7 Reasons Everyone Should Be Drinking This "Salty Drink" Every Morning 

Top doc reveals little-known tips to relieve bathroom urges, muscle spasms, and brain fog.

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT

If you’re male or female…

If occasional bathroom urges and leaks are a recurring concern…

You ever deal with an afternoon energy slump…

Or leg cramps that keep you up at night…

Then you might already be “in the know…” 

But for those that don’t know, there is one thing that 75% of Americans do every single day that is a major cause of bladder issues, low energy, brain fog, and muscle cramps…

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I’ve met countless people who felt their best days were behind them.

I've seen patients avoid social events… all because access to a bathroom became too stressful…

And the fear of a cough or sneeze triggering an embarrassing leak was just too much…

Or maybe you're someone who wants to keep living your golden years to the fullest without feeling like your brain shuts off mid-afternoon… 

But most importantly, I've seen people achieve incredible reversals with a simple nutritional fix.

I’ll show you why it worked for them — and why it could help you regain independence and strength, even if you think it's too late.


I am no longer desperate to get to a bathroom. In a day I drink about two servings of this and other liquids, including just water, and although my bladder gets full, it’s never an emergency like it was before. I feel I have more energy, and I need less sleep than I did before using this mix.”

Karen on 6/08/2024 ★★★★★

Individual results vary. Customer results have not been independently verified. Photo for illustrative purposes only.

1. There’s a secret link behind your muscle spasms, bladder issues, brain fog, and fatigue…

If you suffer from multiple different health ailments…

It makes sense you would treat them in multiple different ways!

Stretches to relieve muscle cramps…

Caffeine to boost brain function… 

Limiting water intake to reduce bathroom urges… 

But have you ever considered there could be one common cause behind all of them?

And simply correcting that underlying problem could provide you with the relief you’ve been searching for!?

This secret link behind muscle cramps, bladder issues, fatigue, and brain fog affects more than 75% of Americans…

And as you age, natural changes in your body make correcting this problem even harder.

But here’s the good news: I’m not talking about a scary disease or deadly toxin…

This is a basic bodily function that you’ve known about your entire life: Hydration.

And it’s essential for nearly every aspect of your health! 

Our body needs to stay hydrated in order to help:

  • Regulate your bladder and digestive system
  • Flush out toxins 
  • Provide energy to the brain for memory and thought processes
  • Regulate muscle movement and contractions
  • Regulate body temperature 
  • Lubricate joints
  • Absorb nutrients from food
  • Carry oxygen around the body 

And the list goes on…

So you can see how dehydration could be the root cause of multiple different ailments!

But before you go fill up a glass of water…

It’s unfortunately not that simple. 

2.  What you “know” about hydration… likely isn’t true.

You’ve probably heard you need to drink 8+ glasses of water a day…

But getting constant refills can be difficult to remember! 

Not to mention, if you deal with nighttime bathroom urges, you might worry drinking a ton of water throughout the day could make matters worse… 

Or maybe you’re like many people who just don’t enjoy the taste of plain water!

If this sounds familiar, odds are you’ve at least considered lugging around a giant water bottle everywhere you go.

But unfortunately…

Water alone isn’t enough…

In your 20s your body was about 60% water. 

But around the age of 50, this decreases to about 47% for women and 56% for men…

And continues to plummet with every passing year.

With fewer water reserves to maintain proper fluid levels… 

Dehydration risk skyrockets.

Which means an increased risk of occasional bladder issues, muscle cramps, headaches, low energy, and brain fog.

So if water alone isn’t enough, how do you provide your body with the hydration it needs?

You might be thinking about the fancy hydration drinks you’ve seen at the grocery store or on the sidelines at your grandson’s soccer game… 

But unfortunately, these were made with large amounts of electrolytes to help athletes replenish after sweating profusely throughout the day… 

Not someone as health-conscious as you looking to stay youthful and vibrant well into your golden years.

