6 Reasons Everyone Should Be Eating THIS Unique Fiber For Weight Loss

Doctor reveals little-known tips to minimize appetite, ease bloating, and boost metabolism without intense food restrictions.

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT

NativePath Co-Founder

Dear friend,

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything to lose weight and nothing seems to work?

Maybe you’re eating less than 2000 calories a day… 

Going on daily walks…

Intermittent fasting…

But no matter what you try the scale barely moves a pound.

If this sounds familiar, chances are it’s not that you’re eating too much…

It’s that you’re not eating enough fiber.

Research has found that 95% of us are not getting enough of the right kind of fiber.

Countless studies show many health conditions are linked to a low-fiber diet including appetite irregularity, weight gain, out-of-control blood sugar, and unhealthy cholesterol.

But here’s the good news… 

By simply increasing fiber intake you can get control back!

A study published in 2023 found when participants consumed more fiber, they lost an average of 7.2 pounds over 16 weeks!

Another study analyzed the dietary intake of 345 participants over 6 months, and found fiber intake was the most influential predictor of weight loss.

If you’re already using a fiber supplement and still struggling with your weight, there’s a good chance it contains the wrong type of fiber – that can cause blockages in your intestines, worsening constipation, and bloating…

Here are 6 reasons everyone looking to lose weight should be using this one unique type of fiber:

1.) What You Know About Fiber Isn’t The Whole Story.


Insoluble Fiber

Soluble Fiber



  • Good for colon health
  • Ease & prevents constipation
  • Stay fuller longer
  • Lowers blood cholesterol
  • Improves blood sugars

Unfortunately, nutrition labels lump "dietary fiber" under one heading. 

But there are two different types of fiber: Insoluble and soluble.

Insoluble fiber is commonly found in bran, whole grains, seeds, and the skins of fruits and veggies. It’s the type people think of when they think of fiber. 

It’s been called “nature’s laxative” and bulks up your stool, moving things through your digestive tract to ease constipation. 

Soluble fiber is commonly found in bananas, beans, lentils, chia seeds, hemp, and flaxseed.

It binds to water to form a gel in your digestive tract and slows down digestion, stabilizing your blood sugar to prevent spikes that leave you hungry.

Studies show soluble fiber reduces the levels of hunger hormones produced by the body and increases the production of hormones that make you feel full.

While both types of fiber have their time and place, anyone interested in using fiber to support their weight loss journey needs a healthy dose of BOTH soluble and insoluble fiber. 

Which can be difficult to achieve through diet alone.


2.) Experts Call This Balanced Blend The “Super Fiber” Of Weight Loss.

We need somewhere around 25-38 grams of fiber a day.

Trying to get the recommended dose of fiber through natural foods would mean eating A LOT of fiber-rich foods to reap the benefits. 

Which is where this “super fiber” comes in.

It’s called baobab.

Baobab powder forms from the fruit of the baobab tree, which has been revered throughout Africa as “the Tree of Life” for centuries.

And it contains 30 times more fiber than lettuce.

But what really sets it apart is its amount of appetite-reducing soluble fiber. 

Baobab is 50% fiber, of which 75% is soluble prebiotic dietary fiber.

Per 100 grams, baobab has more soluble fiber than the common source used in supplements like Metamucil, called psyllium.

This means it can increase the good bacteria in your gut, help you to feel full quicker and for longer, and slow the intake of sugar in the blood for balanced blood sugar levels.

3.) Studies Show Baobab Can Decrease Calorie Intake And Reduce Body Weight Without Extreme Diet Or Exercise.

Thanks to its unique make up, baobab is the ideal, natural way to harness the power of BOTH soluble and insoluble fiber. 

A 2017 study found that baobab can boost satiety (fullness) by absorbing water in the gastrointestinal tract, which increases the volume of food in your stomach.

The fiber in baobab also takes longer to pass through the gastrointestinal tract, which helps you feel full for a longer period of time. 

Not only can this help control hunger on busy days, but it can aid healthy weight loss and management, too.

One small study in 20 people showed that drinking a smoothie with 15 grams of baobab powder significantly reduced feelings of hunger compared to a placebo drink, allowing for easier weight loss*.

Another study found supplementing with just 14 grams of baobab per day has been shown to decrease calorie intake by up to 10% and reduce body weight by an average of 4.2 pounds over a four-month period*.

