5 Worst Things To Take Before Bed
By Dr. Chad Walding
Doctor of Physical Therapy & NativePath Co-Founder
For many older folks, a good night's sleep is but a dream.
It can take hours to fall asleep and even once you are able to…various factors “shake” you awake throughout the night. Then the process begins all over again.
This can lead to daytime fatigue that may be so overwhelming, you are scared to drive or even participate in other normal activities that require energy and concentration.
Unfortunately, this daily struggle may have you perusing drugstore shelves or searching the internet for any form of relief…ANYTHING to sleep through the night just once…
But many common sleep remedies result in scary long-term side effects.
Here’s a List of 5 Things Seniors Should NOT Take To Fall Asleep
1.) Benadryl
For people who take an antihistamine such as Benadryl or Zyrtec for a cold or allergies, drowsiness is often a welcome side effect. But many sleep experts caution against turning to this type of medication as a sleep aid.
Continuous use of antihistamines has side effects that include altered mental state, urinary retention, and dry mouth. The use of antihistamines can also lead to sleepwalking and other sleep disorders.
While antihistamines may help you to fall asleep, overall sleep quality is usually not very good.
Using Benadryl or any antihistamine for sleep has no long-term benefit…and most people develop a tolerance very quickly.
2.) ZzzQuil Nighttime Sleep-Aid
If you’re looking for medication to help you fall asleep…you’re likely NOT looking for a long list of side effects…
But that’s exactly what you’ll get.
Digestive side effects can include the following:
- loss of appetite
- nausea
- vomiting
- constipation
Respiratory side effects can include:
- congestion in your chest
- dryness of your throat, mouth, or nose
And Nervous system side effects can include:
- residual drowsiness
- dizziness
- headache
- muscle weakness
- excitement (especially in children)
3.) CBD Drops or Gummies
A chemical found in marijuana, CBD doesn't contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient that produces a high.
While early research and testing shows promise for future use in areas such as sleep, anxiety, seizures, and more, there is currently only one FDA-approved CBD product — Epidiolex—and it costs a whopping $899 for a supply of 60 milliliters.
Another cause for concern is the unreliability of the purity and dosage of CBD in products. A recent study of 84 CBD products bought online showed that more than a quarter of the products contained less CBD than labeled. In addition, THC was found in 18 products.
Though often well-tolerated, CBD can cause side effects, such as dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness, and fatigue. CBD can also interact with other medications you're taking, such as blood thinners.
4.) Tylenol PM
According to Drugs.com, “Tylenol PM is a combination medicine used to treat occasional insomnia associated with minor aches and pains. Tylenol PM is not for use in treating sleeplessness without pain, or sleep problems that occur often.
Use this medicine exactly as directed. An overdose of acetaminophen can damage your liver or cause death. Taking too much diphenhydramine can lead to serious heart problems, seizures, coma, or death.”
Health experts also warn you should not be using combination medications such as Tylenol PM, Advil PM, Acetaminophen PM, and others for longer than 7 days in succession.
Additional side effects of diphenhydramine include daytime sleepiness, confusion, constipation, dry mouth, and urinary retention and can worsen your sleeping problems when taken too often.
5.) Sleeping Pills & Medications
Most sleeping pills are classified as "sedative hypnotics." That's a specific class of drugs used to go to sleep or stay asleep. Sedative hypnotics include benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and various hypnotics.
If you’re 65 or older, experts suggest that you avoid ALL unnatural sleep aids. This includes over-the-counter drugs and newer prescribed ones such as Lunesta, zaleplon (Sonata), and zolpidem (Ambien). Compared to younger people, older adults have a greater chance of health problems on sleep meds…because they tend to stay in your system longer.
Common side effects for seniors include:
- Drowsiness, Confusion, and Memory Problems (for older adults, this could result in falls, broken hips, and car accidents)
- Burning or tingling in the hands, arms, feet, or legs
- Constipation, Gas, Diarrhea, Lack of bladder control
- Heartburn, Headaches, and Stomach Pain
- Muscle weakness and uncontrollable shaking
You may be thinking, “I get it – but you don’t understand, I NEED to sleep.”

Miraculously, Nature Has Provided 5 Ingredients to Make Deep Sleep Come Easy—With ZERO Side Effects

Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a naturally occurring amino acid that works as a neurotransmitter or “messenger” in your brain. GABA blocks, or inhibits, certain brain signals and thus decreases activity in your nervous system…
This gives GABA powerful stress-reducing and sleep-enhancing effects seniors are searching for.
