6 Myths About Joint Pain Debunked

Do you know that much of what Big Pharma tells you about joint health is actually a lie?

By Dr. Chad Walding

Doctor of Physical Therapy, ISSA Certified Nutrition Specialist, & NativePath Co-founder

Dear friend,

Dr. Chad Walding, Doctor of Physical Therapy, here with some incredible news.

Because if you're worried about your achy, inflamed joints…

Or your “bone-on-bone” damage…

Or the nagging pain in your knees, lower back or hips…

You’ll want to read the following article very carefully.

Because the truth is, there’s a lot you can do to build healthy, mobile joints…

Restore lost cartilage…

And even prevent bone-on-bone pain while reducing fracture risk.

First, let’s get our facts straight…

Myth #1: Exercise is bad for people with joint pain. FALSE!

This is perhaps one of the most dangerous myths surrounding joint health, which is why I want to address it first.

Have you ever heard the phrase…

“When you stop moving, you start dying.”

Well, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I’m here to tell you that this couldn’t be more true.

Movement is essential for a long, vibrant, pain-free life. 

And regular exercise is absolutely mission critical for maintaining joint health and flexibility. 

Now, not all forms of exercise are created equal.

While high impact exercises like running and jumping might not be appropriate with folks with severe joint pain, there are plenty of forms of exercise that can actually help alleviate pain.

Joint stiffness typically eases with stretching, and walking is almost always a good thing. 

As well as gently stretching the tissues of the joint that might otherwise atrophy, activity stimulates blood flow.

Low-impact activities like swimming, brisk walks, or cycling can also help strengthen the muscles around your joints, lessen pain, and improve overall function.

Myth #2: Over-the-counter pain medications can improve joint pain. FALSE!

Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or naproxen sodium (Aleve) can help temporarily relieve occasional pain.

The key word here is temporary. 

While these medications can provide temporary relief, they do not address the root cause of joint degeneration. Therefore they do not improve painful joints – they only mask the pain and inflammation symptoms for a short period of time.

And with more Americans experiencing chronic pain than ever before, it’s no surprise that the pain medication use is growing exponentially. 

While these medications are considered to be relatively safe, no medication is completely free of side effects.

Furthermore, OTC pain medications are often overused – which can exacerbate side effects and lead to chronic health problems. 

In fact, research shows using certain OTC medications can cause blood clotting, potentially putting you at a higher risk for heart problems and stroke if you use more than directed for longer than directed.

As a doctor of Physical Therapy, this is where so many folks get it wrong. 

Masking symptoms is not an effective long-term solution for joint health.

But I don’t blame you – most physicians are quick to prescribe pain meds or recommend OTC drugs rather than provide natural solutions to rebuilding healthy, pain-free joints.

Lucky you, you’re about to discover how thousands of older adults are doing just that – without the need to rely on medications. 

Myth #3: Losing weight won't make a difference in joint pain. FALSE!  

You might not realize how much excess weight can worsen joint pain symptoms. 

Carrying extra pounds strains weight-bearing joints, such as your knees, hips, and lower back. 

Normal Joint Force

Joint with increased pressure due to being overweight

Research shows that even a small amount of weight loss can lead to a noticeable reduction in joint pain. 

In fact, losing just 10 pounds can ease 15 to 50 pounds of pressure from your lower joints*.

So, adopting a balanced diet and exercising regularly can significantly relieve your pain and discomfort.

The most important habit to adopt in terms of supporting weight loss and metabolic function is having a protein-rich breakfast. 

Protein not only satiates your appetite and supports healthy blood sugar – both of which are incredibly important for maintaining a healthy weight… 

But protein is also mission critical for the maintenance of muscle, ligament and joint health with older age.

In fact, there’s one unique protein that’s even been shown to help rebuild joints, cartilage and bones – no matter how much wear and tear you have.  

I’ll cover the groundbreaking research later in this article.

Myth #4: Men are more likely to get joint pain than women. FALSE!

Joint pain occurs in the body where two bones meet, and is caused by the erosion or wear of cartilage.

In general, women have looser ligaments. From the time that they are young, they go through monthly hormonal changes, which leads to their joints being more relaxed.

The surrounding joint tissues, including ligaments and muscles, may not be as resilient. 

Due to the nature of their ligaments, women may present with symptoms of joint problems earlier in life than men do, which can translate to even more severe degenerative conditions down the road – if nothing is done to stop it. 

Despite this, it’s crucial for all adults over the age of 50 to take steps to reinforce joint health – and even more so for older women who may be at a physiological disadvantage. 

Percentage of adults with joint pain by gender





Percentage of adults






Myth #5: Once you’re bone on bone, you can’t reverse it. FALSE!

If you suffer with chronic joint pain for years, there’s a good chance your physician has referred to your condition as “bone on bone”.

But what does being “bone on bone” really mean? 




Exposed bone

Cartilage to begin breaking down

Eroding meniscus

Bone spurs

Bone on bone is a reference to the increased severity of OA (osteoarthritis) in a joint. 

Osteoarthritis is the presence of inflammation of bones in a joint due to a reduction of cartilage.  

In a healthy joint, cartilage aids in the congruence of movement of the joint between the two bones.  

Thus if someone has a joint which is “bone on bone” it suggests the amount of cartilage on the bones in the joint is reduced and inflammation present.

But being bone on bone isn’t GAME OVER for your joints. 

And while surgery can be a daunting prospect for many, there are natural ways to manage your pain and support healthy joints.