But beyond it’s appetite control…

4.) Baobab Can Balance Blood Sugar For Minimized Carb And Sugar Cravings!

Thanks to all that fiber, baobab can also lend a hand in managing blood sugar. 

Since fiber moves slowly through the gastrointestinal tract, it slows down the absorption of carbohydrates from the rest of your meal. 

This may help stabilize your blood sugar and prevent those dreaded post-meal energy crashes.

In fact, one study found that baking baobab extract into white bread reduced the amount of rapidly-digested starch and slowed down the increase of blood sugar levels in the body.*

Because drastic spikes and subsequent drops in blood sugar can trigger hunger and cravings for more carbs and sugar….

Maintaining balanced blood sugar levels can help reduce these cravings!

In the long term, the regulating effects of fiber can help you avoid the complications of frequent blood sugar spikes.

But that’s not all…

5.) Baobab Has Additional Weight Loss-Supporting Nutrients That Can Boost Metabolism And Break Down Excess Fat!

While the fiber content of baobab is essential for limiting appetite and promoting healthy digestion for minimized bloating…

It is just the beginning of how it can help support your weight loss journey.

Baobob also contains:


Polyphenols which contain anti-obesity properties and increase satiety.


Catechins that can help break down excess fat.


Magnesium, which can decrease insulin resistance and promote weight loss. 


B Vitamins including folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6 that can boost metabolism.

6.) Not Only Is Baobab Loaded With Weight Loss-Supporting Nutrients, But It Also Contains Essential Nutrients For Immune Health, Bone Strength, And Sleep Support!

As far as nutrition goes, baobab fruit contains a significant dose of nutrients you need for a healthy immune system, bone mineral density, uninterrupted sleep, and more!

Baobob contains:

  • Vitamin C (7-10 times more than oranges)
  • Magnesium (5 times more than avocados)
  • Potassium (6 times more than bananas)
  • Calcium (2 times more than cow’s milk)

Plus - it’s also rich in antioxidants — more than blueberries, goji berries, pomegranate, and acai — as well as polyphenols!

At this point, it’s easy to see just how important dietary fiber is for minimizing appetite, improving digestion, and encouraging weight loss…

Not to mention promoting metabolic health, blood sugar regularity, and so much more… 

Especially a nutrient-packed fiber source like baobab powder.

Nonetheless, studies show that only 5% of people in the US meet the daily fiber intake target.

The Institute of Medicine's recommended daily target is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. 

That amounts to a population-wide deficiency — what nutritionists call the “fiber gap.”

But you can address this easily by adding the right fiber supplement to your diet.

When it comes to adding a fiber supplement to your diet, you want to make sure:

95 % Fiber Deficient

5 %

  • It contains both forms of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber.
  • It also packs a ton of nutrients to provide extra support for digestion, regularity, metabolic health, and immune health.
  • It isn’t overly processed and does not contain any added preservatives or dyes. 

Bottom Line: Getting The Most Bang For Your Buck With Fiber Supplementation Should Be Looked At As A 2-Step Process.

First, you need soluble fiber.

  • Lowering fat absorption and helping weight management: As a thick, spread-out gel, soluble fiber blocks fats that would otherwise be digested and absorbed.
  • Lowering cholesterol: Soluble fiber prevents some dietary cholesterol from being broken down and digested. Over time, soluble fiber can help lower cholesterol levels or the amount of free cholesterol in the blood.
  • Stabilizing blood sugar (glucose) levels: Just as it prevents fats from being absorbed, soluble fiber slows down the digestion rate of other nutrients, including carbohydrates. This means meals containing soluble fiber are less likely to cause sharp spikes in blood sugar levels and may prevent them.
  • Feeding healthy gut bacteria: Some soluble fiber-rich foods feed gut bacteria, as it is fermentable in the colon, and so it helps the bacteria thrive longer.
  • Support cardiovascular health: By supporting healthy cholesterol levels, stabilizing blood sugars, and decreasing fat absorption, regularly eating soluble fiber may improve heart health and circulation.

Then, you need insoluble fiber.

  • Preventing constipation: As an indigestible material, insoluble fiber sits in the gastrointestinal tract, absorbing fluid and sticking to other byproducts of digestion that are ready to be formed into the stool. Its presence speeds up the movement and processing of waste, helping prevent gastrointestinal blockage and constipation or reduced bowel movements.
  • Feeling satiated and fuller after meals: Insoluble fiber physically fills up space in the stomach and intestines, furthering the sensation of being full. These properties can help people manage their weight.

