Let me tell you about a

Secret “Antarctic” Solution

to Your Swollen Feet Problem…



Swollen feet and ankles are GONE!


“I have been adding this to my diet for 2 weeks and my swollen feet and ankles are gone. The fluid has not been coming back. I am just thrilled with the results!”

-Joni H. on 08/28/2022

Customer results have not been independently verified. Individual results may vary.

If You’ve Tried Compression Socks, Water Pills, or Adjusting Your Supplements…

And you STILL struggle with painful, puffy feet…

Don’t lose hope. 

Stay with me here for the best news you’ll hear today…

By Dr. Chad Walding

Doctor of Physical Therapy, ISSA Certified Nutrition Specialist, & NativePath Co-Founder

My name is Dr. Chad Walding. For over a decade, I practiced physical therapy with an emphasis on outpatient senior care in the heart of Texas.

One of the most common issues that plagued my senior patients was occasional swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet that often accompanied standing or sitting too long or being overweight. 

I Know How Hopeless It Can Feel When You’re Struggling with Painful, Occasional Swelling in Your Limbs…

Walking has become a brutal chore…

You stand on your feet for longer than a few minutes, and your skin feels like it will split open from the pressure… 

The swelling might be so bad, some days your shoes don’t even fit!

But, research now proves there’s a simple yet often overlooked solution…

The secret lies in eating more of this unique fatty acid sourced only from the Antarctic ocean — which is key to improving blood flow and promoting a healthy inflammatory response in your body.

When you eat this specific inflammation-soothing nutrient, it helps to improve circulation. 

Creating a healthy response to inflammation can combat puffy legs and feet and even relieve painful joints on a cellular level.

So, if you want to take control of your painful puffy limbs, keep reading to discover the unique fatty acid that completely changed how experts approach swelling and inflammation.

Not to Mention, This Antarctic Source of Omega-3s Also Helps Folks…

  • Soothe inflammation by up to 30% after just one month*… With just 300 mg of this Antarctic super nutrient! 
  • Significantly reduce mild knee pain while sleeping and standing* – It also increases range of motion after just 30 days of use!
  • Reduce dry eye* – say goodbye to eye drops!
  • Promote healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular vitality*
  • Combat skin aging* – this antarctic supernutrient contains a compound that can help keep your skin safe from UV radiation while minimizing wrinkles and age spots…
  • Promote memory, focus, and quick thinking* – One large study found that adults aged 60–73 years who regularly took this supernutrient had a significantly lower risk of developing memory loss than those who didn’t take the supplements.
  • Promote optimal cholesterol levels* – If heart health is essential to you, this nutrient is a must-have.

And so much more…

Are You Ready to Enjoy Your Golden Years to the Fullest — With ZERO Pain?

If YES, you’ll want to read on to see this incredible circulation-boosting inflammation fix in action…

Because these groundbreaking studies reveal how folks are remedying the root cause of occasional swelling right at home…


Swelling gone in 3 days

"I’m 69 and have been using this for 6 months now to relieve severely swollen feet, ankles, and legs. The swelling went down by the third day of use. I have continued to use this product since and am pleased with the results. I highly recommend this to anyone to relieve swelling in joints and in legs and feet."

-Cynthia Edgar on 2/19/2023


This lubricates your eyes and joints

"I was using all kinds of moisturizing eye drops but after taking this for a few months, I no longer had the problem with dry eyes anymore! I take 2 every day and even notice an improvement in my knees, to boot! My eyes are so much better and far more comfortable all throughout the day and night. I highly recommend it to anyone needing lubrication in their eyes and possibly some joint areas as well.”

-Gina Shellhamer on 3/4/2023


Try this

“I’m on my 3rd bottle now, and I'm in complete shock at the changes…

I sit all day at work, I’m overweight and I still eat the same... But since taking this, I have hardly any swelling at all and no tingly feet.”

-Andrea Freeman Ridgeway on 10/29/2022

Ready For the Antarctic Discovery? Here It Is...

Let's start by taking a dive 320 feet below the frozen surface to a very interesting piece of the Antarctic Ocean...

