6 Blood Pressure Raising Foods Seniors Should NEVER Eat
PLUS: Doctor Recommends 1 Heart-Health Nutrient to ERASE Artery Plaque
18 months ago, Nancy was told during her annual checkup that she was, “staring down the barrel of a loaded gun.”
But Nancy is one of the lucky ones…
Because she was made aware of what is often called the “silent killer” early enough to make two simple changes that drastically changed her health…
And may have even saved her life.
Nancy’s condition is called the silent killer because it has no warning signs or symptoms--until a stroke or heart attack occurs.
Yet 1 out of every 3 adults struggles with this deadly ailment--high blood pressure.
Fortunately, Harvard Medical School reports, “High blood pressure is easy to detect, and there are even proven ways to bring it under control without medications...”
After consulting with Dr. Chad Walding, Doctor of Physical Therapy and leading Senior Nutrition Expert, we’ve compiled a list of heart-stopping foods to avoid to help protect your heart…
And one quick “pre-breakfast trick” to naturally open your arteries and lower blood pressure.
#1.) Cottage Cheese
While studies have shown that increasing calcium intake lowers blood pressure…
And dairy products are known to be good sources of calcium…
According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, cottage cheese’s high sodium content--a whopping 900mg per cup--counterbalances any positive effects of the calcium found inside.
Sodium has been linked to high blood pressure, which causes damage to your blood vessels and arteries when chronically elevated.
Additionally, the production of acid-curd cheeses, such as cottage cheese, reduces the calcium and potassium content of milk by about 50%, and increases the sodium content by 8x.
#2.) Bran Cereal
The World Health Organization recommends that adults restrict their consumption of sodium to 2,000mg a day--and added sugars to 50g per day.
Yet many popular “all bran” cereals are loaded with these two hidden dangers.
A best-selling bran brand actually contains up to 874mg of sodium per serving, and 18g of added sugars (that’s more than Frosted Flakes!).
The process for making these cereals contains another heart-stopping trap: the wheat berries are cracked and combined with a mixture of bran and malt flavoring before being cooked.
Malt flavoring is an additive that often contains MSG…
In a study of 1227 men & women, MSG intake was associated with a significant increase in SBP (systolic blood pressure) and DBP (diastolic blood pressure)--especially among the women.
Dr. Chad also cautions, “Starting your day off with a grain-based breakfast tends to induce hunger cravings faster--leading to overeating, weight gain, and other problems--than a whole-foods or protein packed one.”
#3.) Whole Wheat Breads & Wraps
Not all breads are created equal, and the biggest salt contributor to your diet is probably lurking next to your butter knife.
About 80% of the sodium Americans eat comes from salt that’s added to some of our most popular foods during processing, like store-bought bread.
In 2018, researchers analyzed the salt content in 2,000 breads sold in 32 countries and regions...
More than a third of the loaves exceeded the maximum salt target for bread.
The research revealed that wraps, flatbreads, and whole-wheat breads tended to be saltier than other types.
Dr. Chad has a simple swap suggestion, “I recommend bread lovers switch from whole wheat products to using zero sodium sprouted grain products instead like those offered by the Ezekiel brand.”
#4.) Frozen Fish & Seafood
Advice about healthy nutrition always seems to end with the refrain, "and try to eat fish twice a week."
While seafood is considered healthy, and Dr. Chad does encourage eating wild-caught seafood on a regular basis, as fatty fishes like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are full of heart-healthy omega-3s…
Frozen fish is often brined in a salt solution to make it last longer.
Salt makes your body retain water--if you eat too much, the extra water stored in your body raises your blood pressure.
“The fact that nothing in nature is high in salt should tell people something,” says Dr. Chad.
Frozen seafood is also commonly farm-raised, as opposed to wild-caught.
Farm-raised seafood contains high levels of PCBs--a potentially carcinogenic chemical…
And in a study of 1,000 70-year-olds, those with the highest levels of PCBs in their bodies were more than 3.5x more likely to have high blood pressure.
