Here's What Happened To My Skin & Joints When I STOPPED Taking Collagen

At 73 years young, Marlene Walding had been faithfully using collagen every day for over a year.

Until one day, she stopped.


It’s not because it wasn't working…

In fact, it WAS working!

Before starting collagen, her skin was loose and filled with deep wrinkles. 

Her brittle hair was thinning and her fingernails cracked and peeled. 

And her joints were always aching from bone-on-bone pain.

After a few months of taking 2 scoops a day, she couldn’t believe the difference…

Her skin was tighter and glowing. Her thinning hair was growing in thicker. To her surprise, her fingernails stopped splitting and became as strong as actual nails! … 

Not only this, but for the first time in decades Marlene was able to keep up with her grandkids and enjoy her favorite hobbies again without experiencing joint pain.

With all of these life-changing benefits, you’re probably wondering why she stopped taking it...

Marlene was curious to see just how much of an impact collagen made on her health…

So, she cut collagen out of her diet to see what would happen…

“After a couple of weeks without collagen, all of the youthful perks started fading away…”

Her skin started looking noticeably duller. She noticed her skin was getting thinner, too - and bruised more easily.

Her fingernails became weak again and her scalp seemed to dry out, causing her hair to fall out more easily.

What’s worse is she felt the difference in the way she moves. Her nagging joint pain started to creep back in.

And Marlene isn’t the only one…

In fact, clinical evidence shows a variety of side effects that are commonly linked with discontinuing collagen use.

For this reason, it is crucial for you to know the 5 major health issues that commonly arise when individuals discontinue collagen use. This information is mission-critical for making informed decisions about your health…

And ultimately facilitate a pain-free lifestyle.

To help you eradicate frustrating bone-on-bone aches and pains, Dr. Chad Walding, Doctor of Physical Therapy and leading Senior Nutrition Expert, recommends you read his list of 5 things that happen if you STOP taking collagen, very closely.

5 Things To Expect When You Stop Taking Collagen



As we age, our skin begins to produce less collagen. As a result, the skin becomes less and less elastic, and wrinkles start to appear. While there is no way to completely stop or reverse this, evidence suggests that taking collagen supplements can increase skin hydration and collagen density, making it look more plump and less wrinkled.

A small randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology in 2015 found that after just eight weeks of taking collagen supplements daily, participants' skin moisture levels were significantly higher than levels in the control group. The collagen supplements also improved the collagen density of skin, which makes skin look smoother.

However, discontinuing use of collagen can ultimately cause the skin to lose its ability to snap back - resulting in more visible signs of aging such as wrinkles, sun spots, dry and dull-looking skin.


Joint Pain Flare Ups

Researchers aren't just interested in the skin-deep benefits of collagen. Because collagen is one of the main building blocks of our joints, there's reason to believe that collagen supplementation can boost joint health.

As part of a 2015 literature review published in Nutricion Hospitalaria, several preliminary studies showed that collagen supplements could stimulate the regrowth of collagen tissue in joints by increasing collagen production as well as the production of other joint components.

Clinical trials further show an association between collagen supplementation and a reduction of bone-on-bone aches and pains.

However, in cases where collagen supplementation is stopped, the natural breakdown of joint cartilage may resume, resulting in decreased joint flexibility and pain.


Decreased Strength

Collagen is a type of protein, which the body uses to build and repair tissue, produce enzymes and hormones, and build connective tissues like bones, muscles, cartilage, and skin. Getting adequate protein is essential to muscle maintenance and muscle strength - this is especially true with older age.

Some evidence suggests that collagen supplements may be effective in increasing muscle strength and growth, particularly in older adults. A 2015 randomized controlled trial published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that adults 65 and over who drank 15 grams of collagen daily increased muscle mass and strength after three months compared to adults from the same age group who did not drink the collagen.

Based on this research, it’s safe to assume that insufficient levels of collagen protein can contribute to weakened muscles, which may increase the risk of injury among older adults.