Finally, you also want to choose a fiber source that’s minimally processed and rich in vitamins and minerals. 

That’s exactly why baobab powder is considered the most powerful fiber available on the market…

It’s Proven To Combat Hunger Signals, Fat Accumulation, And Incessant Cravings.

Plus, it adds even more health benefits with its rich vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content.

This double-action fiber breakthrough has already helped thousands of adults silence their hunger signals and boost their metabolism… practically after their first dose!

Kate A.

NativePath employee review

“I take Native Fiber before my meals, and I noticed my appetite is much smaller and I eat way fewer calories throughout the day. Plus I feel fuller, longer."

Aimee P.

NativePath employee review

“For years I was struggling to lose that extra 10 pounds sitting around my waist. This was the only thing that finally helped me silence those hunger signals and actually start to see some movement on the scale!"

Jenny F.

NativePath employee review

"Working from home I find it impossible to resist the snack drawer I have stocked for my kids. But on the days I drink Native Fiber, I notice I never even think about snacking! Plus - this powder tastes great in water and smoothies."

"The second I stumbled upon this baobab breakthrough, I knew I had to get it in your hands..."

My name is Dr. Chad Walding, co-founder of NativePath, Senior Nutrition Expert, and Doctor of Physical Therapy for over a decade.

For years, I’ve been working with patients who suffered from injuries that caused limited mobility and subsequent weight gain.

Because their injuries prevented intense cardio workouts, I set out to find a way to boost metabolism, minimize hunger, and promote weight loss through nutrition.

Once I discovered baobab I knew it could be life-changing for anyone looking to lose weight without spending hours at the gym.

In fact, it's a MUST-HAVE for someone as health-conscious as yourself...

Because believe it or not, you deserve to live vibrantly – worry free.

And now that we’ve developed our very own fiber product, you finally can!


NativePath’s Native FiberBaobab Powder

Friend, if you refuse to take "it comes with age" as a viable answer to that stubborn weight you can’t seem to lose…

And if you're tired of that ongoing battle between you and your cravings…

Or the bloating you get from going days without a bowel movement…

This might be the most exciting day of your life.

Because today is the day we arm you with the extra ammo needed to support your weight loss journey naturally.

With the once-a-day baobab powder formula containing both forms of fiber you need to bring balance to not only your appetite, but also your metabolic, digestive, and immune health, too.

And since it's free of fillers, binders, and fully compliant with GMP standards...

You can be sure it fits with your lifestyle.

Plus, you’ll actually look forward to the delicious orange citrus flavor Native Fiber Baobab Powder adds when you mix it in plain water.

Can You Picture Yourself This Time Next Month…


For the first time in years, you finally see that number on the scale start to drop…

Your clothes start to fit better…

And no more abdominal cramping or feeling constipated for days at a time… 

And finally enjoying meals with friends without worrying about how many calories are in every bite.

All that - and MORE - is possible today.

Our Baobab Powder Delivers Both Forms Of Fiber You Need For On-Going Weight Loss Benefits – Plus, Baobab Naturally Adds A Potent Supply Of Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Magnesium, And Potassium.

There’s no other fiber source quite like baobab. 

When I learned about this miraculous African fruit, it became clear to me that all other fiber supplements were grossly inferior. 

You see, in order for your body to actually experience the benefits of fiber supplementation, you need both forms of fiber in the proper ratios:

  1. You need soluble fiber. This type dissolves in water into a gel-like consistency within your gut and slows down digestion. It helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol and helps feed friendly gut bacteria.
  2. You need insoluble fiber. This type does not dissolve in water. It helps food move through your digestive system, adds bulk to stool, promotes regularity and helps relieve constipation.

Trouble is, not all fiber supplements contain the right amount of both types.

Ultimately, You End Up With More Digestive Stress And Bloating – (And Wasting Money).

In order to be effective, the fiber supplement must contain both types of fiber at the proper amounts. Which is exactly why we developed our Native Fiber Baobab Powder formula – to provide the perfect balance of prebiotic fiber to support long-lasting digestive health.

But That Just Wasn’t Good Enough… You Deserve Something Even More Incredible…

Which is why you’ll be thrilled to know that we supercharged our double-action baobab powder fiber formula with yet another marvelous weight-loss boosting ingredient: 


L-glutamine is an amino acid that benefits your overall health by supporting gut function and digestive processes. 