To waters so pure, there's virtually ZERO human contamination.

That's where we find a very unique species of Krill called E. superba...

And the truth behind scientists' obsession with this curious little organism?

It produces omega-3s that are shown to be MORE POWERFUL than fish oil…

In a breakthrough study, researchers discovered that krill oil was more effective than fish oil at dropping problematic blood sugar, triglycerides, and “bad” LDL cholesterol*.

Perhaps even more interestingly, the study found that krill oil was more effective than fish oil when given at equal and lower doses.

But that’s not all this miraculous Antarctic organism can do…

Along with its potent omega-3 content, krill oil also contains unique antioxidant compounds that help further balance inflammation levels and improve circulation.

By supporting a healthy inflammation response, you can “reset” your swollen, painful limbs back to normal. 

Even better?

Less inflammation and improved blood flow will fast-track you to healthier joints, heart, and brain function. 

If You've Taken Fish Oil for Any of Your Health Concerns and Haven't Noticed A Difference, This Could Be Why...

There are two basic problems with fish oil...

1.)  It doesn't get absorbed by the human body nearly as well as krill oil*...

2.) It is almost always tainted with pollutants and toxins, which prevent it from working...

Both reasons stem from the fact fish don't produce their own omega-3s.

You read that correctly: instead, fish eat other organisms that do...

...like Krill!

And once you take advantage of omega-3s from the primary source, you'll finally tap into everything they have to offer...

Lowered cholesterol, wide-open arteries, a heart that isn’t overworked, boosted memory, and “greased” painless joints...

Breakthrough research from The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry* validates it:

When put head to head against Krill, astonished scientists found fish oil to be 50% LESS absorbable…*

Meaning it does nothing for you other than burn a hole in your wallet.

But once you switch to (or add-in) the power of KRILL oil, the results speak for themselves:

When put head to head against Krill, astonished scientists found fish oil to be 50% LESS absorbable…*

Meaning it does nothing for you other than burn a hole in your wallet.

But once you switch to (or add in) the power of Antarctic krill oil, the results speak for themselves:

Our client Leslie is impressed with her blood pressure improvements…

“My blood pressure has greatly improved since starting on the Antarctic Krill Oil. It is a wonderful product. I don’t burp it, which I have done with other krill products in the past. There isn’t a foul odor when you open the bottle, which I was worried about from past experiences with other products I won’t name. This is a very high-quality product and does what it promises!”

-Leslie Hopkins on 05/21/2022

Sonia’s dry eye issue vanished!

“I was diagnosed with dry eye about three years ago and the physician prescribed a very very pricey medicine to combat the burning and dryness of the eye.

I have stopped taking the medication and I take one krill oil every evening before I go to bed and the dryness in my eyes has become a non-issue!”

-Sonia Kelly on 05/25/2022

And Dr. Michael Reid was shocked to feel less pain…

“I love it! When I run out, I can definitely tell the difference. These tiny Krill pills help my circulation, my mobility, and I think better. I rarely endorse a supplement because I normally can't really tell a difference. I can tell the difference when I take Krill pills.”

-Dr. Michael Reid on 07/15/2022

Customer results have not been independently verified. Individual results may vary.

"The second I stumbled upon this research, I knew I had to get it in your hands..."

As I mentioned before, I am Dr. Chad Walding, co-founder of NativePath, Senior Nutrition Expert, and Doctor of Physical Therapy for over a decade.

For years, I’ve been giving my followers natural alternatives to the mainstream medical advice that’s too one-size-fits-all…

Leading a health revolution more than a million strong on Facebook…

And by now, you see, a high-quality Antarctic krill oil supplement could be the answer to supporting a healthy inflammation response in the body, improving blood flow, and saying goodbye to swelling once and for all. 

Not to mention nurture your heart, joint, and brain health.

In fact, it's a MUST-HAVE for someone as health-conscious as yourself...

Because believe it or not, you deserve to live pain and worry-free.

And now that we’ve brought our premium omega-3 product to market, you finally can!