A study by US Army researchers discovered that drinks like these made with electrolytes alone are NOT the #1 way for people to reach optimal hydration.

And according to Harvard Medical School, middle-aged and older adults should consume less than 1,500 mg daily of one particular electrolyte: sodium. 


I have to say I was skeptical at first. But I can truly say after starting my second round (2nd month) I feel like I have more concentration during my day, especially in the afternoons! Also have noticed that after heavy activity my muscle soreness and stiffness have a faster recovery! More overall energy!! I definitely would recommend it to anyone looking for an upper edge in staying healthy!!”

Gary B. on 5/24/2024 ★★★★★

Individual results vary. Customer results have not been independently verified. Photo for illustrative purposes only.

3. Sodium is a delicate balance… and most of us are getting it wrong.

You’re probably aware that too much sodium is a bad thing…

Excess sodium can have dire effects on your cholesterol, blood pressure, and overall heart health.

But the truth is, you need sodium to deliver fluid throughout your body.

It’s a delicate balance…

And while the dietary guideline for the average adult is 2,300 mg of sodium a day… 

The recommended maximum sodium intake for people over 51 drops to 1,500 mg a day, or about 3/4 of a teaspoon. 

But many of the top hydration drink brands contain upwards of 1,000 mg of sodium! 

Meaning if you’re like most people and eat meals containing sodium throughout the day, chances are these drinks would take you well above the recommended limit. 

Luckily, we finally have a solution…

4.  US Army researchers discovered the #1 hydrating drink for seniors.

In 2016, UK researchers developed a formula to determine the hydrating powers of different beverages…

There have been dozens of studies on hydration, but Army researchers caught a MAJOR flaw in each one… 

Nearly all of the volunteers were under the age of 30. 

And the people like you who could benefit most from proper hydration slipped through the cracks!

But these military researchers have your back. 

They teamed up with brilliant minds from The Penn State Department of Kinesiology and recruited 24 volunteers.

Half of the volunteers were aged 20-26, and the other half aged 61-73. 

The younger group was most hydrated after a high-sodium drink - similar to Gatorade or other common electrolyte sports drinks. 

For the group aged 61-73, hydration was most improved after consuming a drink with only 230mg of sodium per serving! 

The key to hydration in this Army-discovered drink? Amino acids.  

You see, hydration is a complex process. It’s true that electrolytes encourage balanced fluid in and around your cells… but those electrolytes need something to hold them in place.

Amino acids act as a “water magnet” and are responsible for:

  • Delivering essential electrolytes around the body
  • Encouraging absorption of electrolytes
  • Supporting the storage of these essential hydrating nutrients!

Without enough amino acids, water can leave the blood vessels and collect in tissues - causing swelling, particularly around your midsection, legs, hands, and feet.  

It’s one of the reasons that some experts tell people over who struggle with swelling, unhealthy blood pressure, or sensitivity to salt to AVOID electrolyte drinks.

By simply decreasing the amount of sodium and adding amino acids, these brilliant Army researchers discovered the #1 way for people to finally achieve optimal hydration!

5.  Get ready to see youth return to your bladder, muscles, mind, and more!

You’ve seen how anyone could benefit from a hydration drink made with electrolytes, amino acids, and minimal amounts of sodium. 

And because optimal hydration is vital to nearly every bodily function, the benefits are endless!

The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, the lungs are about 83% water, your skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79% water, and bones 31%...

You can see how achieving proper hydration with the right combination of hydrating nutrients could have endless, full-body benefits!

A wide body of research and first-hand accounts now point to the incredible benefits of both electrolytes and amino acids!

✔︎ Strengthen muscles & minimize cramps

In one study, participants with weakening muscles supplemented with branched-chain amino acids and saw a significant increase in muscle strength, function, and mass over six months. Another study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that people who drank electrolyte-enhanced water during and after exercise were less susceptible to muscle cramps than those who drank pure water.