And healthy gut function can have a major impact on the body’s ability to shed excess weight.

A 2021 study published in the American Society for Microbiology, found those with low gut bacterial replication rates, aka a disrupted gut microbiome, were resistant to weight loss!

So if you feel like no matter how much you diet you can’t lose weight, it could be due to imbalanced gut bacteria!

Luckily, studies show l-glutamine can help.

According To A 2014 Study, Overweight Women Who Supplemented With L-Glutamine For 4 Weeks Saw A Significant Decrease In Body Weight And Waist Circumference Without Changing Their Dietary Habits.

Aside from helping to maintain healthy gut microbiota and immunity… 

Additional research shows it’s helpful for reducing intestinal colonization and bacterial overgrowth of pathogens.

This may reduce the risk for widespread issues ranging from constipation to weight gain.

With Native Fiber Baobab Powder, You Can Finally Shed That Stubborn Weight…

Picture this…

Long gone are the days spent wrestling with your cravings…

And worrying about the impact every bite is going to have on your weight loss goals. 

Your body is finally back in it’s natural rhythm with a regulated appetite and digestion…

And you finally feel like yourself again. 

After what felt like an eternity of counting calories and digestive woes… 

You’ve finally found the relief you’ve been yearning for.

You notice your clothes are fitting better…

And the simple act of enjoying a meal has regained its status as a pleasure rather than a puzzle. 

You can savor each bite without fear of triggering discomfort or setting back your weight loss goals.

The anxiety that accompanied food choices has melted away, allowing you to relish the flavors and nourishment that life has to offer.

Your energy has returned, and with it, a renewed enthusiasm for the activities that bring you joy. 

You find yourself embracing life with a vigor that you had almost forgotten. 

Whether it's tending to your garden, taking leisurely strolls through the park, or engaging in conversations with friends, you are no longer held captive by the constant thought of your weight, bloating, or digestive woes.

And you can't help but marvel at the resilience of the human body and the wonders that a natural remedy like the baobab fruit can bring.

That’s just how effective Native Fiber Baobab Powder truly is.

At This Point You May Be Wondering How You Can Try Native Fiber Baobab Powder Yourself…

Along with how much and how often do you need to take it for best results?

At NativePath we use all natural baobab fruit powder that is as pure as it gets – no preservatives, added sugar or harsh solvents.

Baobab powder is considered a raw fiber source.

It doesn’t undergo massive processing like most fiber supplements do or have any added ingredients. 

Baobab powder has a mild tangy flavor and is packed with vitamins and minerals.

Even better, our formula also contains L-glutamine to further encourage weight loss and a loss of inches around your waist.

So, not only are you getting the purest, most effective form of natural fiber on the planet, but you’re also getting the gut-protecting, weight loss-supporting benefits of L-glutamine with every scoop.

There's Just One Downside...

The meticulous process of sourcing raw baobab fruit from Africa can add weeks (sometimes months) onto our manufacturing operations.

But, that’s not the only thing affecting the supply chain… Labor shortages and equipment availability are also causing a ripple effect of global bottlenecks. 

Which means it can take a very long time to produce even a single jar of Native Fiber Baobab Powder…

As a result, shortages may come as a consequence.  

On top of that…

We have hundreds of customers who are already asking to place large pre-orders… 

Of Course, This Is A Good Problem To Have, But…

The expected increases in order volume will likely put an even BIGGER strain on production.

As a result, it’s very possible that we won’t be able to make this offer to all of our valued NativePath customers due to stock restrictions…

Lucky for you, we set aside a private supply with your name on it. 

Since we know how much you care about your wellbeing, you are getting priority access to our Native Fiber Baobab Powder. 

Where you can stock up on Native Fiber Baobab Powder for as low as $26 per jar.

That’s a whopping 42% OFF!

Plus, when you take advantage of this special new customer offer you’ll also be guaranteed to get our absolute best discount – even if it costs us more to make our Native Fiber down the road. 

Which it probably will with the way inflation is going. 

We’ll even pick up the shipping cost.

That’s right… You get FREE shipping on today’s order.

Of course, you have a full 365 days to try Native Fiber and if you are not completely satisfied you can reach out to our friendly team for assistance.

Zero risk, zero hassle – complete convenience. That’s how we do business.