Gut Issues

Collagen protein is made up of a collection of individual amino acids. The single most dominant amino acid in collagen is glycine. Think of glycine as a savior to your gut. Glycine is the master at regulating inflammation in your stomach, small intestine, and GI tract.

Inflammation is caused in your gut when harmful toxins are able to pass through your digestive tract in your gut.

Glycine helps reduce inflammation by forming connective tissue which protects the mucosal barrier of your gut. This helps tighten the tiny junctions in those suffering from leaky gut syndrome.

We know that glycine builds up the tissues that line your gut, colon, and intestinal tract. It follows that supplementing with collagen or glycine can help with a plethora of gut issues.

Conversely, with insufficient levels of collagen, the lining of the gut can quickly lose its strength and become subject to foreign invaders and toxins.


Cracked, Broken Nails

There are plenty of supplements out there that promise to give you shiny hair and strong nails, but not all of them are backed by evidence. In the case of collagen use, there is certainly some promising preliminary research.

In a 2017 clinical trial published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 25 participants took collagen once a day for six months. At the end of the study, the participants experienced an increase of 12% nail growth rate and a decrease of 42% in the frequency of broken nails.

Because collagen production naturally decreases with age, ceasing use of collagen may have a reversal effect on nail health leading to rough, ragged, and peeling nails.


When I stopped taking collagen, I started feeling ‘old’ again…

Marlene W. ★★★★★

“The fact that the ONLY thing I did differently was take collagen out of my diet goes to show how well collagen was working for me…”

After a few weeks without collagen, Marlene was convinced.

Adding collagen into your diet is the single most important thing you can do to protect your skin, hair, nails, joints, and bones as you get older.

“Now, I’ll never go a day without it.”

Sometimes, just one simple decision can drastically improve your entire life.

The only decision you have to make is to decide if you’re willing to try it and see for yourself. 

“Who knows, maybe this could be the one little decision that will drastically improve your quality of life, too. I know it did for me!”

If you’re ready to find out what collagen can do for you, click below to get started with NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen..

As Low As $21 For A Limited Time Plus FREE Shipping

365-Day Feel Good Guarantee

We Asked NativePath Subscribers What Happened When They Stopped Using Collagen…

Here's What They Said


My skin started looking dehydrated again so now I am back on it for life.

Barbara P. ★★★★★


Got a wake-up call to how well it works for my inflammation.

Soni M. ★★★★★


Been using it again for a month. My hair has stopped falling out, my joints are feeling better and my skin is getting back some elasticity. It’s a miracle. My husband started on it yesterday.

Pat B. ★★★★★


I stopped because I was supporting my husband who has gone on a vegan diet for his heart disease (at his Doctors request.) I stopped eating anything he couldn’t have. Now my hair is thinner and my nails are weak and splitting. Skin doesn’t look as healthy. I’m going to add it back!

Janell B. ★★★★★


I went on a trip and didn’t take collagen for a week. My joints hurt, especially in my hands. So grateful to be home and on my nutritional routine again. BTW within 24 hrs of taking my collagen, my hands felt better.

Carol B. ★★★★★


I stopped it for a couple of weeks and it wasn’t the best decision. My osteoarthritis started bothering me & my joints hurt. I went back on it & don’t plan to stop again!

Carol N. ★★★★★


I stopped for about 4 months and I immediately noticed that my knees began clicking again when I walk downstairs and my skin wasn't as supple and clear.

Crystal T. ★★★★★


I ran out of it one time and my painful swollen hands came back so bad I couldn't close them. Collagen has been a life, job saver.

LP P. ★★★★★


When I stopped using collagen it reminded me of how my body was before....and why would I ever stop! Love my pain-free life!

Cathy F. ★★★★★

Curious About Collagen?

Click below to learn more about NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen and view today’s online deal:

As Low As $21 For A Limited Time Plus FREE Shipping

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

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