For starters, simply stretching or taking a 10-20 minute walk each day is an effective way to build and maintain strong muscles and ligaments. Doing so can keep joints mobile and help solve instabilities within the joint that may occur due to cartilage loss. 

Aside from low-impact movement, there is another breakthrough approach to supporting joint health into older age – and the research shows that it works no matter how far gone your bone on bone condition is.

In fact, one study showed that this supernutrient increased the density of knee cartilage among individuals after just 24 weeks*.

That’s a miraculous discovery for folks with degenerative joint conditions, as this evidence suggests that regenerating cartilage is not only possible – but hundreds of folks are experiencing the clinical results, and it’s changing their lives. 

I’ll reveal the MRI scans that prove cartilage regeneration is possible later in this article. 

Myth #6: The only surefire way to fix joint pain for good is to get surgery. FALSE!  

This can’t be more wrong. 

Big Pharma would like you to believe that the only way to deal with bad joints is to take medications, shots or get surgery – but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact… 

Approximately 2% to 5% of patients have complications from joint replacement procedures.

Some of these complications, such as heart attacks, strokes, and respiratory issues, result from anesthesia given during these procedures. 

Other complications, including infections, fractures, implant failure or loosening, and unexplained pain that develops during healing, result from the procedure itself.

Unfortunately, this can lead to needing multiple surgeries – ultimately, keeping you trapped in a downward pain spiral.

Case and point:

In today's healthcare system many doctors, drug companies, and insurers would like to make you believe there is nothing you can do to correct joint problems outside of drugs and surgery – when in fact this deceitful practice is nothing more than a ploy to fatten their pockets.

Even worse… 

The “solutions” Big Pharma offers don’t even address the root cause of joint pain…

  • Pain medications, OTC or prescription, only provide temporary relief and come with a high risk of dependency and other side effects.
  • There's even concern that repeated cortisone shots might damage the cartilage within a joint.
  • Joint replacement surgeries come with complication risks which ultimately lead to the need to have more invasive procedures.  

But, there is good news…

By actually addressing the true cause of joint health and making the natural lifestyle changes required to reverse it, research now proves that it is possible to build stronger joints at any age. 

The natural way to support healthy joints combines nutrition, daily activity and fall prevention. 

Next comes eliminating the lifestyle factors that compromise joint health, such as inactivity.

Finally, eating more foods that contain joint-building nutrients – which can help you decrease joint pain and regain strong, mobile joint structures quickly. 

In a nutshell it’s lifestyle modification.

Bottom Line: Having Joint Pain Is Not A Death Sentence To Your Mobility Or Your Freedom – You Can Do Something About It.

And when it comes to lifestyle modifications, nothing has been proven to be more miraculous than making this one simple dietary change…

According to new research, there is one breakthrough nutrient that researchers believe has the greatest potential for rebuilding joints and supporting healthy bones.

Imagine it…

Your joints could become so strong and pain-free that you won’t have to worry about getting that knee surgery…

Your body feels young again, and you are bouncing around like you did in your 20s...

A Protein So Unimaginably Effective… Eating MORE of it Could Decrease Joint Pain By 38%... and Even Regrow Cartilage in a Matter of Months

Imagine undoing years (or even decades) of joint wear and tear… 

All by adding one specific type of protein in your diet…

Groundbreaking research from the National Library of Medicine shows just how powerful it is at doing just that.

I'll share the breathtaking specifics in a moment.

Picture in a few weeks…

Leaping out of bed with joints that feel so young and cushioned, you'd swear they're BRAND-NEW...

Opening jars...

Picking up tricky packages...

Even hopping in and out of your car with ease...

Getting up and down stairs without having to brace yourself…

Not needing to take pain pills just to make it through the day…

Or rely on injections to feel a brief bout of relief before the pain comes crashing back in…

Imagine canceling that surgery you thought you had to have…

And returning to hours of gardening, dancing, and YES–even playing golf, pickleball or tennis again without "paying for it later"... Or worse, accidently fracturing a bone.

Best of all…

It’s Completely Natural and Safe… And Based On Study Participant Results, Has Zero Side Effects. And Today, it Could Be Yours.

If you're as health-conscious as I think you are, you’ve probably already heard about this protein before.

Because whether you suffer from joint-deteriorating conditions…

Severe pain in your knees, back, hips, or wrists…

Bone loss conditions…

Even sagging skin or thinning hair…

You probably have already read the research and rave reviews about how one special type of protein can help…

It’s collagen.

But not just any ordinary type of collagen (I’ll get to that in just a minute).

Studies show that many age-related health issues are directly linked to not having enough of this protein in your body.

Unfortunately, the body’s own production of collagen increasingly declines with age.

This is referred to as a “collagen deficiency”.

In fact, by the time you hit "middle age”, your body could be producing less than half the collagen it did in your youth.

And the bad news is… If you’re over 50, the severity of your collagen deficit only gets worse with each passing year… Unless you do something about it.


Beginning age of 20, the levels of collagen in our body starts to decline.


By the age of 30, collagen in our skin declines dramatically


Amount of Collagen 



Beginning age of 20, the levels of collagen in our body starts to decline.


By the age of 30, collagen in our skin declines dramatically












Replenishing Collagen Just Makes Sense. And The Older You Get, The More Sense It Makes.

Now, this isn't news for someone as health-conscious as you.

But, what you might not know is that supplementing with the right type and proper amount of collagen can produce noticeable results in as little as a few weeks…

This is where most people get it wrong… The source and the dose make ALL the difference.