NativePath's Antarctic Krill Oil

Omega-3s, Phospholipids, and Astaxanthin

Friend, if you refuse to take "it comes with age" as a viable answer to your nagging health concerns…

And if you're tired of relying on fistfuls of pills to get through your day…

This might be the most exciting day of your life.

Because today is the day we arm you with the extra ammo needed to turn back the clock on your circulation, heart, memory, and joints…

With the once-a-day soft gel completely free of contamination, impurities, and toxins…

Specifically designed to FLOOD your cells with omega-3s' miraculous abilities, helping renew your cells and “deflate” inflammation in what feels like no time at all.

And you can use this at-home remedy to improve your health... without even leaving the house.

Make no mistake: Regardless if you think you've been cursed with rotten genetics...

If you're well into your 50s, 60s, 70s, and it scares you to bits...

Or if you haven’t stayed on top of your health like you should… 

NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil can work for you. We guarantee it.

And since it's free of soy, gluten, added sugar, artificial coloring, and fully compliant with GMP standards…

You can be sure it fits with your lifestyle.

Can You Picture Yourself This Time Next Month…


For the first time in years, you are not waking up before your alarm clock in nagging pain…

Leaping out of bed with joints that feel spry, comfortable, and cushioned…

Looking down to see your swollen, puffy legs look normal again today…

Skipping the supplement cabinet as you dance through the kitchen with confidence

Loved ones gawking in admiration as they share breakfast with the cheerful person they thought was lost…

The caretaker... the supportive figure... the role model they so deeply miss...

Once again fully active...

Moving freely...




And without a single worry.

All that - and MORE - is possible today.

Our Comprehensive Formula Works Using What Scientists Call "Lipid Layering"

And without boring you with the science, all you need to know is this:

The Omega 3s found in fish oil are in triglyceride form and unfortunately, this makes them VERY HARD to absorb in the body.

The far superior Omega 3s from Krill, however, come in phospholipid form...*

That's important because every cell in your body also has a phospholipid layer…

So I’m sure you can see the connection...

Your cells and krill oil are made of the same material!

And because of that, the krill oil enters the cell far more readily than fish oil.

Since krill oil is easier to absorb, you can reap far more benefits.

Better yet:

NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is so Effective it Could Support Your Heart Through 3 Different Mechanisms...

In fact, when put head to head against fish oil, a study from the National Library of Medicine concluded that…

"...krill oil surpasses the profile of fish oil and offers a superior approach toward reducing heart health risks.*"

The study, which I told you about earlier, demonstrated that daily doses of just 1-3 grams of krill oil were significantly more effective than 3 grams of fish oil in managing blood lipids*.

That means you can take LESS krill oil and get MORE benefits than fish oil. 

That’s just how powerful krill oil is compared to fish oil.

The researchers' jaws must have dropped when they saw it slash triglyceride concentration by 11-12%*...

Plummeting pesky LDL (the bad kind) in patients by 32-35%*...

And skyrocketing HDL cholesterol (the GOOD kind) by 44%*...

Fish oil? Had a 4% improvement on average*.

Just like you'd expect.

Down the drain it goes...

And in its place, NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil

Because that's not just one... two... but THREE ways it preserves your heart...

That's as good as it gets, wouldn't you say?

Because if our formula had just krill oil, you'd be set.

But That Just Wasn't Good Enough... You Deserve Something Even MORE Incredible…

This is why you'll be thrilled to learn of another scientific discovery that came alongside our Antarctic Krill Oil.

One we've supercharged the formulation with for even greater benefits…

Ensuring it's unrivaled and unmatched in its ability to help support your heart, circulation, memory, and joints right from home…

That's Why the Unique Type of Krill We're Using Naturally Contains a Powerful Compound Called Astaxanthin

And it'll skyrocket your results with NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil into the stratosphere.

Astaxanthin belongs to the class of nutrient pigments known as carotenoids. It’s what gives krill its pinkish-red color.

Like other carotenoids, astaxanthin has powerful antioxidant properties.

In fact, there are many studies that validate it as the "King of Antioxidants" that can help... 