Also, since farm-raised fish are exposed to fewer smaller fish than their wild-caught peers--reports indicate they are not as rich in omega-3s.
#5.) “Reduced Sodium” Snacks & Soups
Americans eat on average about 3,400mg of sodium per day--well over the recommended 2,000mg per day.
This is due, in part, to faulty nutritional labelling standards.
When searching through the snack & soup aisles, you may be drawn to products with a “Reduced Sodium” banner across the front...
However, Reduced or Less Sodium labels only require that the food inside has 25% less sodium than the regular product--which is often NOT low in sodium at all.
One can of a popular chicken soup with “Reduced Sodium” actually contains over 1,000mg per can.
Serving sizes add to the confusion--since they are not standardized.
The food manufacturers idea of a serving might be your idea of a nice portion for a
gerbil--anywhere from 2-6 crackers…
If you eat twice the serving size noted on the label, you get double the amount of sodium and other ingredients listed in the label's nutrition table.
Many baked goods—like chips, crackers, and cookies—are also loaded with trans fats.
These unhealthy fatty acids raise your "bad" cholesterol and also lower your "good" cholesterol--causing a strain on your heart and increasing your blood pressure.
#6.) Black Licorice
Consumption of licorice (liquorice) can lead to dangerously high blood pressure and dangerously low potassium levels (hypokalemia).
Licorice contains glycyrrhizinic acid, which sets off a chain reaction in your body that tells your kidneys to get rid of potassium even after potassium levels have dropped dangerously low.
Potassium helps your body to flush out sodium through urine.
Potassium also helps to ease tension in your blood vessel walls, which helps further lower blood pressure.
Low potassium may cause blood pressure to skyrocket.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns that if you’re 40 or older, eating 2 ounces of black licorice a day for two weeks or longer could be extremely dangerous.
Can’t remember the last time you actually ATE licorice?
Unfortunately, many health products contain licorice, licorice root, or licorice extract.
These include herbal teas, cough mixtures, licorice-flavored diet gum, laxatives (including cascara and compound licorice powder), and herbal supplement capsules.
Avoiding these foods is the first step towards healthy blood pressure for seniors…
The Next Step To Take For Lowered Blood Pressure Levels?
“High blood pressure is so common in people over age 60 that doctors used to think that it was ‘normal.’ But the reality is, no matter what your age, high blood pressure raises your risk for heart attack, stroke, and even dementia. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to get this silent killer under control,” says Dr. Walding.
Three of the main contributors to high blood pressure, in addition to sodium intake, are cholesterol (total, LDL and HDL), blood sugar, and triglycerides.
When your arteries become hardened and narrowed with cholesterol plaque your heart has to work much harder to pump blood through them...
As a result, blood pressure becomes unusually high.
High glucose levels in your blood increase blood pressure by destroying your blood vessels ability to stretch…
Increasing fluid levels throughout your body…
And increasing insulin resistance.
High triglyceride levels results in hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which increases risks of stroke, heart attack, and heart disease.
Luckily, hidden deep in the Antarctic ocean, there is a supernutrient proven to:
Drop total cholesterol by 13.5%...
Slash LDL levels (bad cholesterol) by 36%...
Raise HDL’s (good cardio protective cholesterol) by 50.25%...
Cut triglycerides by 19.48%...
And drop blood sugar by 6.3%.
Even better, a recent study found that hypertensive study participants who consumed this nutrient had an average decrease in systolic pressure (the top number in the reading) of 4.51mm/Hg, while diastolic pressure fell an average of 3.05mm/Hg.
The Reason It's So Utterly Effective?
It's because this supernutrient contains the most potent and highly absorbed Omega-3s on the planet...
“Omega-3s are what I like to consider ‘nature’s artery opener,” says Dr. Chad, “and I’m sure you’ve seen (or even taken) numerous fish oil supplements on your grocery or health store shelf the claim to be great sources of Omega-3s…”
However, there are 3 BIG problems with many available Omega-3 supplements today…
- Smelly Side Effects: If you’ve ever tried a fish oil supplement, you’ve probably experienced “fish burps,” a rancid smell, an overly fishy taste, and unpalatable results.