This is incredible news since myself along with many experts believe the fiber found only on the baobab fruit to be mission-critical for regulating appetite, boosting metabolism, supporting digestion, metabolic and immune health as you age. 

So, How Much Fiber Do You Need To Take In Order To Reap Its Benefits?

Based on research, consuming anywhere between 25-38g of fiber a day can provide the weight loss support many individuals seek. 

And while it’s recommended you get the bulk of your daily fiber intake from whole food sources, it can be challenging to eat enough of these foods to meet your needs.

That’s where supplementing with baobab powder can be incredibly helpful.

Therefore, our recommended serving is 1 to 2 heaping servings every day, morning or night (or both). Depending on your needs, you may even take 3 servings a day; one with each meal. 

Some studies show that many benefits, such as improvements in metabolism, regularity, and digestive health may be experienced within the first few days. 

That said, the benefits of fiber are only fully realized if you meet your daily needs every day. 

Thus, many of my patients find the most success with long-term daily use of Native Fiber Baobab Powder to help ensure that one’s appetite and digestive health is maintained for good.

So It Makes Sense Why So Many Folks Want To Buy Large Amounts Of Baobab Powder At A Time... 

The benefits of baobab's fiber content are only truly realized when it’s taken day-after-day and month-after-month.

Simply put, baobab powder is no “miracle supplement”...

Fiber Supplements Like Baobab Only Work If You…

  • Take it on a consistent daily basis. Simply take one serving up to 3 times daily at mealtimes.
  • Take the right amount for the results you want. By taking at least one serving every day, you’re giving your metabolic system the fiber boost it needs to minimize appetite, balance blood sugar, promote fat burning, and so much more.
  • Take it for the proper amount of time. Clinical studies show that as you consistently meet your daily fiber intake needs, the greater your digestive, metabolic and immune health will be.

In other words, adding a little bit of fiber into your diet here and there isn’t going to cut it.

Consistency is key. 

You need to make sure you’re getting enough fiber into your diet every single day.

Which is why I recommend my clients to:

  • Start with at least 3 jars of Native Fiber at a time.
  • And 6 jars if they want to be completely safe. 
  • Then take it for a period of at least 90 days.

And there’s never been a better time to secure your supply of our premium baobab powder fiber formula than now…

Because so many studies show that meeting your fiber requirements consistently yields the greatest results…

We wanted as many people as possible to have access to this powerful fiber supplement.

That’s why my NativePath team and I went to great lengths to secure a surplus of our Native Fiber Baobab Powder to offer our deepest discount offer yet.

As An Exclusive New Customer Special, We’ve Set Aside A Very Limited-Supply Of Native Fiber Just For You… And We’re Giving You The Chance To Secure Your Supply Now At Up To 42% Off!

Right now when you take advantage of our 6 jar package of Native Fiber…

Not only will you lock-in our exclusive new customer pricing of $26 per jar...

But you will also receive FREE SHIPPING!

That means you can enjoy the long-lasting weight loss benefits of our premium baobab powder fiber formula without ever worrying about running out. 

This new customer discount is first come first serve… 

Once you leave this page, we will not be able to offer this exclusive deal ever again.

As A Special New Customer Promotion, We Reserved An Exclusive 42% New Customer Discount On This Page Only

At NativePath, we don't believe you should spend an arm and leg for good health.

Especially when you calculate the money wasted on overpriced weight loss teas and inferior fiber supplements… 

Plus the time, energy, and resources spent googling tricks to get rid of stubborn fat… 

And it'd easily add up into the thousands, if not MORE.

But you won't be paying that today.

In fact…

I Might Be Crazy… But I’m Going To Cut The Price Nearly In HALF For You Today When You Stock Up…

Listen: I’ve given you a 42% OFF discount for a few reasons…

Firstly, in today’s economy I understand it can be a struggle to make ends meet… Especially for those on a fixed income.

You shouldn’t have to choose between paying your electric bill or taking care of your body and health.

Besides, this small investment in your health today could end up saving you thousands of dollars on future medical bills.

Bottom line: I don’t want money to ever come between you and your health.

Secondly… Because we are so confident in the benefits of this product, we are offering our best-ever discount price to a limited number of new NativePath customers.

Which is exactly why with our exclusive new customer discount, we’re letting you stock up on Native Fiber for as low as just $26 per jar.