  • Reduce joint pain and improve overall joint and cartilage health in vitro studies by decreasing the production of inflammatory mediators*.
  • Improve vision and protect against eye strain* – if you stare at your phone or digital screens often, this eye health superstar can help!
  • Boost brain health – animal studies showed that astaxanthin increased the formation of new brain cells and enhanced memory.*
  • Makes the heart pump more efficiently and improve circulation according to animal studies* – As blood and oxygen can better reach all the tissues and cells, this may also help “deflate” swelling.
  • Easily manage blood pressure by improving arterial wall thickness, according to animal studies*.
  • Support a healthy inflammatory response and battle oxidative stress in human trials – making it one of your best allies in maintaining immune health*.
  • Smooth wrinkles, make age spots smaller, and help maintain skin moisture for youthful-looking skin according to human and in vitro studies*.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what astaxanthin can do… 

In fact, astaxanthin has been established as one of nature’s most potent antioxidants, with a free radical fighting capacity shown to be…

6000X more potent than Vitamin C*770X more powerful than CoQ10*
100X stronger than Vitamin E*


A compound so strong…

It naturally fights off free radicals significantly better and faster than Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and CoQ10.

Why Should You Care About Free Radicals?

Your body generates free radicals in response to environmental factors like toxins in processed food, tobacco smoke, ultraviolet rays, and air pollution…

But they are also a natural byproduct of daily processes in cells.


If you don’t do something to rid your body of free radicals, they attack your cells and cause oxidative stress.


Cell with oxidative stress

cell attacked by free radicals

Normal cell

As a supercharged carotenoid, astaxanthin holds powerful antioxidant properties that are crucial in neutralizing these pesky free radicals.

Basically, it switches “off” free radicals before they do damage to your cells…

Breaking a chain reaction called “oxidative stress” which can eventually harm your heart, brain, liver, and so on – if you don’t do something to stop it.

Lucky you, astaxanthin does the dirty work of fighting off free radicals for you to protect you from damage.

It’s no wonder why astaxanthin is known as the “King of Antioxidants”!

And it's now inside every capsule of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil.

But the benefits don't stop there...

In fact...

NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil May Help Reduce Joint Pain Faster than Anything You've Tried Before…

I know it sounds impossible, but it's scientifically backed. 

When researchers from The American College of Nutrition took 90 volunteers with joint pain and gave them either krill oil or a placebo for one week… They were blown away…

After just 7 days of use…

Overall inflammation cooled off by 19.3%*...

Joint stiffness and discomfort diminished by 20.3%*...

Joint pain scores lowered by a whopping 28.9%*...

And it reduced functional impairment by 22.8%*...

Wave Goodbye To Nagging Joint Pain...

Do you see how powerful krill oil is?

The data doesn’t lie.

If you struggle with joint pain, you simply can’t afford NOT to be taking krill oil every day.

The Bottom Line Is This:You'll Look And Feel Like Your Younger Self Again

Picture this in your head…

Dumping your old fish oil pills down the chute with a huge grin…

Never again forgetting where you put your car keys, wallet, or remote control…

Returning to side projects you've put off, like home improvements and traveling with a loved one…

Restoring painless flexibility in your knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and ankles…

Staying on your feet for hours without puffy, swollen limbs weighing you down...

Better yet…

You can take a deep sigh of relief knowing you don't need another pill or a visit to the doctor's office to get it…

Is Weight Loss an Issue for You? Then You'll Love THIS

Because if you're anything like the thousands who come to me for help…

You're probably curious if NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil will help with your weight loss goals.

The answer is a resounding "YES!"

In fact, a recent study out of The Journal of Lipids showed krill oil has a beneficial effect on metabolism at just 62% of the dose of fish oil.*

This means you can forget about having to take those horse-sized fish oil pills...

Now, you can support your weight loss goals with just one tiny krill oil capsule.