If you HAVE tolerated these smelly situations before, here’s why--Omega-3 fatty acids (such as DHA and EPA) are polyunsaturated fats that are susceptible to oxidation--which occurs when unsaturated fats are exposed to oxygen, heat, and light.
This leads to the production of free radicals and harmful compounds, as well as going RANCID--which is why you have to deal with an unpleasant odor and taste.
In a study of the quality of popular omega-3 supplements published in Scientific Reports, researchers found that 83% of the samples tested exceeded the recommended levels for peroxide values (PV), which is an indicator of freshness. - False Labelling & Insufficient Formulas: Too often, the amount of active ingredient listed on the label doesn’t match what is actually inside the product.
This is especially common with omega-3 supplements. Some brands will claim to have certain quantities of EPA and DHA in them, when really the capsules contain another (usually cheaper to manufacture) type of omega-3 altogether.
A recent study published in the journal Scientific Reports found that less than 10% contained the amounts of EPA and DHA listed on the label! Even more shocking, 69% of the supplements contained less than two-thirds of the amounts claimed on the label. - Contamination: In addition to false claims and foul smells, there’s more...
Heavy metals and pesticides persist in certain environments and leech into water sources. The marine organisms living in the waters are exposed to these dangerous contaminants.
Since the organisms are harvested for fish oil production, trace amounts of toxins such as arsenic, cadmium, dieldrin, lead, mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and selenium mercury remain and taint the fish oil supplement products.
Yet, many supplement makers do ZERO independent testing of their products for these contaminants...
Leaving levels harmful to your health and can lead to endocrine, neurobehavioral, and developmental disruption.
These reasons are why Dr. Chad and the team at Native looked to a different source…
Tucked away 73 miles off the Antarctic coast...
That is not only a PURER source for Omega-3s but also 8X MORE POWERFUL than fish oil.
Because breakthrough research from The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry also showed:
When put head to head against the supernutrient you'll discover today, astonished scientists found fish oil to be 50% LESS absorbable.
Meaning it does nothing for you other than burn a hole in your wallet.
Understand it's fish oil that presents these problems...
Omega 3s, on the other hand, can have almost miraculous results--when you take a form of them that actually WORKS inside the human body...
And the results of adding this nutrient to your morning routine speak for themselves:
Gary O., from Tacoma, WA says,
"After taking this every day for a month, my overall cholesterol was 86! It hasn't been that low since I was 30 (I'm 60 now). I can't say enough. My cardiologist took me off my statin drug...Take it every day and it will make your heart and your whole system healthier than it has ever been."
And Sue C., from Los Angeles, CA, can’t believe it,
"...I have gotten rid of my cholesterol pills, my pain pills, and my blood pressure pills and my sugar is all perfectly balanced. Had a perfect lab report from the doctor on my latest visit since I started..."
With 25,759+ studies as validation, Omega 3s are nature's most miraculous heart-healer... and their most potent form is HIDDEN in plain sight!
Now you may think you know all there is to know about Omega 3s...
... including how The American Heart Association and Harvard say Omega 3s optimize heart health... regulate heartbeat... and support vessel function...
... researchers from The Alzheimer's Foundation reporting positive effects on preserving memory and recall...
... even The Arthritis Foundation drooling over their ability to restore durable, ache-free joints...
But seeing this new, superior form of Omega 3s in action will blow your mind.
Because we've finally fixed all the absorbability and toxicity problems...
Making every benefit you read above a reality - and MORE...
And we’re proud to say it's now readily available to you...
Ready for the discovery? Here it is...
Let's start by taking a dive 320 feet below the surface to a very interesting piece of Antarctic Ocean...
To waters so pure, there's virtually ZERO human contamination.