“I used to get lots of leg cramps before, but I have used it for a month and no more leg cramps.”* - Bharati D. 2/26/20204  ★★★★★

✔︎ Improve bladder health

One study found that increasing fluid intake resulted in a 58% reduction in bladder-related health events!

“Although a little skeptical, I tried this for a urinary tract supplement. I was pleasantly surprised. From week 1, bathroom trips decreased as well as urgency…”* 

- Bebe on 3/15/2024 ★★★★★

✔︎ Boost Energy

In two studies, participants who took branched-chain amino acids reported a reduction in fatigue, resulting in improved athletic performance.

“I break my fast each morning with it and feel energetic and satisfied until noon. I use it before teaching my yoga classes. I feel clean energy and very clear-minded!”*

Rocio B. on 5/09/2024 ★★★★★

✔︎ Support heart health

A 2018 study found the electrolytes potassium, magnesium, and calcium can help support heart health.

“Makes drinking all my water better and right away I could feel the increase in my energy😃”* - Diane on 2/25/2024 ★★★★★

✔︎ Minimize unhealthy levels of inflammation

In one study, patients aged 66-78 with inflammatory pain were given the most abundant amino acid in the body, called l-glutamine. After just 30 days, they had significantly lower levels of inflammation!

“Works great. I noticed less pain and more energy.”*

Marcus J. on 3/10/2024 ★★★★★

✔︎ Support weight loss goals

In one small study, 6 overweight women took the amino acid glutamine and saw significant reductions in body weight and belly fat without making any other dietary changes. 

“This is making a difference to how I feel, and it even helps to curb my appetite to graze all day, now I just have small meals and one snack.”* 

- DeeDee on 5/23/2024 ★★★★★

✔︎ Improve brain function

One study of men and women over 55 found that supplementing with 7 essential amino acids significantly improved cognitive function, social interaction, and psychological health scores compared to the placebo group. 

“Noticed a great bit of difference when I woke up the next morning. I felt better physically & the mental fog had lifted.”* - Nan B. on 5/28/2024 ★★★★★

*Individual results vary. Customer results have not been independently verified. Photos for illustrative purposes only.

6. Buyer beware… hidden ingredients can trigger digestive issues, occasional headaches, and sleep disturbances!

As a doctor of physical therapy, I’ve helped thousands of people improve their mobility, strength, independence, and confidence…

But the biggest changes—improved bladder health, more energy, and more strength—occur in people over 55 who prioritize hydration. 

After seeing how hydration needs change with age, I went searching for a product designed specifically for people over 50… 

Unfortunately, I found not only do most top hydration drinks on the market contain excess sodium and are missing essential amino acids… 

But many of them contain harmful ingredients!

Things like:

Added Sugars

Artificial Flavorings 

Contaminated Sea Salt

Artificial Dyes

These additives are known to trigger digestive issues, occasional headaches, sleep disturbances, and more.

After an exhaustive search, it became clear that other hydration drinks are “all marketing,” so I, along with my team of researchers, designed one that suits your needs. 


NativePath’s First Hydration Drink Specially Formulated For Men & Women 

NativePath Native Hydrate Electrolyte & Amino Acid Drink Mix

With ONLY one pack a day in a 12-16 ounce glass of water…

NativePath Native Hydrate is designed to FLOOD your body with 3000 milligrams of amino acids' miraculous abilities.

Along with electrolytes that are crucial for delivering hydration to every organ in your body: Magnesium, calcium, phosphorus…

And 200mg of sodium (that’s the equivalent of less than a quarter of a teaspoon!)

Available in Mixed Berry, Peach Mango, and Tangerine, there’s a flavor to fit all taste buds without artificial flavorings or dyes…

Plus, it’s sugar-free, keto-friendly, and only 5 calories per serving!

Native Hydrate is the only hydration drink I’ve found that’s designed for anyone!

Simply drink one serving in the morning to stay energized, satisfied, and vibrant all day long!