When GABA levels are low, stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbances like insomnia arise*.
In a small 2018 study, participants who took 300 milligrams of GABA an hour before going to bed fell asleep faster than those taking a placebo. They also reported improved sleep quality four weeks after starting treatment.
L-theanine is an amino acid that’s bursting at the seams with relaxation benefits—without the downside of drowsiness*.
According to experts, it stimulates alpha brain waves, associated with improved mood, creativity, and clear-headedness so that you are put in a more positive mindset before attempting to fall asleep.
This natural extract is what gives tea its calming effects…but based on a number of sleep studies, it’s suggested that one should consume 200 milligrams of L-theanine (which would be about 8 CUPS of tea) before bed to support higher quality sleep—not by sedation but by the reduction of anxiety*.
Magnesium may be one of the most underrated minerals of them all. So much so that nearly 50% of Americans don’t get enough of it*.
This mineral can improve sleep through several mechanisms. First, it helps your body physically relax and supports the function of an enzyme called COMT, which breaks down dopamine, your 'reward' neurotransmitter."
Though dopamine can help you feel good, an excess can actually contribute to anxiety—so if your COMT enzymes don't function properly because of a lack of magnesium, an overload of dopamine can contribute to anxiousness and even panic attacks."
In one double-blind study, 46 elderly individuals were given magnesium or a placebo daily for 8 weeks. Sleep, physical activity, and one’s insomnia severity index (ISI) were logged.
The results were promising…
Those supplementing with magnesium experienced the following:
- A significant increase in sleep time, sleep efficiency, and melatonin*
- A significant decrease in ISI scores, cortisol (your body’s built-in alarm system), and the amount of time it took to fall asleep*
Melatonin—also dubbed the “sleep hormone”—is a sleep-inducing molecule that your body naturally produces on its own.
In a review of 19 studies including 1,683 individuals, melatonin was examined as a treatment for sleep disorders. Significant outcomes included a significant reduction in the time it takes to fall asleep, an increase in sleep time, and an improvement in overall sleep quality*
Grass-Fed Collagen
Grass-fed collagen is an ingredient with numerous health benefits that are known to enhance skin, hair, nails, joints, bones, digestion, and now—sleep.
Out of the 18 amino acids in collagen, glycine is the most abundant. It’s also the amino acid that positively impacts sleep. Being an inhibitory neurotransmitter (meaning: it doesn’t stimulate the brain), it helps calm the central nervous system, making relaxation—and falling asleep—much easier*.
By helping to reduce joint pain, bone aches, and digestive issues, collagen may eliminate some of the problems commonly associated with aging to allow you to fall asleep fast and stay that way!
These 5 Natural Ingredients Can Give You the BEST Sleep of Your Life–There’s Just One Problem…
It can be hard to find high-quality, effective forms of all of these 5 ingredients that don’t require a handful of capsules, pills, or tablets which must be broken down in your liver — blunting their sleep-enhancing benefits.
Not to mention – it’s EXPENSIVE!
If you purchased these natural ingredients separately, you could be spending anywhere from $64 to $135 per month…
Which is why we’re excited to announce a brand new “Deep Sleep Elixir” formula that includes:
10 grams of grass-fed collagen and 2,200 milligrams of glycine
2 grams of GABA
200 milligrams of L-theanine
10 milligrams of magnesium
5 milligrams of melatonin…
In a single easy scoop per night.
And because we know how important it is to find NATURAL remedies for falling asleep, with zero side effects, we want to make it available to you at the most affordable price possible.
NativePath Collagen PM
Your New Favorite “Deep Sleep Elixir”

Get NativePath Collagen PM for 25% OFF with free shipping
With 10 grams of youth-promoting collagen protein, 2 grams of GABA, 200 milligrams of L-theanine, 10 milligrams of magnesium, and 5 milligrams of melatonin in EVERY scoop…
- Sleep longer and have an easier time falling asleep
- Fall back to sleep faster with your mind in a relaxed state
- Sleep through the night, peacefully (No more tossing and turning)
- Wake up with a brighter outlook and more energy
- Restore collagen levels and grow years younger… While you sleep!