This is the absolute best price we can afford to sell Native Fiber for – and unfortunately, we can not offer this incredible deal for long.

This exclusive new customer discount will only be available for the first 250 customers who purchase today.

After that, Native Fiber will only be available at the full retail price of $45 per jar. That’s a big difference considering you can grab your supply for as low as $26 per jar right now!

Best of all, there's no risk involved since our 365-day money-back guarantee has you covered for a full year.

This is a no-brainer if you ask me.

All that's left is for you to come and join us. 

So, if you’re ready to experience the NativePath difference yourself… And finally get on The Path…

Here’s what’s going to happen next:

When you click on the “GET FIBER NOW” button below, you'll be able to select your desired amount of Native Fiber. From there, you can proceed to our safe and secure checkout page where you can complete your order.

And even better...

Introducing our 365-Day Money Back Guarantee

At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we now offer a 365-Day Money Back Guarantee every time you purchase. 

That means you have an entire year to try out your Native Fiber, and if you don’t feel the difference or if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, you may return unopened products from your most recent order to us within 365 days of the day it is delivered to your door. 

If you don’t feel the difference or if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, simply call our friendly Customer Care Center toll-free at 1(800) 819-2993 for assistance.

Rest assured you can order with confidence in knowing that your purchase is backed by our 365-Day Money Back Guarantee.

You've Got Nothing To Lose… Except Those Stubborn Pounds!

Are you ready to get started?

Because in a few days from now… Your order of Native Fiber will arrive right to your doorstep.

Then... get ready.

Because after your very first serving… You can relax and kick your feet up… Because you’ve just done the most IMPORTANT thing you could do for your health for the rest of the day.

And within as early as your first few days...

Don't be surprised if you wake up with a slight smirk because, for the first time in decades, you realize you have been eating less naturally…

Not because you’re white knuckling your way through the kitchen… 

Or throwing out anything with carbs…

But because you just aren’t as hungry!

And after a few weeks…

You’re noticing your clothes are starting to fit a bit more loosely…

And you’re finally starting to feel like your younger self again…

More importantly...

Finally enjoying quality meal time with loved ones and bonding over the delicious food, instead of worrying about the calories.

All of this - and MORE - is waiting for you when you grab Native Fiber today for as low as 42% OFF.

Just Scoop, Stir And Sip Your Way To Freedom

Native Fiber Baobab Powder has a deliciously tangy orange citrus flavor that tastes incredible in plain water. You can also add a serving of Native Fiber into your fruit smoothies or yogurt for added benefits. 

Native Fiber Baobab Powder Is Your One-Way Ticket To Reclaiming Your Eating Patterns... And I Reserved A Supply With Your Name On It!

The one catch?

We are only offering this special new customer price for a limited-time. 

Due to the supply and demand for high-quality baobab fruit powder, we’re only able to offer this incredibly low price to our first 250 customers today. 

So if you're reading this, the good news is we still have enough in stock to offer our 42% OFF discount...

Which means NOW is the time to take action.

Because the truth is, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, there's nothing more painful than the look of disappointment and regret in patients who've missed the boat...

Who've told themselves they'll do everything in their power to stay healthy...

To give their body, mind, and soul everything it needs...

But, when push comes to shove...

They vanish.

I realize this is a bit of tough love, but the way I see it, it's necessary.

That's why we formulated our product to be the most pure and potent source of fiber on the market – baobab fruit.

To make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself (without burning a hole in your wallet).

All that's left is for you to get on the Path. 

Click the button below now:

(No monthly subscription. No strings attached.)

Thank you for your time today. 

Dr. Chad Walding

Co-Founder, NativePath

PS. If you're still here, you might have some questions:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What makes Native Fiber different from others?

Unlike other commercial fiber supplements, Native Fiber sources raw baobab fruit from the “Tree of Life” found only in Africa.

Baobab naturally contains the ideal ratio of both fiber types, soluble and insoluble, delivering the perfectly balanced fiber support you need to promote regularity, relieve constipation and boost digestive health. Plus, manage healthy blood sugar, cholesterol and appetite regulation.

It doesn’t undergo massive processing like most fiber supplements do, or have any added ingredients. 

