You probably use a variety of oils in your cooking every day, but did you know that many of the most common oils can heighten joint pain?
Many of these common inflammatory oils are found in just about everything. From salad dressing, cereal, coffee creamers, crackers, condiments, peanut butter, baked goods and the majority of packaged foods.
The eight industrial toxic seed oils known to cause inflammation are Canola, Corn, Cottonseed, Soy, Sunflower, Safflower, Grapeseed, and Rice bran.
Industrial seed oils are highly processed oils extracted from soybeans, corn, rapeseed (canola), cottonseed, sunflower, and safflower seeds. After the seeds are gathered, they are heated to extremely high temperatures to oxidize the fatty acids. This creates inflammatory byproducts that are harmful to your health—especially your joints.
The reason these oils are particularly damaging to joint health is because they contain high levels of omega-6 fats.
Excess consumption of omega-6s can trigger the body to produce even more pro-inflammatory chemicals.
Over time, these chemicals can wear down joint health & protection.
One study even showed that diets high in omega-6 fats and low in omega-3 fats may worsen joint pain*.
Most restaurants, prepackaged foods, and condiments such as salad dressings contain one or more of these toxic oils and there’s a good chance you have food products that contain these oils in your kitchen pantry.
Be sure to check your food labels and get rid of products containing these toxic oils. If dining out, ask for your food to be prepared without seed or vegetable oils.