Besides supporting your heart, circulation, memory, and joints, and boosting your metabolism…

I have one final reason why NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is a MUST-HAVE

The Omega-3s Found in Antarctic Krill Oil May Even Have a Science-Backed Anti-Aging Effect 

Researchers from The Journal of Brain, Behavior, and Immunity recently looked at the effects of Omega 3s on telomere length...*

"Telomeres are basically 'caps' on the end of chromosomes acting a lite fuse, getting shorter as you age..."

So they're a direct indicator of how you look, move, think, and feel – especially as you get older...

To put it simply…

Short telomeres = speed up the aging process

Long telomeres = slow down the aging process

Make sense? Great!

Because for participants in early studies who supplemented with omega-3s... their telomeres grew*!

Said another way, higher levels of omega-3 were associated with longer telomeres, which is associated with greater longevity.

You read that correctly – omega-3s may help preserve your youth!

So, while your peers are worrying themselves sick over their age and growing health concerns...

You'll rejoice knowing you can return to activities you and your loved ones enjoy...






Imagine Your Physician SHOCKED By Changes in Your Lab Results...

What's more… 

Being on your feet for extended periods of time without the occasional swelling or joint discomfort…

Throwing out your compression socks because you no longer need them…

Enjoying a memory bank so sharp, your grandkids can't help but lean in every time you tell a childhood story...

Eyesight so good, never again will you squint to see freeway signs… 

Or strain to read the words from your Kindle or the Facebook comments on your latest family photo post…

And what was once dry and wrinkled skin suddenly becomes rejuvenated…

I'm even willing to bet you'll get deeper sleep because you won't toss and turn in pain as much…

That's just how effective krill oil is… 

The research proves it.

NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil

Fish Oil

Rapidly absorbed by the body

Slowly absorbed by the body

Rapidly absorbed by the body

The omega-3s are bound to phospholipids–the same format used by our cells–so they are more easily transferred to the cells where they can get to work immediately.

The omega-3s are in triglyceride form and need to be broken down by the body and then reassembled for it to meet our cells’ needs.

No pollutants and minimally processed for utmost purity and potency 

Undergoes harsh and extensive processing to remove toxic pollutants

No fishy aftertaste or odor

Distasteful fishy reflux and burps

Naturally rich in the potent antioxidant


Limited antioxidant benefits 

Easy to swallow tiny red soft gel

Half the size of a fish oil pill

Large horse-pill size that’s uncomfortable to swallow

Antarctic Krill Oil

Fish Oil

At This Point, You May Be Wondering How You Can Try Nativepath Antarctic Krill Oil Yourself…

Along with how much and how often do you need to take it for best results?

At NativePath, our formula uses wild-caught krill sourced from the pristine waters of the Antarctic Ocean.

Because of this, it’s recognized as the purest, highest-quality source of omega-3s on the planet.

Even better, NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil also contains phospholipids for enhanced absorption and astaxanthin for added antioxidant benefits to further support your heart, circulation, joints, brain, and so much more. 

So, not only are you getting the highest-grade source of omega-3s, but you’re also getting the total-body benefits of enhanced absorption plus powerful antioxidants with every dose

But There’s Just One Downside…

The meticulous process of sourcing wild-caught krill all the way from the Antarctic ocean adds weeks (sometimes months) onto our manufacturing operations.

But, that’s not the only thing affecting the supply chain… Labor shortages and equipment availability are also causing a ripple effect of global bottlenecks for wild-caught krill. 

Which means it can take a very long time to produce even a single bottle of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil…

And with the demand for pure wild-caught krill increasing every day, many experts warn that shortages may come as a consequence.  

On top of that…

People Who Try It Keep Coming Back To Order More… And At Larger Quantities, Too!


Swollen ankles GONE in days!

I started using this about a month ago. For over a year I had extremely swollen feet and legs. My left was the worst. After about four days I noticed my left foot looked normal again. Within the next few days my swelling in both was gone. This stuff is nothing short of a miracle!

Deborah Septien on 06/22/2022


My doctor is baffled

My labs are perfect! My Doctor is completely baffled. I feel great and I will never go a day without this product! I need to reorder more krill. Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!!!!!