I have been looking for a low sodium, taste great hydration drink and finally found it at NativePath. All the other hydration drinks are sodium-heavy, and I'm very sodium-sensitive and would swell up terribly. NativePath Hydrate does not do that to me at all. I love this stuff. I drink it almost every day."

Barbara L. on 5/21/24 ★★★★★

Individual results vary. Customer results have not been independently verified. Photo for illustrative purposes only.

7.  11 additional vitamins create nature’s perfect hydration delivery system!

According to a 2015 press release from Harvard Medical School, “as we get older, our ability to absorb nutrients from food decreases.”

And if you ever experience pins and needles in your hands and feet, blurry vision, extreme tiredness, or brain fog, chances are you are lacking in essential nutrients…

That's why we included 11 additional vitamins for a total of 29 nutrients, amino acids, and electrolytes in every pack!

Then, we tweaked the formula again and again until we could guarantee it would easily dissolve in water… with no salty aftertaste or grainy texture — just a subtly sweet and natural taste.

Since then, hundreds of people have fallen in love with their daily health ritual… and the reviews are pouring in!




I used to buy the single-powered packs from the grocery store. Native Hydrate is much better for you. Check out the supplement facts and I think you will agree. They taste great also. I drink it during and after my workouts to keep me going.”*

Finally! My doctor suggested I have 16 oz. of an electrolyte drink daily, and I tried prepared drinks and several commonly available powders. They all had an unpleasant aftertaste. The Native Hydrate Tangerine is actually delicious, and now I can enjoy getting my electrolytes.”*

I love this stuff! I mix 2 packs each of the tangerine & berry in 84 oz of water & drink it all each day. I got away from Gatorade Zero due to additives & very glad I did. This is delicious, almost no calories, mixes easily. Buy it!”*

Carmen S. on 5/06/2024 ★★★★★

Barbara F. on 5/13/2024 ★★★★★

Susan D. on 5/20/2024 ★★★★★

*Individual results vary. Customer results have not been independently verified. Photos for illustrative purposes only.

Why Native Hydrate is the

#1 Hydration Drink of 2024

With over 150 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ reviews, the difference is clear!

No More Cramps

-S. on 3/26/2024

“I was so dehydrated that my butt, hamstrings and calves started to cramp up til I drank this mixed berry have not had a pain since I drank it super helpful for the body.”


-Elizabeth S. on 3/16/2024

“I love the taste of this drink. It is refreshing and delicious and a fun way to hydrate to upgrade from just plain water.”


-Sjaan W. on 3/27/2024

“Love the flavor of peach mango it definitely has helped me. I am over 85 and feel invigorated and hydrated. will be ordering more since I am on my last canister.”

Only 5 Cals

-Sandy V. on 3/10/2024

“I really like the flavor and can’t believe it is 5 calories.”

Tastes Good

-Brenda E. on 3/1/2024

“I don't like the taste of my tap water so this helps me consistently drink more water plus the benefits of the added minerals without the added calories of a sports drink.”

*Individual results vary. Customer results have not been independently verified.

The results are nothing short of astonishing…

Imagine your physician shocked by changes in your lab results…

What's more: enjoying strength and youthfulness like you haven’t felt in years…

And having enough energy to chase your grandkids around all day long!

Your friends will be asking what’s gotten into you…

And how you’re suddenly so youthful, vibrant, and confident!

That's just how effective NativePath Native Hydrate is.


- Melanie R. on 5/18/2024

“The peach/mango combination is very good. No aftertaste and it certainly quenches my thirst. Much healthier option than soda or juice.”

Tasty Hydration

- William Y. on 3/16/2024

“Mixed berry Native Hydrate has a delicious flavor which makes it easy to choose instead of any sports drink or pop.”

A Surprising Boost

- Hugh S. on 5/16/2024 

“So I have been using Mixed Berry Native Hydrate for over a month now and have been able to reduce my vitamin and such like intake, and expense one pack in the 16 oz. mug and I'm good for the day, which is another reduction in costs. And so far so good, more energy and less expense. I actually look forward to my morning drink of what is good for me. It also seems to cut my craving for something between meals. Try it you'll like it.”