It’s No Surprise Why So Many People Already Love NativePath Collagen PM…
“This really tastes great. I fall asleep faster plus I’m also noticing that my skin looks better already.”
-Margaret M.
“Knocked me right out. Best of all, zero side effects. Highly recommend.”
-Judy L.
“I was surprised that within 40 minutes of taking Collagen PM, I was very sleepy and got a full 8 hours without any tossing and turning. Amazing.”
-Kate A.
“I am a sleep hygiene fanatic, so I'm constantly looking for things to help me sleep better. Taking Collagen PM has given me quite literally the best sleep of my life, leaving me able to wake up totally refreshed and ready to go. It's shockingly effective, and doesn't make me groggy in the morning whatsoever.”
-Chris C.
“I normally sleep very well. However, I had a habit of waking up at least once during the middle of the night. Not with Collagen PM though. I began having completely uninterrupted sleep for the first time in years. Wow! This has made such a huge impact on my energy, mood, health, and performance. I feel like I found something I didn't even know was missing.”
-Chad W.
Toss Your Pills, Tablets & Capsules…Drink THIS 30 Minutes Before You Get in Bed
Imagine how much better you’ll feel when night after night, you get deep, restful, peaceful sleep…
And don’t have to worry for a SECOND about side effects!
No more foggy, groggy mornings, concern about falling asleep while driving. Even muscle aches and pains will start to disappear.
Not only that, but once you fall asleep faster than you ever have before, you’ll start to hit the “deep stage” sleep that is most effective and restorative each and every night, helping you to wake up refreshed and ready for an entire day of your favorite activities.
Try NativePath Collagen PM now — get to sleep the NATURAL way.
Since Collagen PM Only Works If You…
Take it on a consistent daily basis. Simply take 1/2 half to one full scoop every night, 30 minutes before bedtime.
Take the right amount for the results you want. Incorporating an extra 5-10 grams of Collagen into your nighttime routine (along with 10-20 grams of Collagen Peptides during the day) ensures your body will absorb the most effective amount of collagen for maximum results.
Take it for the proper amount of time. Clinical studies show that the longer you use the 5 natural sleep aids in Collagen PM, the greater (and longer-lasting) the benefits will be. In other words, taking a scoop now and then isn’t going to boost your sleep patterns long-term.
Consistency is key.
Which is why I recommend my clients to:
Start with at least 3 jars of NativePath Collagen PM at a time.
And 6 jars if they want to be completely safe.
Then take it every night for a period of at least 90 days.
And there’s never been a better time to secure your supply of our ground-breaking Collagen PM than now…
Because so many studies show that using the 5 ingredients found in Collagen PM for longer durations yields the greatest results…
We wanted as many people as possible to have access to this powerful supplement.
That’s why my NativePath team and I went to great lengths to secure enough of this breakthrough formula, so we could offer our deepest discount yet.
Right now when you stock up on 6 jars of NativePath Collagen PM…
Try NativePath Collagen PM at a 25% savings on our online special, plus FREE shipping! Pick your flavor & quantity below

Right Now, Imagine You Stand at a Crossroads
To your left is the choice to stay as you are…
Spending hours staring at the ceiling every night… tossing and turning as your skin, joints, your very cells age in fast-forward…
Burning through sleep aids, dealing with daytime fatigue and scary side effects… for little to no results…
Missing out on your life, on family activities due to a lack of energy and concentration.
While to your right is the path to freedom from fear…
When you get the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had… EVERY NIGHT…
Sleeping through the night, peacefully (no more tossing and turning), waking up with a brighter outlook and more energy…
Showing up at family activities ready to dance, jump, and play with all of your grandchildren…
As your family members look at you in shock wondering what your secret is, what’s changed…
And not only that, but you can toss aside all those useless medications with a laundry list of side effects…
All of this with just 1 scoop of NativePath Collagen PM every night before bed!
Is This the Future You’d Like to Wake Up To In a Few Short Weeks?
Of course it is!
So the time to act is now…
Now is the time to claim the jars of NativePath Collagen PM I’ve set aside with your name on them…
At up to a whopping $60 off.
I did this to make it easy as possible for you to enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself (without burning a hole in your wallet).
I've given you as much as 25% OFF as a "thank you" for being a loyal customer...
And there's no obligation since you're covered for a full 365 days.
This is a no-brainer if you ask me.