I know it sounds far-fetched...

Yet The Scientific Literature Is Irrefutable… When You Add The Right Type And Proper Amount Of Collagen Back Into Your Diet, Your Body Can “Mend” Itself…

The research is unlike anything I've ever seen:

  • One study showed improvements in knee cartilage density among individuals taking a special form of collagen after just 24 weeks*
  • Another study from the National Library of Medicine, postmenopausal women showed a 4.2% higher bone mineral density in the spine and a 7% higher bone mineral density in the neck*.
  • Collagen supplementation was also associated with a favorable shift in bone markers, indicating increased bone formation and reduced bone degradation*.
  • A separate meta-analysis from 2018 showed collagen to be effective in improving joint pain symptoms including stiffness and mobility*.
  • A study from a Joint Degeneration and Cartilage Journal assessed subjects suffering from knee and hip-joint pain and found a 38% reduction in joint pain after just 12 weeks*.
  • A study published in June 2016 in the Eurasian Journal of Medicine found that patients with knee pain who took collagen reduced joint pain during walking and had quality of life superior to those on the medication alone*.
  • One recent study of 53 elderly adults with sarcopenia, a loss of muscle caused by aging, found that those who took 15 grams of collagen daily for 3 months gained significantly more lean muscle and lost more fat than those who did not take collagen*.

This evidence suggests that collagen can help rebuild weak cartilage, reduce joint pain and reduce muscle loss in seniors in 3 months or less – without the need of medications, injections or surgeries.

These findings also suggest that taking collagen supplements long-term may help increase bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, who are at a greater risk of developing more severe bone loss. 

That's just a glimpse of how extraordinary collagen protein is.

And understand this doesn't just work for study participants in state-of-the-art laboratories...

Thousands Of Real World People Like You Consider Collagen Their Secret Weapon Against Aging – And Now, It’s Your Turn.

Their results are absolutely out of this world, take a look:

“I started doing this 6 months ago - faithfully every morning. I’m noticing FAST results!! My feet aren’t as stiff upon waking every morning.

I have had osteopenia for over 20 years, and I feel like it has finally improved. I can’t wait for my next bone scan!

I was also losing my hair every time I washed it — that has stopped, and my hair is so much thicker and wavy now. My skin feels wonderful, especially around my eyes.”

Mary Helen Jost from Lenoir City, Tennessee

“I'm 73-years-young, and after doing this for two weeks, I've already noticed weight loss, stronger nails, less hair loss, my skin is healthier, very little bruising when I bump into things, moisturizing hands & face enhanced.

My DEXA (osteopenia) has begun improving, my digestion has gotten better, and I'm already feeling more energized!!

I can hardly wait to see how I'll feel in two more months!!”

Judi Copley-Eyrick from Evansville, Indiana,

“I have osteopenia, but I have been making this one change for a month now and notice I can walk 5 miles uphill without muscle or knee aches...

Nothing else has worked like this before!”

Nancy Monta from Cambridge, Maine

Customer results have not been independently verified. Results vary.

Incredibly, that's just a sneak peek of the results you can expect when you take advantage of what I'm about to reveal with collagen supplementation...

What's more: proper collagen supplementation works even if you're already well into your 50s, 60s, 70s, or beyond...

Because once you feel the new pep in your step as a direct result of restoring lost collagen…

Taking collagen everyday becomes a downright necessity.

The Reason Collagen Is So Utterly Effective For Joints, Cartilage & Bones?

Collagen is not only the most abundant protein in your body…

But, it’s also the most abundant protein in the joint structure.

In fact...

Collagen makes up two-thirds of the dry weight of cartilage in knees and other joints.

Has Your Doctor Told You That You’re “Bone-on-Bone”?

Cartilage, or the tissue that stretches over the ends of your bones and sits in the middle of your joints, is 67% collagen protein. 

It’s this cartilage that keeps joints sliding, bending and moving smoothly. 

Unfortunately, as collagen levels degrade with age, cartilage begins to weaken and break down. 


Degraded Collagen

Reduced Collagen


HealthyKnee Joint

Unhealthy Knee Joint

When collagen levels decline with older age, the wear and tear on your joints and cartilage can cause bones to rub against each other. 

Doctors often refer to this as “bone-on-bone”.

But there is good news…

Because collagen helps the cartilage–and your joints–stay flexible, absorb shock and generally stay well-supported, ensuring healthy levels of this vital protein can help protect against bone-on-bone conditions.

But collagen isn’t just helpful for healthy joints…

It’s also extremely important for strong, healthy bones. 

In fact, about 20 percent of bone is composed of collagen.

10% water

Normal bone matrix

20% organic material, from which:


Collagen Type I is 95%

Bone Cells are 5%

(osteoblasts for bone formation, osteoclasts for bone resorption)


  • Collagens in bones provides the framework for calcium mineralization 
  • A weak collagen matrix will provide insufficient calcium binding sites
  • An increase in this organic fraction and the following mineralization of the bone may result in increased BMD

Bone Mass



70% inorganic minerals, mainly calcium and phosphorus

But that's not all...

Collagen Is Also Incredibly Beneficial For Your Skin, Hair, Nails And Gut.