*Individual results vary. Customer results have not been independently verified.

At this point, you may be wondering how you can try NativePath Native Hydrate yourself…

At NativePath, we prioritize nutrients from nature for the purest form your body can recognize and absorb. 

It is then produced in a certified GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) facility in the USA and is third-party tested for purity and potency.

So, not only are you getting the highest-grade source of hydrating nutrients and the total-body benefits of additional vitamins in every serving... 

But you’re also getting a safe, pure, and effective dose of hydration. 

There's just one downside…

Because there is nothing else like this on the market, Native Hydrate is known to sell out! 

We want as many people as possible to experience the difference optimal hydration can make in your life… 

Which is why we decided to offer an exclusive limited-time discount…

Where you can stock up on Native Hydrate for as low as $28 per bag.

That’s a whopping 44% OFF the retail price!

This is incredible news since I along with many experts believe electrolytes and amino acids to be the most superior hydration to stock up on, especially while our health is at top of mind these days.

We’ll even pick up the shipping cost.

That’s right… You get FREE shipping on today’s order.

So, how much Native Hydrate do you need to take in order to reap its benefits?

In the breakthrough Army study, participants consumed 33 ounces of amino acid and electrolyte water to achieve optimal hydration. 

Which is why we recommend 1-3 servings of Native Hydrate daily, morning or night (or both). 

Many Native Hydrate users report that benefits, such as energy and mental clarity, can be noticed in just a few days after correcting your hydration. 

That said, hydration is something that needs to be replenished consistently, every day. 

Which is why I recommend long-term daily use of Native Hydrate to help ensure that one’s fluid levels are maintained for good. 

So it makes sense why so many folks want to buy large amounts of Native Hydrate at a time...

The benefits of Native Hydrate’s strengthening powers are only truly realized when they’re taken day-after-day and month-after-month.

Simply put, amino acids and electrolytes are no “miracle supplement”... 

Electrolytes + amino acids only work if you...

  • Take it on a consistent daily basis. Simply take one serving up to 3 times daily.
  • Take the proper dose. By taking at least one serving every day, you’re giving your cells the hydration boost they need to strengthen the bladder, restore balance, and so much more.
  • Take it for the proper amount of time. Studies show that the more consistently you meet your hydration needs, the better your health will be.

In other words, adding a few amino acids and electrolytes to your diet here and there isn’t going to cut it. 

Consistency is key. 

You need to make sure you’re getting enough into your diet every single day.

Which is why I recommend my clients to:

  • Start with at least 3 bags of Native Hydrate at a time.
  • And 6 bags if they want to be completely safe.
  • Then take it every single day.

And there’s never been a better time to secure your supply of our premium hydration formula than now…

If you’re serious about getting the full results, I recommend taking electrolytes and amino acids every day… 

And we want as many people as possible to have access to this powerful 3-in-1 hydration formula, without money getting in the way. 

Right now when you stock up on 6 bags of NativePath Native Hydrate…

Not only will you get our best pricing of $28 per bag + FREE Shipping… 

But you will also receive a FREE gift!

Limited Time Offer:




(No monthly subscription. No strings attached.)

At NativePath, we don't believe you should spend an arm and leg for good health.

Especially considering if you calculate the money wasted on "grow younger vitamins,” and hydration products loaded with sodium and sugar…

Add in the time, energy, and resources spent googling how to naturally support your bladder, muscles, energy, and more…

And it'd easily add up into the thousands, if not MORE.

But you won't be paying that today.

In fact…

Am I crazy for making NativePath Native Hydrate this affordable?

Listen: I’ve given you up to a 44% OFF discount because in today’s economy, I understand it can be a struggle to make ends meet… Especially for those on a fixed income.

You shouldn’t have to choose between paying your electric bill or taking care of your body and health.