Daniel Moore on 05/03/2022


Made a HUGE difference

Antarctic Krill Oil is making a very big difference in my life. I hardly have any pain now. I still get stiff occasionally, but that is only because I sit too long and forget to move! I was able to discard another product I had been using for my knee pain, as this works much better! Thank you so much for a terrific product -- one that is even affordable!

Pamela on 04/23/2022

This Is A Good Problem To Have, But…

The increased order volume has put an even BIGGER strain on our production.

Especially since our wild-caught krill formula can take months to produce.

As a result, NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil keeps selling out…

And, to make matters worse… Inflation has caused massive spikes in freight costs, fuel, and in shipping…

Due To The Ongoing Inflation, We Decided To Order Way More Bottles Of Our Best-Selling Nativepath Antarctic Krill Oil Than We Needed…

So that you can get it at the absolute best rate and without paying anything extra for it during these unprecedented economic times.

Now, since we’re a small business, these bottles are taking up a lot of space in our warehouse…

So, we decided to offer an exclusive New Customer Discount…

Where you can stock up on NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil for as low as $19/bottle PLUS FREE SHIPPING!

That’s a whopping 66% OFF!

This is incredible news since many studies prove krill oil to be the most superior source of omega-3s for a healthy heart, circulation, brain, joints, and more.

So How Much Krill Oil Do You Need To Take In Order To Reap Its Benefits?

Based on research, using anywhere between 500mg-1000mg of krill oil daily can provide sought-after heart, circulation, brain, and joint health benefits.

Some studies even show that many benefits, such as improvements in inflammation and swelling, may be experienced within the first few days. 

But for older individuals, the effects of years and years of free radical buildup may put them at a critical disadvantage. 

Thus, it’s recommended for adults to use krill oil for at least 60 days (or more) to achieve maximum benefits.

Many of our customers have found the most success with long-term daily use of krill oil to ensure that the health improvements are maintained for good.

So it makes sense why so many NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil users order large quantities at a time... 

Plus, you need to use it every single day to get the results you’re looking for.

Simply put, krill oil is no “miracle supplement”...

Antarctic Krill Oil Only Works If You…

  • Take it on a consistent daily basis. Simply take one soft gel up to 2x every day.
  • Take the right amount for the results you want. By taking two soft gels daily, you are consuming 1000 mg of krill oil, ensuring your body will absorb the most effective amount of omega-3s and astaxanthin to provide maximum results.
  • Take it for the proper amount of time. To maintain the benefits of using omega-3s, long-term daily use is best. 

In other words, taking one soft gel here and there isn’t going to cut it. 

Consistency is key. 

Which is why I recommend my clients to:

  • Start with at least 3 bottles of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil at a time.
  • And 6 bottles if they want to be completely safe. 
  • Then, take it for a period of at least 60-90 days – (Keep in mind that the longer you use it, the easier it will be to maintain your results!)

And there’s never been a better time to secure your supply of our best-selling Antarctic Krill Oil than now…

Because so many studies show that using more Krill Oil for longer durations yields the greatest results…

We wanted as many people as possible to have access to this powerful supplement.

That’s why my NativePath team and I went to great lengths to secure a surplus of our wild-caught formula to offer our deepest discount offer yet.

Right now when you stock up on 10 bottles of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil…


On This Page ONLY, I've Reserved An EXCLUSIVE 66% DISCOUNT Off The Normal Retail Price Listed On Our Website…

You should NOT have to spend an arm and leg just for good health.

Especially when you calculate the money wasted on "grow younger vitamins," worthless fish oil, and the temporary relief you get with other over-the-counter pain relievers…

Plus, the time, energy, and resources spent googling tricks to erase swelling and joint pain…

And it'd easily add up to the thousands if not MORE.

But you won't be paying that today.

In fact...

I Might Be Crazy… But I’m Going to Slash The Price by More than HALF For You Today...

I've decided to slash the price in half on this page only because you've proven to me that you care about your health.

Don't you think it's time you got rewarded for that?

This is why we want you to be able to secure a 6-bottle supply of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil for ONLY $23.00/bottle + FREE shipping! 

That’s less than HALF the suggested retail price listed on our website...