It’s proven to provide remarkable benefits, such as…

  • One study found that women who consumed a collagen supplement daily for 12 weeks experienced increased skin hydration and a significant reduction in deep wrinkles compared to a control group.*
  • Another found that women who took collagen for 12 weeks had 76% less skin dryness, 12% fewer visible wrinkles, better blood flow in the skin*.
  • In an eight-week study, 69 women aged 35–55 found that taking a daily collagen supplement significantly improved scalp dermis elasticity and hydration compared to a placebo, translating to visibly better hair health.*
  • A study assessing brittle nail syndrome showed that collagen supplementation promoted an increase of 12% nail growth rate and a 42% decrease in the frequency of broken nails*.
  • Collagen provides the body with Glutamine – an amino acid that is linked to reducing inflammation of tight junctions in your intestinal lining which helps prevent leaky gut.

With all of these findings, the evidence is clear…

Collagen Can Help Keep You Looking, Feeling, and Moving Years Younger.

Especially when you consider not having enough collagen is linked to…

  • Joint pain and discomfort (especially in the knees)
  • Cartilage loss
  • “Bone-on-bone” damage
  • Low bone mineral density 
  • Increased fracture risks
  • Bone loss
  • Wrinkles
  • Hair loss
  • Brittle nails 

Which is why taking a collagen supplement is the single most important thing you can do to keep your joints, bones, skin, hair, gut (and more) functioning at their best.

Now, if You're Thinking "But Dr. Chad, I already take a Collagen Supplement..."

You're on the right track…

But, there are actually two very different types of collagen peptides that function very differently in the human body. 

The most common type is regular collagen peptides.

Collagen peptides are great for restoring lost collagen. By restoring your collagen levels, you can experience many general total-body benefits.

The second little-known type of collagen peptides are called “Bioactive” Collagen Peptides.

Bioactive Collagen Peptides can actually make your body produce more collagen on its own. 

Even more remarkably… 

Bioactive Collagen Peptides have a targeted collagen-boosting effect. 

That means you can activate your body’s own collagen production in targeted areas of the body. 

Even in your joint cartilage.

YES–You read that right! 

You Can Actually “Turn On” Collagen Production Within Your Joint Structures Using These Specialized Bioactive Collagen Peptides… Helping to Literally Regrow Lost Cartilage.

In fact, over the last 43 years, piles of research has been accumulating proving just that… 

Scientists have demonstrated case after case that folks who use Bioactive Collagen Peptides daily show dramatic improvement in joint health.

The clinical results were so profound that these unique joint-building peptides were named FORTIGEL®–the #1 most clinically studied form of collagen for fortifying joints and cartilage.

What Makes FORTIGEL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides Different From Regular Collagen Peptides?

Whereas regular collagen peptides help restore lost collagen, Bioactive Collagen Peptides activate your body's own biological processes to make more collagen on its own.


It all comes down to the tedious process in which the collagen is manufactured.

Unlike traditional hydrolysis–which typically involves chemical treatment to separate, split and break the proteins down… 

Our hydrolysis process uses enzymes to keep the amino acids intact and as close to their naturally occurring form as possible. 

Thus, making Bioactive Collagen Peptides more absorbable and increasingly more effective at “turning on” your body's natural collagen product–instead of just replacing lost collagen.

Specific and controlled enzymatic hydrolysis


As a result, Bioactive Collagen Peptides can make a greater impact at promoting high levels of collagen where your body needs it most.

FORTIGEL®, for example, is an optimized blend of Bioactive Collagen Peptides that are shown to maximize the stimulation of the body’s own collagen biosynthesis within joint structures. 

In fact, FORTIGEL® is scientifically shown to offer unmatched results in improving joint health.

Change in the joint cartilage after 3 months

(tissue sections)


without FORTIGEL®



One study showed improvements in knee cartilage density among individuals taking this special form of collagen after just 24 weeks*.

Significantly increased density of proteoglycan in the knee joint cartilage of participants with early osteoarthritis


Day 1

Week 24

Week 48


Diseased Cartilage

Healthy Cartilage

30 men and women with early knee arthritis, aged 49 years and older

McAlindon et al. (2011)

This is a groundbreaking discovery for folks with bone-on-bone damage, or who have little-to-no cartilage in their joints…

This specialized type of collagen protein can actually rebuild cartilage density – helping to re-cushion joints and alleviate bone-on-bone pain.

But, the research gets even more surprising…

In a review of 3 cases, supplementation of FORTIGEL® was shown to help regenerate articular cartilage in individuals with knee and ankle osteochondral lesions*.

MRI images of patients assessed in this study depict the surprisingly speedy recovery of the articular surfaces after the treatment.

The patients who used FORTIGEL also reported statistically significant improvements in joint pain.

Just imagine undoing years of “wear-and-tear” damage… with just one scoop of FORTIGEL® a day…

Researchers were able to demonstrate that daily use of FORTIGEL® Bioactive Peptides for 3 months produced an improvement in measurements of joint function, such as reduction in pain, decreased dependency on pain medications, and improvement in leg strength*.

Another study showed that FORTIGEL® was also able to reduce activity related joint pain after only 12 weeks of use*.







Pain during


(VAS [mm])





















A separate study showed participants who used FORTIGEL® daily experienced a whopping 7.4% reduction in joint pain compared to the placebo*…








Pain during


(VAS [mm])















Here’s more good news for folks with knee pain…

Further research shows FORTIGEL® significantly reduces activity related knee joint pain in as little as 12 weeks*.



