5 Joint-Rotting Foods Adults Must Avoid

PLUS: BRAND-NEW “Holy Trio” Knee Pain Solution Revealed 

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT

Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures…

Sadly, if you suffer from joint pain, even some of your favorite “healthy” meals can trigger inflammation that causes tenderness, constant pain, and even joint decay.

Some try to treat this with medication (and a long list of resulting side effects), but if you’ve been leaving your joint pain unmanaged, there’s something you MUST hear today…

Simply ignoring joint pain can result in irreversible damage to your surrounding cartilage and tissues - inevitably requiring surgery.

However, since millions of adults struggle with this widespread health concern, new studies are constantly being done to find new solutions…

And breakthrough research has revealed: medication and surgery aren’t the only ways to help manage your joint pain!

What you eat can have a profound impact on how inflamed (and therefore how painful) your joints become," says Dr. Walding

For this reason, being aware of the foods that cause joint inflammation can help you make healthy decisions about your diet…


And ultimately facilitate a pain-free lifestyle.


To help you eradicate frustrating joint pain, Dr. Chad Walding, Doctor of Physical Therapy and leading Senior Nutrition Expert, recommends you print this list of the most joint-damaging foods to avoid…


And check out a breakthrough “holy trio” men and women must consume to repair and rebuild joints, reduce mobility-related pain and help protect against falls and injuries.

First, here’s a look at 5 surprising dietary culprits that can do irreversible damage to your joints.


Refined Grains (or Refined Carbohydrates)

Refined grains and carbs are broken down into sugars quickly in your bloodstream. They then cause an elevation in blood sugar which your body has to work hard to remove. This effort stimulates inflammation… so if you’re eating refined carbs throughout the day, your body is in a constant state of inflammation, working to balance your blood sugar levels. 


Additionally, refined carbs have a high glycemic index. They are considered an ‘advanced glycation end’ product, or AGE, which promote oxidative stress and inflammation.


Added Sugars (& Surprising Places You’ll Find Them)

Although sugary sweets and drinks taste good, I’m sure you know they’re doing no good for your body. Consuming high amounts of sugar in your diet can increase inflammation & lead to a higher risk of chronic disease… 

And I’m not just talking about cookies and candy, but other products that have sneaky amounts of added sugar such as granola, barbecue sauce, salad dressings, peanut butter, baked beans, and bread. 

Studies show when adults consume a high sugar diet, different biomarkers used to measure chronic inflammation also increase. 

These biomarkers include cholesterol levels and C-reactive protein. By simply reducing your sugar intake (or doing your best to eliminate added sugars completely)– you can take a big step towards reducing overall inflammation and consequently your risk of developing chronic disease down the road. 


“Vegetable” Oils & Trans Fats

Hydrogenated vegetable oils promote an inflammatory state, especially in your joints and blood vessels. Hydrogenated vegetable oils include canola, safflower, soybean, corn, and cottonseed. Many of these oils are populated in processed foods and frozen foods but are also often found in creamers, salad dressings, and fast foods.

Trans fats are a term used to describe the process of partial hydrogenation. This means the oil is unnaturally altered to maintain a solid state at room temperature. Examples of trans fats include shortening and margarine. Unfortunately, trans fats can trigger inflammation in your fat tissue (adipose), which contributes to joint pain.


Nightshade Vegetables

Nightshades are a group of foods that include staples like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, goji berries, bell peppers, and hot peppers. Some people tolerate nightshades without issue, but if you’re struggling with symptoms of chronic inflammation, cutting nightshades out for a while (2-3 months) might be a good idea. 

Nightshades contain properties that inhibit the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. If you build up an excess of acetylcholine, your muscles and joints can feel achy and stiff. People with arthritis, reflux, and autoimmune disorders can see substantial improvement in their pain and reduce their symptoms if they cut out nightshades from their diet.


Table Salt

Historically, salt and additives have preserved our food, but excess consumption of salt has been shown to inflame joints.

Too much salt makes cells attract water like a sponge. This cellular swelling effect can also aggravate your joints and cause pain, making it difficult to get around normally.

So, how much salt is too much? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people over 51 years old and those with high blood pressure, diabetes, or kidney disease should get 1,500 mg – about ½ teaspoon – of sodium each day…yet the average American eats about 3,400 mg of sodium a day. 

Cutting down on salt can help decrease swelling and better balance blood pressure, helping to avoid serious heart conditions down the road. Eating less salt may also reduce bone calcium loss, reducing osteoporosis, fracture, and accident risk.