That's where we find a very unique species of Krill called E. superba...
And the truth behind scientists' obsession with this curious little organism?
It naturally produces Omega 3s on average 8X MORE POWERFUL than fish oil.
Helping you "reset" your heart, clean out clogged arteries, and lower blood pressure effortlessly...
... directly from its most pure source.
The second I stumbled upon this data, I knew I had to get it in your hands…
My name is Dr. Chad Walding, founder and head researcher at NativePath.
For the past decade, I've been battling Big Pharma on the frontlines by providing natural solutions to my follower's health concerns... Leading a health revolution more than a million strong on Facebook...
And by now, you see a high quality Krill Oil could replace every pill you take...
In fact, it's a MUST-HAVE for health conscious people like yourself...
Because believe it or not, you deserve to live stress and worry free.
And now that I've developed this product, you finally can…
NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil
Make no mistake: Regardless if you think you've been cursed with rotten genetics...
If you're well into your 40s, 50s, 60s, and it scares you to bits...
Or if you've neglected your health for years...
Our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil can work for you. We guarantee it.
And since it's free of soy, gluten, added sugar, artificial coloring, and fully compliant with GMP standards...
You can be sure it fits with your lifestyle.
The secret to our comprehensive formula iswhat scientists call "Lipid Layering"
And without boring you with the science, all you need to know is this:
The Omega 3s found in fish oil are in triglyceride form and unfortunately, this makes them VERY HARD to absorb in the body.
The far superior Omega 3s from Krill, however, come in phospholipid form...
That's important because every cell in your body also has a phospholipid layer...
By now, you can see the connection...
Your cells and Krill Oil are made of the same material!
And because of that, the Krill Oil enters the cell far more readily than fish oil.
A healthy, youthful heart is not the only benefit that you will gain...
Because today is the day we arm you with the extra ammo needed to not only turn back the clock on your heart…
But experience a myriad of other benefits that can change your everyday life…
Picture yourself free of joint pain...able to pick up your grandchildren and swing them around with ease…
Kneeling down in your garden...with no fear of being unable to get back up…
Power-walking through your neighborhood...enjoying sunshine on the beach...and taking a long bike ride without fatigue.
For the first time in years, not waking up before your alarm clock in brutal pain...
Leaping out of bed with joints that feel spry, comfortable, and cushioned...
Reaching for your favorite slippers stowed away in the corner of the closet without even a twinge...
Skipping the medicine cabinet as you dance through the kitchen with confidence...
Loved ones gawking in admiration as they share breakfast with the cheerful person they thought was lost...
The caretaker... the supportive figure... the role model they so deeply miss...
Once again fully active...
Moving freely...
And without a single worry.
With the ONLY once-a-day capsule completely free of any human contamination, impurities, and toxins...
Specifically designed to FLOOD your cells with Omega 3s' miraculous abilities, helping renew your cells in as little as 7 DAYS…
All of this is possible!
Our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil can help ERADICATE joint pain and discomfort faster than anything you've tried before...
I know it sounds impossible, but it's medical fact.
When researchers from The American College of Nutrition took 90 volunteers with chronic inflammation and gave them either Krill Oil or a placebo...
In as little as 7 days, overall inflammation cooled off by 19.3%...
Joint stiffness and discomfort diminished by 20.3%...
And joint pain lowered by a whopping 28.9%...
Goodbye Tylenol, Aleve, and Ibuprofen…
Hello incredible relief…
Like Samantha D., from Ann Arbor, MI experienced,
"My husband and I have been taking fish oil tablets for years and recently switched... Overall, I have noticed an improvement in my hair and skin with a bonus of less joint pain. I can highly recommend this product."
And Mandy F., from New York, NY,
“I finally tried this... so glad I did. My plantar fasciitis improved drastically, hardly have any pain... Also, hair got shinier and less dry... Another bonus... increased levels of energy!"
Our powerful formulation can also help you see CLEARLY for years to come...
