We want you to get the absolute best rate and without paying anything extra for it during these unprecedented times.
So, we decided to offer an exclusive limited-time discount to ease the stress many households are experiencing due to inflation…
Where you can stock up on NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen for as low as $21/jar.
That’s a whopping 45% OFF!
This is incredible news since myself along with many experts believe Type I & III bovine collagen to be the most superior source to stock up on, especially while our health is at top of mind these days.
So, how much collagen do you need to take in order to reap its benefits?
Based on research, using anywhere between 10-20 grams (1-2 scoops) of collagen per day can provide an array of health benefits.
But, for older individuals, the effects of years and years of collagen deficiency may put them at a critical disadvantage.
Thus, I recommend older adults to use at least 20 grams (2 scoops) of collagen for at least 60 days (or more) in order to achieve maximum benefits.
Using 2 scoops, or a double-dose, is a method called “collagen loading”.
Many of our customers find the most success in using the long-term loading dose.
This helps ensure that collagen levels stay elevated for good and bone, joint, hair, skin, nail and gut health benefits are maintained.
So, it makes sense why so many NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen users order large quantities at a time...
The benefits of collagen are only truly realized when it’s taken day-after-day and month-after-month.
As I said before, collagen is no “miracle” supplement...