All that's left is for you to come and join me in my mission to have this NATURAL solution for frustrating sleepless nights in every household nationwide…
Simply click the button below now:
NativePath Collagen PM
Your New Favorite “Deep Sleep Elixir”

Get NativePath Collagen PM for 25% OFF with free shipping
With 10 grams of youth-promoting collagen protein, 2 grams of GABA, 200 milligrams of L-theanine, 10 milligrams of magnesium, and 5 milligrams of melatonin in EVERY scoop…
- Sleep longer and have an easier time falling asleep
- Fall back to sleep faster with your mind in a relaxed state
- Sleep through the night, peacefully (No more tossing and turning)
- Wake up with a brighter outlook and more energy
- Restore collagen levels and grow years younger… While you sleep!
Plus, You Risk Nothing When You Order Thanks To Our…
365-Day Feel Good Guarantee
At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we now offer a 365-Day “Feel Good'' Guarantee every time you purchase. That means you have an entire year to try out your NativePath Collagen PM.
If you don’t feel the difference or if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, you may return unopened products from your most recent order to us within 365 days of the day it is delivered to your door. Simply call our friendly Customer Care Center toll-free at 1(800) 819-2993 for assistance.
Rest assured you can order with confidence in knowing that your purchase is backed by our 365-Day “Feel Good” Guarantee.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many bottles should I order?
The most-popular quantity is our six jars option at an unbeatable price of just $29.99/jar (retails for $39.99/bottle).
At the normal retail price, this package would cost $239.94. But through this special page, you can take advantage of our limited-time 25% OFF discount and secure a six-month supply for a total of just $179.94, plus get FREE shipping. That’s a massive savings of $60!
Plus, with a six-bottle supply, you will have more than enough to last you six entire months without worrying about running out. This way you can continue sleeping sound while supporting healthy skin, hair, joints, bones, and more without skipping a beat.
Why would I take NativePath Collagen PM?
NativePath Collagen PM formula is perfect for anyone who:
- Does not or cannot get adequate sleep
- Wishes to decrease stress and anxiety
- Wants to support joint and bone health
- Wants to support youthful-looking skin, hair, and nails
- Needs help supporting memory, concentration, and a positive mood
- Cannot swallow pills or prefers powder options to mix into a drink
Can I take NativePath Collagen PM if I’m already taking other NativePath Collagen products?
Yes. If you’re already using unflavored NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen, you can still use Collagen PM.
In fact, in order to see the full benefits of collagen supplementation, it’s suggested to use 20-40 grams of collagen per day.
That means you can take 1 serving (10 grams) of unflavored NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen in the morning and take 1 serving (10 grams) of NativePath Collagen PM in the evening and you’ll be at 20 grams for the day.
When is the best time to take NativePath Collagen PM?
NativePath Collagen PM can be taken 30 minutes prior to bedtime. Simply add 1 serving of Collagen PM to water, tea, or your favorite bedtime beverage.
When will I see results with my sleep?
Many experience improvements in their sleep cycle in as little as their first use however, results will vary from individual to individual.
What are the ingredients in this product?
How fast will this product be shipped to me and how quickly?
You can expect to receive your order within 7-10 business days.
Is it really safe to order this product from this online website?
Yes. Our website is protected by Trust-Guard, an online PCI Compliant Security Scanner software that prohibits security holes from compromising your shopping experience.
What if this product doesn’t work for me?
Based on the myriad of clinical studies that back these ingredients, our customers love the sleep supporting benefits associated with consistent use of NativePath Collagen PM.
However, we want to make sure there’s absolutely no risk involved when it comes to investing in any of our NativePath products.
That’s why you can try NativePath Collagen PM for an entire 365 days and if for any reason you're not completely satisfied, simply contact our Customer Care team to initiate the refund process.
So rest assured, you can complete your order today knowing that you're protected by our risk-free money-back guarantee.
How long will this special 25% off deal last?
Since NativePath Collagen PM is a 5-in-1 formula, sourcing the raw ingredients to manufacture a single bottle is costly. Therefore, we can not guarantee that this discount will be available for long and it can be deactivated without notice at any time. So if you’re even a little curious about what NativePath Collagen PM can do for your sleep cycle and long-term health, this is your chance to stock up and save.
Customer results have not been independently verified. Results may vary.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.
© 2025 NativePath
114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993