Although over-the-counter artificial tear drops may bring temporary relief from dry eyes…
Research shows that the nutrients in krill oil can get to the ROOT of the issue and help provide lasting relief from dry eye.
An Australian study concluded that supplementing with omega-3 fats in a predominant phospholipid form like that found ONLY in krill oil provides "reduced tear osmolarity and increased tear stability" in people with dry eye disease…
So you can chuck those tear drops in the trash with your fish oil.
Astaxanthin--naturally contained in our unique type of krill--improves vision and blood flow to the eye by 15.3%, so you can toss your reading glasses...
This red carotenoid and highly potent antioxidant has also protects against AMD (age-related macular degeneration) and UV-related ocular damage.
Meaning you can read your favorite Bible passages without squinting…
Drive without straining to see road signs…
And never struggle with stinging, blurry vision again.
550X stronger than Vitamin E
800X more powerful than CoQ10
6000X more potent than Vitamin C
Imagine! A compound so strong...
Even scientists out of Japan's most respected medical institution are comparing it to Prednisolone for reducing pain...
Let that sink in.
Prednisolone is a PRESCRIPTION PAINKILLER, designed specifically to target inflammation.
Yet, researchers are comparing it to the ALL-NATURAL Astaxanthin...
Breathtaking research from Japan's Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine vouches for it.
In my opinion, Astaxanthin is the world's most powerful antioxidant...
And it's now inside every capsule of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil.
But the benefits don't stop there...
In fact...
Is weight loss an issue for you? Then you'll love THIS
Because if you're anything like the millions who come to me for help...
... you're curious if our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil will help with your fat loss goals.
The answer is a resounding "YES!"
In fact, a recent study out of The Journal of Lipids showed Krill Oil has a beneficial effect on metabolism at just 62% of the dose of fish oil.
Meaning you can forget taking horse sized pills...
You can now boost your metabolism and tighten your tummy with just one tiny capsule.
And in addition to fixing your heart, your memory, your joints, and now blasting your belly...
I have one final reason why our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is a MUST-HAVE...
The Omega 3s found in our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil have a proven anti-aging effect so strong, you'll feel as if you're aging in reverse...
Let me explain:
Researchers from The Journal of Brain, Behavior, and Immunity recently looked at the effects of Omega 3s on telomere length…
"Telomeres are basically “caps” on the end of the your chromosomes acting like a lit fuse getting shorter as you age…"
So they're a direct indicator of how you look, move, think, and feel...
Make sense? Great!
Because for participants who supplemented with Omega 3s (like our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil)... their telomeres GREW!
You read that correctly, they aged BACKWARDS...
So while your peers are worrying themselves sick over their age and growing health concerns...
You'll rejoice knowing you can return to activities you and your family love...
Just imagine your physician grinning over your unblemished lab results...
What's more: enjoying a brain and memory so vast, your grandkids can't help but lean in every time you tell a childhood story…
Or easily read them their favorite fairy tale book...
Deeper sleep because you won't toss and turn in pain as much…
Leading to rejuvenated mornings where you jump easily out of bed…
Days spent basking in sunshine as you bike, walk, or tend to your garden…
Pounds dropping off effortlessly, and fitting into that old “skinny” pair of comfy jeans…
Eyesight so strong you’ll be able to see clear across the room without squinting and headaches…
And no fear of your heart failing you as you dance, run, and play endlessly.
That's just how effective our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is...
Don't let this opportunity pass you by.
If any of this sounds like the future you want to wake up to next week, the time to act is now
Because you simply can't get this level of purity, potency, and keto-approved ingredients anywhere else.
You won’t find it on any supplement shelf at the store…Your local Whole Foods doesn’t carry it.
And you'd spend a small fortune trying to formulate this yourself, traveling to freezing Antarctica, chatting with leading medical experts to dose it for you...
Which is where the good news comes in…
Rewind The Clock On How You Look And Feel With NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil and an EXCLUSIVE 66% off Discount
Listen: you know I don't believe you should spend an arm and leg for good health.