What You Can Do to Naturally Relieve Inflammatory Joint Pain

When you experience joint pain, that indicates your body is in an inflammatory state. Even more devastating, some of the “healthy” things you consume may not only increase inflammation…they can also set you up for chronic conditions such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.


For this reason, experts agree that reducing or eliminating the five foods above and focusing on eating whole, real foods is the first crucial step to reduce pain. 


Anti-inflammatory foods such as dark leafy greens, walnuts, avocado, oily fish, and bone broth are great dietary additions to helping manage inflammation within the body. 


Now, this may not be news for someone as health-conscious as you...


But you might not be aware of a “holy trio” scientifically proven to produce noticeable anti-inflammatory results in just 7 days.

#1 “Spicy” Solution for Joint Inflammation in Adults

You may feel like you’ve tried it all…


Over-the-counter NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) with long-lasting side effects, painful injections, excruciating exercise routines, crazy diet changes…


But this triple threat to inflammation has been proven JUST as effective...

With ZERO side effects!

  • A study published in the medical journal Trials gave 139 patients with knee pain either a capsule of spices three times a day or a common OTC pill twice daily. Scientists found both groups experienced significant pain relief. Fortunately, those who were given the spice capsule instead of the pill reported less stomach distress and other side effects.
  • In another 2020 study, researchers at the University of Australia in Tasmania gave 70 participants with knee conditions and swelling either 1000 mg per day of this ancient spice or a placebo. After 12 weeks, those blindly given the spice solution reported significantly less knee pain.
  • And a North Carolina School of Medicine study found this natural solution, “has a surprisingly wide range of beneficial properties.” This list includes (but may not be limited to): relieving psoriasis and other skin conditions, acting as a potent antioxidant, speeding wound healing, easing respiratory problems, and helping to detoxify the liver. 

Thousands of REAL WORLD People Like You Consider This Natural Seasoning Their Secret Weapon Against Inflammation...

And now, it's your turn!


Their results are absolutely out of this world, take a look:

"I have arthritis and fibromyalgia, so I’m pretty much in pain all the time. I love this! It’s been helping a lot, and I was worried because I have a sensitive stomach, but it didn’t bother my stomach at all!" -Susan D.

"It is really working! My hubby and I now take this together. We are feeling MUCH better. Getting out of bed in the morning is no longer painful." -Beverly F.

“I tried an over-the-counter solution for arthritis pain with limited results. But THIS has definitely made a significant positive improvement on joint pain in my fingers.” -Michelle N.

“I developed arthritis in one knee. It was a painful development and a fairly long diagnosis procedure. It is inflammation and I was directed to use low impact exercise and weight loss to eventually reduce the inflammation. I decided to try this on advice of a very healthy relative and it has helped reduce my knee inflammation and lessen residual pain.” -Denise P.

These real-life results are possible because this ancient revered spice contains the most potent and highly absorbed curcumin on the planet...

And curcumin is one of the most powerful ways to improve your health...

Because not only does it help banish inflammation and joint pain in ways other compounds can only dream of…

The University of Edinburgh found: It boosts the activity of your body’s own antioxidant enzymes, fighting free radicals which cause oxidative damage.


Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reports: It increases brain levels of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which is a type of growth hormone that functions in your brain--reversing many age-related decreases in brain function.


And results from studies in Japan, China, and Thailand all showed: It improves the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of your blood vessels.

But There’s Two BIG Problems...

Because the purest source of curcumin is none other than the golden spice known as turmeric–a rhizome (root) that comes from the plant of the ginger family native to India.

Unfortunately, only around 5% of turmeric is made up of curcumin…

So you’d have to eat a ton of turmeric with EVERY meal in order to see benefits of any kind.

Now, it is possible to isolate the curcumin from turmeric…

But in scientific terms, the curcumin compound has what’s referred to as ‘low bioavailability’...

If a substance is not sufficiently bioavailable, it can’t enter your bloodstream at the levels needed for you to experience the full spectrum health benefits associated with that compound.

So if you’ve taken turmeric or curcumin for any of your health concerns before…and haven’t noticed a difference…here’s why:

1.) It doesn't get absorbed by the human body.

2.) You’re not getting enough pure, effective curcumin to make a difference.

In other words, to effectively redeem the miraculous healing properties, it must be consumed in the RIGHT FORM, combined with the RIGHT support ingredients, and it has to be pure…

Once you’re able to accomplish this…

You’ll finally be able to tap into everything curcumin has to offer...

Healing your joints, memory, and guts from the inside out! 

