of just $16 per bottle.
Plus, with a 6 bottle supply, you will have more than enough NativePath Activated Charcoal to have on hand without worrying about running out.
Q: How does it work?
NativePath Activated Charcoal works by binding unwanted materials and gas in the digestive tract. As such, it’s considered to be nature’s #1 natural detoxifier.
Q: How many servings are in each bottle?
Each bottle of NativePath Activated Charcoal contains 30 servings.
Q: What is the best way to use this product?
Take one serving (2 capsules) one or two times daily, at least 1-2 hours before/after meals or as recommended by a healthcare professional.
Again, it is important to take activated charcoal apart from all foods, medicine, and supplements. Taking it at least 1-2 hours apart from everything else ensures that the charcoal binds to toxins instead of food or medication.
Caution: Not to be taken at the same time as medications or other dietary supplements. If pregnant or nursing, consult a healthcare professional before use. This product is not intended as a treatment for accidental poisoning. Keep out of reach of children.
Q: How long do I have to use this product before I see results?
Many folks notice subtle results as early as their first 5-7 days of use.
But in order to continue managing toxin overload, it’s a good idea to keep activated charcoal handy. Taking it regularly will help ensure toxins remain cleared from your system.
For this reason it’s smart to stock up on a larger supply of NativePath Activated Charcoal so you can experience the full benefits without the risk of running out.
Q: How soon can I expect to receive my order?
You can expect to receive your order within 7-10 business days.
Q: Is it really safe to order this product from this online website?
Yes. Our website is protected by Trust-Guard, an online PCI Compliant Security Scanner software that prohibits security holes from compromising your shopping experience. The Security-Scanned seal is intended to inform shoppers that our business is certified and trusted as safe, responsible, and totally awesome.
Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?
Many folks begin to see and feel a difference shortly after their first week of use.
However, we want to make sure there’s absolutely no risk involved when it comes to investing in any of our NativePath products.
That’s why you can try NativePath Activated Charcoal for a full 365 days and if for any reason you're not completely satisfied, simply contact our Customer Care team to begin the return process. Rest assured, you can complete your order today knowing that you're protected by our risk-free 365-Day Money Back Guarantee.
Q: Can I get this product on Amazon?
No. NativePath Activated Charcoal is only available through this exclusive website.
Q: How long will this special launch discount last?
Due to the limited and tedious sourcing process of activated charcoal, our launch discount offer will likely not last long and it can be deactivated without notice at any time. So, if you’re even a little curious about what activated charcoal can do for you, now is the best time to stock up and save big on NativePath Activated Charcoal while it’s available at our lowest-ever online price.
365 Day Money Back Guarantee
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.
© 2025 NativePath
114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993