Pain reduction in week 12 vs baseline

Additional pain reduction in week 12 vs placebo

Zdzieblik et al. (2017)



Pain reduction in week 12 vs baseline

Additional pain reduction in week 12 vs placebo

Zdzieblik et al. (2021)

It’s no wonder why experts refer to these Bioactive Collagen Peptides as the “missing piece” in joint health management…

Bioactive Collagen Peptides don’t just restore lost collagen–they help your body create more collagen on its own in targeted areas, naturally. 

Which is why if you’re considering using collagen to boost your joint, cartilage and bone health, it’s mission critical that the formula contains FORTIGEL®.

“With 734+ Studies As Validation, Collagen Truly Is One Of Nature's Most Miraculous Healers... As Long As You’re Using Its Most Potent Bioavailable Peptide Form – And You’re Using It Daily.”

As I said earlier, my name is Dr. Chad Walding, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Co-founder of NativePath.

For the past decade, I've been battling big pharma on the frontlines by providing natural solutions to my follower's health concerns... Leading a health revolution more than 100,000 strong on Facebook...

And by now, you see how supplementing with a high-potency Bioactive Collagen Peptide supplement could be the answer to healthier bones, joints, skin, hair and so much more…

In fact, it's a MUST-HAVE for a health-conscious individual like yourself...

Because believe it or not, you deserve to live your golden years to the fullest – pain and worry free.

Which is why at NativePath, we’ve worked tirelessly to provide you with the leading collagen powder on the market.

NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides Is The Most Potent And Pure Bioactive Peptide Formula Available For Strong Joints.

With 5 grams of FORTIGEL® per serving – it’s no surprise why experts agree that NativePath Joint Health Collagen is revered as the #1 supplement for stronger joints.

But, We Didn’t Stop At Supporting Just Joint Health.

You see, the research indicates that improvements in joint and cartilage health can take months to unfold–and up to a year of consistent daily use for the most dramatic joint rebuilding benefits. 

But that’s why we added an additional set of fast-acting skin-boosting Bioactive Peptides called VERISOL®.

The Bioactive Collagen Peptides in VERISOL® are derived specifically from the hide skin of grass-fed bovine, and are clinically demonstrated to improve skin health, elasticity, reduce wrinkles and even improve the surface skin of cellulite. 

Best of all, the skin-enhancing benefits can be noticed in as little as the first few weeks of daily use.

That way, while your joints are being re-built from the inside out–you’ll be able to experience the incredible beauty-boosting benefits of VERISOL®’s unique combination of Bioactive Collagen Peptides right away.

Here Are The Hair, Skin And Nail Benefits You Can Expect, According To Science.

1.) Increase Skin Elasticity

A 10% increase in skin elasticity was observed from 8 weeks of use*.

Improvement of Skin Elasticity after 8 weeks VERISOL® treatment





Skin Elasticity




P< 0.01


P< 0.05






Bone mineralization was increased in human osteoblasts after 6 days of BCP treatment as indicated by an increased alkaline phosphatase activity (mean ±SEM).

2.) Wrinkle Reduction

After just 4 weeks, a significant decrease in eye wrinkle volume was observed (and a 20% decrease after 8 weeks!)*.



3.) Improved Cellulite

A significant decrease in the degree of cellulite, skin waviness on thighs and increased dermal density was observed after 8 weeks*.

Improved Markers Of Bone Formation With Bioactive Collagen Peptides (BCP)




p <0.05

rel.waviness (to baseline)







6 months






4.) Improved Nail Health

Significant improvement in nail growth, improved brittle nails and a notable decrease in the frequency of broken nails was observed in 6 months*.

Nail Growth Speed

Mean ±SD (n-24)

Statistically significant difference from t0, p<0.01






Nail Growth per month











5.) Increased Hair Thickness

Significant increase in hair thickness, structure and appearance was observed after 16 weeks of use in women ages 39-75*.







Hair Thickness











Figure 2 Hair thickness in healthy women before and after the 16-week oral supplementation with specific Bioactive Collagen Pepetides or placebo. Data represent the mean + SE for n = 22. *p<0.01, BCP 0 weeks vs. 16 weeks; **p<0.01, BCP vs. placebo after 16 weeks

We Designed NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides To Support Your Joints – And, Your Youthful Vitality And Appearance.

That’s why we believe NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides to be the most important supplement you can take to maintain total-body wellness.

Because NativePath JointHealth Collagen Peptides:

  • Contains 5 grams of FORTIGEL® per serving – a potent combination of Bioactive Collagen Peptides clinically shown to regenerate cartilage, strengthen joints, reduce joint pain and maintain optimal joint mobility. 
  • Contains 2.5 grams of VERISOL® per serving – a specific blend of Bioactive Collagen Peptides clinically shown to improve skin health, elasticity, reduce wrinkles and even improve the surface skin of cellulite.
  • Provides targeted bioactivity – The Bioactive Collagen Peptides undergo a specialized enzymatic hydrolysis process which allows for optimal biosynthesis and absorption of collagen into target areas, namely your joints, cartilage, bones as well as your skin, hair and nails.
  • Provides a high concentration of Type I & III collagen from pasture-raised bovine for the most pure bone, joint, skin, hair, and gut benefits you’re looking for. There are absolutely NO FILLER fibers in our formula – only the two most scientifically studied types for maximum results, period.
  • It mixes clump-free and is easy to digest because it’s naturally hydrolyzed with enzymes instead of chemicals, meaning it's broken down into smaller peptides that dissolve easily into hot or cold liquids and digest rapidly and smoothly.
  • Has ZERO taste and odor – so it’s virtually undetectable in whatever you add it into. It pairs perfectly with coffee, smoothies, juices, or water.
  • Contains ZERO junk. It’s 100% free of artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and sweeteners and also non-GMO, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, dairy-free, soy-free and gluten-free.
  • Is made in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified facility in the USA. NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides is 3rd party tested to ensure purity & potency.
  • Great value and no-risk. You can experience the NativePath difference from only $25 a jar! Meaning you’ll keep more of your hard earned dollars. What’s more, it’s 100% risk-free. When you place your order today, you’ll have a full 365 days to experience the wide array of benefits. And if you aren’t THRILLED with the results, we’ll happily make things right – no questions asked.