Aside from being rich in fiber, the baobab fruit also packs essential nutrients:

  • Vitamin C (7-10 times more than oranges)
  • Fiber (30 times more than lettuce)
  • Magnesium (5 times more than avocados)
  • Potassium (6 times more than bananas)
  • Calcium (2 times more than cow’s milk) 

Furthermore, we also added the amino acid L-Glutamine to our Native Fiber formula to support gut biome, enforce intestinal health and protect against leaky gut and other inflammatory digestive conditions. 

As you can tell, Native Fiber offers so much more than your average fiber supplement.

Q: How much should I order?

Our most popular quantity is our 6 jar package which you will get at an unbeatable price of just $26 per jar.

Plus, with a 6 jar supply, you will have more than enough Native Fiber to use daily without worrying about running out.

Q: What does Native Fiber taste like?

Native Fiber has a natural orange citrus flavor. Some people say it tastes like an orange popsicle or orange sherbert. 

Q: How does it work?

As a pure form of fiber, the baobab content found in Native Fiber provides incredible benefits to your digestive health. 

As a refresher, there are two types of fiber that our body needs: soluble and insoluble – and baobab contains both. Soluble fiber dissolves in the water found in your digestive system and can help to reduce the level of cholesterol in your blood.

Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve, it passes through your gut and enables other foods to move through your digestive system easily. It also helps to keep your bowels healthy and prevents digestive problems like constipation.

Together, both types of fiber work to support appetite control, cholesterol health, digestive health, and healthy blood sugar levels. 

Q: How many servings are in each jar?

Each jar of Native Fiber contains 30 servings.

Q: What is the best way to use this product?

Take one serving 1-3 times daily at mealtimes or as recommended by a healthcare professional.

Q: How long do I have to use this product before I see results?

Many folks notice reduced appetite and cravings as early as their first few uses.

But, in order to continue to experience optimal metabolic health – as well as healthy blood sugar, cholesterol and appetite regulation – it is mission critical that you’re getting the proper amount of dietary fiber in your diet each day.

For this reason, it’s smart to stock up on a larger supply of Native Fiber so you can experience the full long-term benefits without the risk of running out.

Q: How soon can I expect to receive my order?

You can expect to receive your order within 7-10 business days.

Q: Is it really safe to order this product from this online website?

Yes. Our website is protected by Trust-Guard, an online PCI Compliant Security Scanner software that prohibits security holes from compromising your shopping experience. The Security-Scanned seal is intended to inform shoppers that our business is certified and trusted as safe, responsible, and totally awesome.

Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

Many folks begin to see and feel a difference shortly after their first few uses.

However, we want to make sure there’s absolutely no risk involved when it comes to investing in any of our NativePath products.

That’s why you can try Native Fiber for a full 365 days and if for any reason you're not completely satisfied, simply contact our Customer Care team to begin the return process. Rest assured, you can complete your order today knowing that you're protected by our risk-free 365-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Q: What are the ingredients?

Q: Can I get this product on Amazon?

No. Native Fiber is only available through this exclusive website.

Q: How long will this new customer discount last?

Due to the limited and tedious sourcing process of baobab fruit from Africa, our new customer discount offer will likely not last long and it can be deactivated without notice at any time. So, if you’re even a little curious about what this unique fiber formula can do for you, now is the best time to stock up and save big on Native Fiber while it’s available at our lowest-ever online price.

Simply choose your quantity below then click the green “GET FIBER NOW” button.

NativePath Fiber

Baobab Powder

New Customer Discount:Save Up To 42% Off Today & Get FREE Shipping

Go ahead and order your 6, 3, or 1 jar supply of Native Fiber by choosing one of the packages you see below.

Our six-jar package is by far our most popular.

Since you need to regularly consume fiber for it's appetite and blood sugar regulating benefits, it’s wise to keep a good supply of this product handy. That’s why we are offering our best deal to those who are most committed to experiencing the best long-term results.

The 6 jar allows you to save 42% – that means you’ll be locking in the perfect supply for full results at our absolute best possible price of just $0.86/serving.

You’ll also get FREE SHIPPING on this order.

Once folks begin using Native Fiber and experience the difference in their appetite, bloating, and more they never want to be without the breakthrough.

That’s why they typically grab a multi-jar supply, that way they have more than enough to continue using it while securing our absolute best price. 

One Time Purchase









TOTAL $90 $135

TOTAL $37 $45

TOTAL $156 $270




365-Day Money Back Guarantee

Safe & Secure Checkout

FREE Shipping On All U.S. Orders

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

© 2025 NativePath

114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993