While our bodies are fully equipped to produce collagen naturally – once we hit our early 30's, it begins to decline by about 1.5% per year.
Have you ever wondered why our skin begins to sag and wrinkle as we get older? It’s because as we age, our bodies' natural production of collagen begins to slow down. The creaking, popping joints, dull skin, cellulite, brittle hair, and digestive issues aren’t necessarily simply a factor of age, they’re actually all symptoms of low collagen levels.
Fortunately, science has shown us a natural way that we can fight back against aging. By supplementing with a high-quality hydrolyzed collagen powder, we can boost our body’s natural production and experience all of the positive youth-rebooting benefits. In this way, we can easily restore and regenerate collagen levels to help maintain radiant health at any age.