Especially considering if you calculate the money wasted on "grow younger vitamins", worthless fish oil, and temporary relief you get with Tylenol and Aleve...
Add in the time, energy, and resources spent googling tricks to restore the optimal blood pressure and heart health…
.. the pain-free movement seemingly stripped away from you...
And it'd easily add up into the thousands, if not MORE.
But you won't be paying that today.
In fact...
Am I crazy for making our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil this affordable?
I've decided to cut the price in half on this page only because you've proven to me that you care about your health.
Don't you think it's time you got rewarded for that?
Which is why we want to give you a month's supply of our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil for as low as $23 a bottle.
Less than half what it sells for normally...
So if you're ready to dive in...
Here's what's going to happen next:
When you click on the GREEN button below, you'll immediately land on our safe, secure order form page where you can choose how many bottles of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil you want to order.
Even better:
Introducing our Risk-Free 365-Day "Feel Good" Guarantee
At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we offer a Risk-Free 365-Day "Feel Good" Policy. That means you have 365 days to try out our products and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply reach out to our friendly Customer Care Center for assistance with returning your unopened products.
Rest assured you can order with confidence in knowing that your purchase is backed by our iron-clad 365-Day Feel Good Guarantee
You've got nothing to lose and a younger, more vibrant you to gain
Plus, with most supplements, you don't always know what you're getting.
Companies claim they have a proprietary blend, which is just another way of saying "we've pumped this full of fillers".
That's why you can take a deep breath of relief knowing our brand-new NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is produced right here, in the United States...
Under the most stringent levels of scrutiny, potency, and safety...
With a naked label revealing everything for you.
I refuse to keep secrets from you.
NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is also manufactured here in the USA in a Good Manufacturing Practice compliant facility – ensuring the highest quality, potency and safety with every bottle.
Pretty incredible, right?
Are you ready to get started?
Great! All that's left to do is click the button below.
And in the next couple days, our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil will arrive as a discrete package at your doorstep.
Then... get ready.
Because as you eagerly rip it open like a kid on Christmas...
I want you to take a single soft gel, relax, and kick your feet up...
Because you've just done everything you need to do for the rest of the day.
Our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil will take care of the rest...
And within days...
Don't be surprised if you wake up with a slight smirk because, for the first time in decades, you actually feel GREAT...
Aches and pains that normally put a damper on your day are lifted...
And as you skip around the kitchen making breakfast, you head off to work with a brand-new pep in your step...
EXCITED for what the day throws your way.
More importantly...
Finally enjoying quality time with loved ones without your heart, memory, and joint problems getting in the way...
I'm talking about enjoying spontaneous beach trips...
Peaceful walks in nature...
Telling stories and laughing the night away...
Even dancing for hours on end at family weddings...
All of this - and MORE - is waiting for you when you grab your bottle today at 66% OFF.
Our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is your one-way ticket to reclaiming a vibrant life... And I reserved a bottle with YOUR name on it!
The one catch?
Our Antarctic Krill Oil has sold out twice already, so I only have a limited amount to give away at such a special price…
So if you're reading this, the good news is we still have more in stock...
Which means NOW is the time to take action.
Because truth is, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, there's nothing more painful than the look of disappointment and regret in patients who've missed the boat...
Who've told themselves they'll do everything in their power to stay healthy...
To give their body, mind, and soul everything it needs...
But when push comes to shove...
They vanish.
I realize this is a bit of tough love, but the way I see it, it's necessary.
That's why I made our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil to fix that. To make it easy as possible for you to enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself (without burning a hole in your wallet).
Listen: I've given you up to 66% OFF as a "thank you" for being a loyal customer...
And there's no obligation since you're covered for 365 days — a WHOLE year.
Plus, on today’s order, you’ll receive 100% FREE SHIPPING.
This is a no-brainer if you ask me.
All that's left is for you to come and join us on The Path. Click the button below now :
365-Day Feel Good Guarantee
Activities once reserved for the "younger crowd" are now a reality for you...