Besides, this small investment in your health today could end up saving you thousands of dollars on future medical bills.

Bottom line: I don’t want money to ever come between you and your health.

This is exactly why, with our limited-time discount, we’re letting you stock up on NativePath Native Hydrate for as low as $28/bag + a FREE gift. 

Best of all, there’s no risk involved since our 365-day money-back guarantee has you covered for a full year. 

This is a no-brainer if you ask me. 

All that's left is for you to come and join us.

So, if you’re ready to experience the NativePath difference yourself… And finally, get on the Path…

Here’s what’s going to happen next:

If you’re ready to try NativePath Native Hydrate, simply click on the “Try It Risk Free” button below.

From there, you can select your desired amount and proceed to our safe and secure checkout page where you can complete your order.

And even better...

All Orders of NativePath Native Hydrate Are Backed By Our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we now offer a 365-Day Money Back Guarantee every time you purchase. 

That means you have an entire year to try out your Native Hydrate, and if you don’t feel the difference or if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, you may return unopened products from your most recent order to us within 365 days of the day it is delivered to your door. Simply call our friendly Customer Care Team toll-free at 1(800) 819-2993 for assistance.

Rest assured you can order with confidence in knowing that your purchase is backed by our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee.



“I absolutely love the berry taste. Because of certain meds, I am required to drink a lot of water. This makes it so easy and so tasty! Thank you for another great product.”

M.C. on 5/24/2024  ★★★★★


Great Taste

“I am so happy that I can have an additive for hydration that is not too sweet! This has a true berry flavor without the overpowering sugary sweetness.”

Claudette on 6/06/2024 ★★★★★

Individual results vary. Customer results have not been independently verified

You've got nothing to lose and a younger, more vibrant you to gain.

Are you ready to get started?

Because in a few days from now… Your order of Native Hydrate will arrive right on your doorstep.

Then... get ready.

Because after your very first serving… You can relax and kick your feet up… Because you’ve just done the most IMPORTANT thing you could do for your health for the rest of the day.

And within as early as your first few weeks…

Don't be surprised if you wake up with a slight smirk because, for the first time in decades, you are actually REGULAR...

You don’t feel that concerning pressure or “gotta go NOW” feeling multiple times a day…

You’re even noticing your coordination is better and you’re not grabbing onto counters to regain your balance…

And you’re finally starting to feel like your younger self again…

More importantly…

Finally, enjoy quality time with loved ones without dehydration and fatigue getting in the way.

All of this - and MORE - is waiting for you when you grab Native Hydrate today for as low as $28/bag.

Just tear, pour, and sip your way to optimal hydration!

Native Hydrate Mixed Berry, Tangerine, and Peach Mango all have a naturally sweet and fruity flavor that tastes incredible in plain water. 

You can also add a serving of Native Hydrate to your fruit smoothies or yogurt for added strengthening benefits. Some people say it tastes like a popsicle or sherbert without the added sugar!

Native Hydrate is your one-way ticket to reclaiming your hydration and strength... And I reserved a supply with your name on it!

The one catch?

There’s no telling how long we’ll be able to afford to sell NativePath Native Hydrate at this low of a price. 

Plus - NativePath Native Hydrate is known to sell out.

Which means NOW is the time to take action. 

Because the truth is, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, there's nothing more painful than the look of disappointment and regret in patients who've missed the boat...

Who've told themselves they'll do everything in their power to stay healthy...

To give their body, mind, and soul everything they need...

But, when push comes to shove...

They vanish.

I realize this is a bit of tough love, but the way I see it, it's necessary.

That's why we formulated our product to be the most pure and potent source of amino acids and electrolytes on the market – in the perfect combination.

To make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself (without burning a hole in your wallet).

All that's left is for you to get on The Path. 

Click the button below now:

Yours in health,

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT

Co-Founder NativePath

(No monthly subscription. No strings attached.)

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

© 2025 NativePath

114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993