The Clinical Trial Results Are Nothing Short Of Astonishing…

Just imagine shocking your physician at your next check up… 

No longer needing pills or cortisone shots just to get by…

Never again having to worry about the horrific side effects that come with pharmaceuticals… 

Or the “doomed” feeling of needing another replacement surgery…

What's more: enjoying joints so strong and mobile, even your grandkids can’t keep up with you. 

I'm even willing to bet you'll get deeper sleep because you won't toss and turn in pain as much…

And what was once dry and thinning hair, suddenly becomes rejuvenated…

With nails so strong, you can grab a hold of things confident they won't chip or break…

And with every week you take Bioactive Collagen Peptides, the deep wrinkles and sagging skin begin to lift and tighten.

That's just how effective the Bioactive Collagen Peptides found in NativePath Joint Health Collagen are.

Don't let this opportunity pass you by.

If any of this sounds like the future you want to wake up to, the time to act is now.

Because you simply can't get this level of purity and potency anywhere else.

"As an active summer gardener and dog driver in the winter, I needed something to keep me flexible. I started Joint Health 3 months ago. By the end of my first month, I knew this product was a keeper! Gradually, all those stiff morning joints had started to work smoothly without discomfort again. Making Joint Health part of my daily self-care routine has allowed me to be an active part of my family."

-Mari Wood on 11/9/2023

At This Point, You May Be Wondering How You Can Try NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides Yourself…

In order to deliver the most pure and potent source of collagen just as nature would offer it, our Bioactive Collagen Peptide formula comes straight from happy, healthy pasture-raised bovine. 

To increase the effectiveness, our blend undergoes a tedious and targeted enzymatic hydrolysis process which breaks the protein down into shorter bonded chains of peptides. 

Unlike traditional hydrolysis which typically involves chemical treatment to separate and break the proteins down, our hydrolysis process uses enzymes to keep the amino acids intact and as close to their naturally occurring form as possible. 

Thus, making Bioactive Collagen Peptides more absorbable and increasingly more effective at “turning on” your body's natural collagen product–instead of just replacing lost collagen.

There’s Just One Downside…

This meticulous and expensive process adds weeks (sometimes months) onto our manufacturing operations.

But, that’s not the only thing affecting the collagen supply chain…

Labor shortages and equipment availability are also causing a ripple effect of global bottlenecks for pasture-raised collagen.

Which means it can take a very long time to produce even a single jar of NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides…

And with the demand for collagen increasing every day, many experts warn that shortages may come as a consequence. 

To make matters worse… Inflation has caused massive spikes in freight costs, fuel and in shipping…

On top of that…

We have hundreds of customers who are already asking to place large pre-orders… 

Of course, this is a good problem to have, but…

The expected increases in order volume will likely put an even BIGGER strain on production.

As a result, it’s very possible that we won’t be able to make this offer to all of our valued NativePath customers due to stock restrictions…

Lucky for you, we set aside a private supply with your name on it.

Since we know how much you care about your joint health, you are getting priority access to NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides. 

Where you can stock up on NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides for as low as $25/jar.

That’s a whopping 60% OFF!

We’ll even pick up the shipping cost.

Zero hassle—complete convenience. That’s how we do business.

This is incredible news since myself along with many experts believe our Bioactive Collagen Peptide formula to be the most important supplement for building stronger joints and undoing decades worth of wear-and-tear damage.

So, How Much Collagen Do You Need To Take In Order To Reap Its Benefits?

Bioactive Collagen Peptides are unique in that they stimulate the body to produce more collagen, whereas normal collagen peptides simply contribute to the building blocks of collagen in the body.

As such… Rather than the standard collagen peptide dosage of 10 to 20 grams, folks only need 2.5 to 7 grams of Bioactive Collagen Peptides to experience positive results in their joints, cartilage, bones, skin, hair, and nails.

But, for older individuals, the effects of years and years of collagen deficiency may put them at a critical disadvantage. 

Thus, older individuals may experience the most benefits from collagen supplementation by using both Bioactive Collagen Peptides along with standard collagen peptides daily.

This will help the body replace lost collagen and at the same time, encourage the body to produce more collagen naturally on its own. 

For folks who are mostly concerned about their joint health, however – using 2 servings of Bioactive Collagen Peptides per day can be extremely helpful for flooding the joint structures with extra collagen, aiding in repairing cartilage and damaged joints at an accelerated rate. 

Many folks find the most success by using at least 2 servings of collagen per day – whether it’s a double dose of Bioactive Collagen Peptides or a combination of regular collagen peptides. 

This helps ensure that collagen levels stay elevated for good and joint, cartilage, bone, hair, skin, and nail benefits are maintained.

So, it makes sense why so many Bioactive Collagen Peptide users order large quantities at a time... 

The benefits of these special peptides are only truly realized when it’s taken day-after-day and month-after-month.

As I said before, collagen is no “miracle” supplement...