So, if you're ready to dive in...

Here's what's going to happen next:

When you click on the button below, you can select your desired quantity of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil. Then, you can proceed to our safe, secure checkout page, where you will complete your order.

Best of all, you’ll get a 66% OFF New Customer Discount automatically applied to your order just by ordering our 10-jar package through this special page. 

Introducing our Risk-Free 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we offer a Risk-Free 365-Day Return & Refund Policy. That means you have 365 days to try out our products and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply reach out to our friendly Customer Care Center for return assistance. 

Rest assured you can order with confidence in knowing that your purchase is backed by our iron-clad 365-Day Money Back Guarantee.

You've Got Nothing to Lose and a Younger, More Vibrant You to Gain

Plus, with most supplements, you don't always know what you're getting.

Companies claim they have a proprietary blend, which is just another way of saying "we've pumped this full of fillers".

That's why you can take a deep breath of relief knowing our brand-new Antarctic Krill Oil is produced right here, in the United States...

Under the most stringent levels of scrutiny, potency, and safety...

With a fully disclosed label revealing everything for you.

NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is also manufactured here in the USA in a Good Manufacturing Practice compliant facility – ensuring the highest quality, potency, and safety with every bottle. 

Pretty incredible, right?

Swap Horse-Sized Fish Oil Pills For Once-A-Day, Easy-To Swallow Antarctic Krill Oil!

Just take 1 small soft gel daily for general health maintenance or 2 small soft gels daily for faster relief.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Great! All that's left to do is click the button below.

And in the next couple of days, NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil will arrive as a discrete package at your doorstep for FREE.

Then... get ready.

Because as you eagerly rip it open like a kid on Christmas...

I want you to take a serving, relax, and kick your feet up...

Because you've just done the most important thing you could do for your health.

Our Antarctic Krill Oil will take care of the rest...

Don't be surprised if you wake up with a slight smirk because, for the first time in decades, you actually feel GREAT...

Aches and pains that normally put a damper on your day are lifted...

You might even skip around the kitchen as you make coffee with a brand-new pep in your step…

More importantly…

You can finally enjoy quality time with loved ones without your heart, circulation, memory, and painful joint problems getting in the way…

I'm talking about enjoying spontaneous trips...

Peaceful walks in nature...

Playing pickleball, tending to your garden, watering your hanging baskets…

Even dancing for hours on end at family weddings…

Telling stories and laughing the night away…

All of this - and MORE - is waiting for you when you grab your bottle today at 66% OFF.

NativePath Krill Oil Is Your One-Way Ticket To Reclaiming A Vibrant Life... And I Reserved A Bottle With YOUR Name On It!

The one catch?

I only set aside a very limited amount of inventory to give away at such an affordable price...

So, if you're reading this, the good news is we still have more in stock...

But NOW is the time to take action.

Because truth is, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, there's nothing more painful than the look of disappointment and regret in patients who've missed the boat...

Who have told themselves they'll do everything possible to make a change…

Who pray to God every day for the strength to stick to healthy habits…

But when push comes to shove…

They vanish.

You’ve probably already seen it happen to your older friends and relatives.

I realize this is a bit of tough love, but how I see it, it's necessary.

Fortunately, supplementing with omega-3s daily is effortless, and it ensures you’re supporting your heart, circulation, joints, brain, and so much more.

Lucky for you, you can start experiencing the planet's purest, most effective source of omega-3s with NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil at a lower-than-ever price. 

That way, you can enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself – without burning a hole in your wallet. 

I’m Giving You 66% OFF Because, In Today’s Economy, It’s A Struggle To Make Ends Meet… Especially For Those On A Fixed Income.

You shouldn’t have to choose between paying your electric bill or taking care of your health.

Besides, this small investment in your health today could save you thousands of dollars on future medical bills.

Bottom line: I don’t want money to ever come between you and your health.

This is exactly why, with our exclusive New Customer Discount, we’re letting you stock up on NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil for as low as just $23/bottle, PLUS FREE SHIPPING!

Best of all, there's no risk involved since our 365-Day Money-Back guarantee has you covered for a full year.