You'll be enjoying the little things in life again...
Spending quality time with family without the nagging little voice in your head worrying you sick with how you feel...
And turning back the clock on your heart, memory, and joints in as little as 7 days...
I'm here to tell you - no, SHOW YOU - it's all possible today...
You're just ONE CLICK AWAY from becoming living proof.
Besides, you're covered for a full year.
So you risk nothing...
Yet stand to gain so much...
Don't get left out. Join us now.
Click the button below and give NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil a try, while we still have bottles available:
365-Day Feel Good Guarantee
Thank you for your time today.
Dr. Chad Walding
Founder, NativePath
P.S. If you're still here, you might have some questions:
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions About NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil
Q - What kind of results can I expect from NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil?
A - Our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is 100% backed up by the latest science. So whether you're taking it for your heart, memory, or joints... it will work for you...
Within days, you could experience a "new pep in your step" throughout the day. This is due to a decrease in overall inflammation, so you can look, feel, and move pain-free. You might notice yourself getting better at detail-oriented tasks. I'm even willing to bet you'll get a better night's sleep.
When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.
Q- Is there really a 365-day 100% money-back guarantee?
A - Yes! Today's "loyal customer only" offer is completely risk-free.
When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.
Q - What time of day should I take NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil?
A - Personally, I take NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil first thing every morning. But you can take it whenever you'd like. Plus, since you won't get any fish burps, you don't have to plan your day around it.
When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.
Q - Where is our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil produced?
A - NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil is sourced from the Antarctic Ocean and safely transported to our manufacturing facility in Allen, TX. No manufacturers from China, India, or anywhere else in the world. So you can be sure of its purity and potency.
When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.
Q - Is NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil safe? What are the side effects?
A - There are no known side effects with our NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil. I've been taking it behind the scenes for months and I've never felt better. It's all-natural, keto-approved ingredients are backed up by solid science.
When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.
Q - What is the shelf life of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil?
A - Astaxanthin helps to keep your NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil safe and potent. So you can pick up more than one bottle today with confidence knowing you won't have to worry about an expiration date. How great is that?
When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.
Q - Can I buy more than one bottle?
A - Yes! The best money-saving option is our 12-bottle BEST BARGAIN package, which allows you to grab twelve bottles of NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil at a whopping $19/bottle (retails for $57/bottle).
At the normal retail price, this package would cost $684, but through this special page, you can take advantage of our limited-time 66% OFF discount and secure an entire year’s supply for a total of just $228, plus get FREE shipping. That’s a massive savings of $456!
Plus, with a 12-bottle supply, you will have enough to consistently use Antarctic Krill Oil—helping to keep your heart, joints, and immune system strong—without worrying about running out early.
When you're ready to cash in on your 66% OFF savings, click through to our secure order form located right here.
"Multi Bottle Discounts"
Order your 12, 6, 3, or 1-bottle supply of NativePath Wild-Caught Antarctic Krill by choosing one of the packages you see below.
Our 12-bottle option is our BEST BARGAIN option, where you can secure a whole year's supply for only $19/bottle.
Because NativePath Antarctic Krill Oil uses only the purest, highest-grade source of omega-3s from the pristine Antarctic ocean, there are often shortages that put us at risk of running out of stock…
And once our customers begin using NativePath Antarctic Krill and experience the difference in how they look, feel, and move, they never want to be without the breakthrough.
That’s why they typically stock up on a multi-month supply, so they can be protected from future stock outages.
1 Bottle
3 Bottles
6 Bottles
12 Bottles
($1.23 per softgel)
($1.00 per softgel)
($0.76 per softgel)
($0.64 per softgel)
/ Bottle
/ Bottle
/ Bottle
365-Day Feel Good Guarantee
365-Day Feel Good Guarantee
365-Day Feel Good Guarantee
365-Day Feel Good Guarantee
Scientific Resources
Customer results have not been independently verified. Results may vary.
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