Bioactive Collagen Peptides Only Works When You…

  • Take it on a consistent daily basis. Simply add it to your morning coffee, water, juice, or smoothies.
  • Take the proper dose. Using 1 scoop daily stimulates the body to produce more collagen on its own.
  • Take it for the proper amount of time. Clinical studies show that the longer you use collagen, the greater (and longer-lasting) the results will be.

In other words, taking a scoop here and there isn’t going to cut it.

Consistency is key.

Which is why I recommend my clients to:

  • Start with at least 6 jars of NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides.
  • And 12 jars if they want to have an extra jar in the household for you and your spouse.
  • Then take it for a period of at least 60 days (but know that the longer you use it, the greater the benefits will be. This formula is designed to be taken long-term to maintain best results.)

And there’s never been a better time to secure your supply of our Bioactive Collagen Peptides than now…

Because so many studies show that using more collagen for longer durations yields the greatest results…

We wanted as many people as possible to have access to this powerful bioactive supplement.

Unfortunately, with the high-demand of grass-fed collagen and long lead time for production – we are only able to fulfill a limited number of orders each month…

But that’s where the good news comes in…

As An Exclusive Special Offer, We’ve Set Aside A Very Limited-Supply Of NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides Just For You… 

And Are Giving You The Chance To Secure Your Supply Now At Up To 60% Off!

Right now when you take advantage of our 12 jar package of NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides…

Not only will you lock-in our special exclusive pricing of $25 per jar...

But you will also receive FREE SHIPPING!

You will also lock in our biggest discount and receive out-of-stock protection on all future shipments. That means you can experience the full results of Bioactive Collagen Peptides without ever worrying about running out early. 

This special price is first come first serve… Once you leave this page, we will not be able to offer this exclusive deal ever again. 

As A Special Offer Promotion, I've Reserved An Exclusive 60% Discount On This Page Only

At NativePath, we don't believe you should spend an arm and leg for good health.

Especially considering if you calculate the money wasted on "grow younger vitamins", cheap multi-collagen products, and temporary pain relief you get with Tylenol and Aleve...

Add in the time, energy, and resources spent googling how to naturally strengthen your fragile bones and achy joints...

And it'd easily add up into the thousands, if not MORE.

But you won't be paying that today.

In fact...

Am I Crazy For Making NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides This Affordable?

Listen: I’ve given you a 60% OFF discount for a few reasons…

Firstly, in today’s economy I understand it can be a struggle to make ends meet… Especially for those on a fixed income.

You shouldn’t have to choose between paying your electric bill or taking care of your body and health.

Besides, this small investment in your health today could end up saving you thousands of dollars on future medical bills.

Bottom line: I don’t want money to ever come between you and your health. 

Secondly… Because we are so confident in the benefits of this product, we are offering our limited-time discount price to a limited number of loyal NativePath customers.

Which is exactly why with our exclusive offer, we’re letting you stock up on NativePath Joint Health Collagen for as low as just $25/jar. 

This is the absolute best price we can afford to sell NativePath Joint Health Collagen for – and unfortunately, we can not offer this incredible deal for long.

This special discount will only be available for the first 250 customers who purchase today. After that, NativePath Joint Health Collagen will only be available at the full retail price of $62.99 per jar.

Best of all, there's no risk involved since our 365-day "Feel Good" Guarantee has you covered for a full year.

This is a no-brainer if you ask me.

All that's left is for you to come and join us. 

So, if you’re ready to experience the NativePath difference yourself… And finally get on the Path…

Here’s what’s going to happen next:

When you click on the “CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE” button below, you'll be able to select your desired amount of NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides. From there, you can proceed to our safe and secure checkout page where you can complete your order.

And even better...

Introducing our 365-Day "Feel Good" Guarantee 

At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we offer a 365-Day "Feel Good" Guarantee. 

When it comes to supporting the strength and mobility of your joints, we believe NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides to be the most superior form of collagen to do just that.

But don’t take our word for it… 

The research shows clinical reductions in joint pain in just weeks… 

Shockingly, additional research showed that these specialized Bioactive Collagen Peptides not only improved joint health, they also helped regenerate damaged cartilage. 

Just imagine the relief you’ll feel knowing that with each scoop, you’re building your way to stronger, more mobile, and flexible joints…

That’s exactly what you’ll be getting with NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides.

And while we believe the research speaks for itself–we still want you to feel safe and secure with your purchase. 

That’s why if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your results, you can reach out to our friendly Customer Care Center for return assistance within 365 days. 

Rest assured you can order with confidence in knowing that your purchase is backed by our 365-Day “Feel Good” Guarantee.

You've Got Nothing To Lose And A Younger, More Vibrant You To Gain.

Are you ready to get started?

Because in a few days from now… Your order of NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides will arrive right to your doorstep.

Then... get ready.

Because as you eagerly rip it open like a kid on Christmas...

I want you to mix a scoop into your coffee or water… Then relax, and kick your feet up...

Because you've just done the most IMPORTANT thing you could do for your body and health for the rest of the day.

And within as early as your first few weeks...

Don't be surprised if you wake up with a slight smirk because, for the first time in decades, you actually feel GREAT...

Aches and pains that normally put a damper on your day are lifted...

More importantly...

Finally enjoying quality time with loved ones without your crippling joint or bone problems getting in the way...

I'm talking about enjoying spontaneous beach trips...

Peaceful walks in nature...

Telling stories and laughing the night away...