This is a no-brainer if you ask me.

All that's left is for you to come and join us. Click the button below now:

New Customer Discount:Get NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil For Up To 66% OFF + FREE Shipping

365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Activities Once Reserved for the "Younger Crowd" Are Now a Reality for You...

You'll be enjoying the little things in life again...

Spending quality time with family without the nagging little voice in your head worrying you sick with how you feel...

And turning back the clock on your heart, memory, and joints in as little as 7 days...

I'm here to tell you - no, SHOW YOU - it's all possible today...

You're just ONE CLICK AWAY from becoming living proof.

Besides, you have TWO months to see how it works for you.

So you risk nothing...

Yet stand to gain so much...

Don't get left out. Join us now.

Click the button below and give NativePath Krill Oil a try, while we still have bottles available:

365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Thank you for your time today.

Dr. Chad Walding

Founder, NativePath 

P.S. If you're still here, you might have some questions:

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions AboutNativePath Krill Oil

Q.) What kind of results can I expect from NativePath Krill Oil?

Our Antarctic Krill Oil is 100% backed up by the latest science. So whether you're taking it for your heart, circulation, memory, or joints... it will work for you...

Get ready to feel a "new pep in your step" throughout the day... 

Because the combination of omega-3s and unique antioxidants found only in krill oil helps support a healthy inflammation response in the body.

Thus, helping to support heart, circulation, pain-free joints, and brain function. 

When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) Is there really a 365-day money-back guarantee?

Yes! Today's "New Customer Discount" offer is completely risk-free.

When you're ready to cash in on your discount, just select which package you’d like and complete your order on the checkout page. 

When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) What time of day should I take NativePath Krill Oil?

Personally, I take NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil first thing every morning. But you can take it whenever you'd like. Plus, since you won't get any fish burps, you don't have to plan your day around it.

When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) Where is NativePath Krill Oil produced?

NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is sourced from the Antarctic Ocean and safely transported to our manufacturing facility in Texas. No manufacturers from China, India, or anywhere else in the world. So you can be sure of its purity and potency.

When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) What is the shelf life of NativePath Krill Oil?

Astaxanthin helps to keep your NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil safe and potent. So you can pick up more than one bottle today with confidence, knowing you won't have to worry about an expiration date. How great is that?

That’s why choosing the 6-bottle package makes the most sense. You’ll have the perfect supply to take multiple servings every single day without worrying about running out or it expiring. 

When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.

Q.) Can I buy more than one bottle?

YES – and we recommend those who are serious to do so. When you take advantage of our 10-bottle package, you’ll get 66% OFF your order. That’s a CRAZY DEAL.

I’m willing to reward folks who take their health seriously. That is why if you are committed to experiencing lasting change, you’ll want to grab the 10-bottle package. 

Rewind The Clock On How You Look And Feel With

NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil

New Customer Discount: Save 66% With Our Multi-Bottle Deals + FREE SHIPPING

Go ahead and order your 10, 6, 3, or 1 month supply of NativePath Wild-Caught Antarctic Krill by choosing one of the packages you see below.

Our six-month option is by far our most popular.

The reason why is simple: NativePath Antarctic Krill uses only the purest, highest-grade source of omega-3s from the pristine Antarctic ocean. As a result, there are often shortages that put us at risk of running out of stock.

Once our customers begin using NativePath Antarctic Krill and experience the difference in the way they look, feel and move, they never want to be without the breakthrough.

That’s why they typically stock up on a multi-month supply, that way they can be protected from future stock outages.

Antarctic Krill Oil

1 Bottle

$57 $37/Bottle

3 Bottles

$57 $30/Bottle

6 Bottles

$57 $23/Bottle

10 Bottles

$57 $19/Bottle
Regular Price: $342
Instant Savings: $204 (58% OFF)

365-Day Money Back Guarantee

FREE Shipping On All U.S. Orders

Manufactured in U.S.A

Scientific Resources































https://nutritionandmetabolism.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1743-7075-7-18 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20205737 

























Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

© 2024 NativePath

114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993