Even dancing for hours on end at family weddings...

All of this - and MORE - is waiting for you when you grab your Bioactive Collagen Peptides today for as low as 60% OFF.

NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides is Your One-Way Ticket to Reclaiming a Vibrant Life... And I Reserved a Supply With Your Name On It!

The one catch?

We are only offering this special offer price for a limited-time. 

Due to the supply and demand for high-quality Bioactive Collagen Peptides, we’re only able to offer this incredibly low price to our first 250 customers today. 

So if you're reading this, the good news is we still have enough in stock to offer our 60% OFF discount...

Which means NOW is the time to take action.

Because the truth is, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, there's nothing more painful than the look of disappointment and regret in patients who've missed the boat...

Who've told themselves they'll do everything in their power to stay healthy...

To give their body, mind, and soul everything it needs...

But, when push comes to shove...

They vanish.

I realize this is a bit of tough love, but the way I see it, it's necessary.

That's why we formulated our Bioactive Collagen Peptide blend to be the most pure and potent source of collagen on the market. 

To make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself (without burning a hole in your wallet).

All that's left is for you to get on the Path. 

Click the button below now:

365-Day "Feel Good" Guarantee

Thank you for your time today. 

Dr. Chad Walding

Co-Founder, NativePath

PS. If you're still here, you might have some questions:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What makes NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides different from regular collagen?

Bioactive Collagen Peptides help you make your own collagen. Whereas regular collagen peptides simply restore the collagen you’ve lost.

There are different forms of Bioactive Collagen Peptides, which undergo a special hydrolysis process to target certain areas of the human body. 

For example, FORTIGEL® targets joint structures by activating the collagen matrix in tendons, ligaments and cartilage to produce more collagen. 

VERISOL® is derived from bovine hide skin, and enhances skin health by stimulating fibroblasts (the cells that produce collagen) within the skin.

Q: Can I take NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides and regular NativePath Collagen Peptides together?

YES. While Bioactive Collagen Peptides help your body make collagen on its own, the regular peptides help you restore your lost collagen. Taking both forms together is the best way to improve and maintain healthy levels of collagen in your body.

Q: How many jars should I order?

Our 12-jar package is by far our best value option as it provides a large enough supply to experience the full results without the risk of running out. 

Plus, with this option, you’ll get each jar at an unbeatable price of just $25 per jar.

By consistently taking 1 scoop of NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides each day, you will effectively replenish your collagen deficit and encourage your body to continue its natural production of it as well. 

Q: When can I expect to recieve my order?

You can expect to receive your orders within 7-10 business days.

Q:  Where is NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides produced?

NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides is sourced from happy, healthy pasture-raised cattle in Brazil and safely transported to our manufacturing facility in the USA. No manufacturers from China, India, or anywhere else in the world. So you can be sure of its purity and potency.

Q: Is it really safe to order this product from this online website?

Yes. Our website is protected by Trust-Guard, an online PCI Compliant Security Scanner software that prohibits security holes from compromising your shopping experience. The Security-Scanned seal is intended to inform shoppers that our business is certified and trusted as safe, responsible, and totally awesome.

Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

Many of our customers begin to see and feel a difference shortly after adding our potent collagen formula into their diets. However, we want to make sure there’s absolutely no risk involved when it comes to investing in any of our NativePath products.

That’s why you can try our NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides for an entire 365 days and if for any reason you're not completely satisfied, simply contact our Customer Care team to begin the return process. Rest assured, you can complete your order today knowing that you're protected by our risk-free 365-Day “Feel Good” Guarantee.

Q: Can I get this product on Amazon?

No. NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides is only available through this exclusive website.

Q: How long will this discount last?

Due to the rising demand of premium Bioactive Collagen Peptide powder, this special discount offer will likely not last long and it can be deactivated without notice at any time. So, if you’re even a little curious about what Bioactive Collagen Peptides can do for you, now is the best time to stock up and save big while it’s available at our lowest-ever online price.

Simply choose your quantity below then click the orange “ADD TO CART” button.

NativePath Joint Health Collagen Peptides

Special Offer Discount:

Save Up To 60% Off & Get FREE Shipping

Go ahead and order your 12 ,6, 3, or 1 jar supply of NativePath Joint Health Collagen by choosing one of the packages you see below.

Our six-jar option is by far our most popular.

Even better, the 12 jar package allows you to save 60% – that means you’ll be locking our absolute best possible price of just $25 per jar.

The reason why is simple: NativePath Joint Health Collagen uses only the highest-quality collagen sourced from pasture-raised bovine in South America. As a result, there are often shortages that put us at risk of running out of stock. 

Once our customers begin using NativePath Joint Health Collagen and experience the difference in the way they look, feel and move, they never want to be without the breakthrough. 

That’s why they typically stock up on a multi-month supply, that way they can be protected from future stock outages.



1 Jar

3 Jars

6 Jars

12 Jars

($1.40 Per Serving)

($1.17 Per Serving)

($0.90 Per Serving)

($0.83 Per Serving)









/ Jar

/ Jar

/ Jar

$20.99 in savings

$83.97 in savings

$215.94 in savings

$455.88  in savings

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

365-Day "Feel Good" Guarantee

Safe & Secure Checkout

FREE Shipping On All U.S. Orders

Scientific References

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5793325/#:~:text=Collagen%20is%20by%20far%20the,result%20in%20an%20increased%20 BMD.














Customer results have not been independently verified. Results may vary.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

© 2025 NativePath

114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993