The success stories are nothing short of astonishing:

“I do not go a day without my turmeric. I’ve had shoulder surgery twice and knee surgery and without taking daily turmeric, I am sure I would still be in lots of pain. I will be 69 in August and still work and clean a construction complex! Could not do it without my NativePath Turmeric!” - Diane Gove

“I used to get bursts of intense pain in my fingers and toes where I have arthritis and within a WEEK of using and continued use I rarely have a flare up.” - Nancy Barrett

“I have been disabled for years with multiple problems. Fibromyalgia, back surgery, neck surgery… I prayed to the Lord that he would take me because I no longer wanted to deal with the pain. I’ve had surgery in both hands and have been through things that have caused tremendous amounts of pain. Now, I have been taking this turmeric and am now pain free!! If it gets better than this, I don’t know what I would do with myself. No pain – None. I know how I am feeling, and I am feeling good” -Helen Knight

Thousands of Adults & Scientific Studies Agree, This “Holy Trio” is Nature's Most Miraculous Healer... 

Because we’ve developed a unique, holistic system for making curcumin more bioavailable than ever… up to 185x more, in fact.

We’ve, in fact, created a CUSTOM BLEND that combines the most effective form of this ancient remedy with the most modern science known to man…

So you get an anti-inflammatory formula so potent it’s scientifically shown to increase the body's ability to absorb curcumin by up to 185x better than competitor supplements.

1.) Turmeric Root Extract

To deliver nothing but the best nature has to offer, our Custom Curcumin Blend uses a pure form of turmeric root (curucma longa).

2.) Full Spectrum Curcumin

This revolutionary formula converts curcumin into a fully water-soluble, pH-stable form, making it 185x more bioavailable and 27x more powerful than any other Turmeric Supplement you may have tried before. 

We’ve also implemented something called “Micelle technology,”... meaning it creates microscopic spheres that allow curcumin to get into your bloodstream faster & stay there longer, up to a full 24 hours.

3.) Black Seed Oil

Black seeds are PACKED with many vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals your body needs to function at its optimal level. These nutrients include (but are not limited to) calcium, folic acid, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and vitamin E.

Black seeds are also loaded with a special bioactive compound called thymoquinone. Thymoquinone is a very strong ingredient with major antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is this powerful trio of pure turmeric extract + Full Spectrum Curcumin + Black Seed Oil that will allow you to experience the miraculous benefits of this healing spice with just 2 softgels a day!

Find Full-Body Relief In Just Two Softgels A Day With…

NativePath Turmeric Curcumin Blend

Now in Softgel Form

Softgels are easily digested and have increased bioavailability (meaning your body can absorb it more effectively)...

Softgels are also very easy to swallow; even easier than capsules… this is because they are flexible instead of hard like a capsule.

Lastly, softgel material is antioxidant, which means that the contents have a longer shelf life and are well protected against UV rays and oxidation.

Our *NEW* Custom Blend Curcumin Helps Protect Against Free-Radicals for Long-Lasting Health Benefits

Fight Inflammation

Scientists now believe that inflammation plays a major role in almost every chronic, Western diseases including heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer's and various degenerative conditions*.

For this reason, using Curcumin for it’s strong anti-inflammatory benefits can be effective in helping to protect against the risk of chronic health issues.

In fact, Curcumin has been shown to be so powerful that it has matched the effectiveness of some anti-inflammatory drugs, without the side effects.*

Boosts Immunity For Virus Protection

Turmeric’s antioxidant capacities play a major role in its ability to help the body ward off or suppress viruses that attack the body. It does this by boosting the body’s antioxidant enzymes, effectively providing another counterpunch to free radicals while aiding in the activation of our body’s own antioxidant devices.

Ease Joint & Muscle Discomfort

Several studies found that this root may reduce knee pain and improve function in people with osteoarthritis — one even suggests it may work as well as ibuprofen for reducing pain*.

Support Sleep

Studies have shown that this herb helps reduce inflammatory cytokines–small proteins released by the immune system as a result of the ongoing battle with a multitude of infections. Cytokines are known to lessen the production of sleep-generating hormones in the brain. 

Researchers have found that daily use of Curcumin helped decrease inflammatory cytokines and lower inflammation within your body*. As a result, Curcumin may increase the sleep activating hormones you need to bring about a tranquil slumber.

Improve Mood & Memory

Curcumin has been shown to enhance brain chemicals such as Noradrenaline and Serotonin, and increase the production of Dopamine, which dictates how we experience both pleasure and pain*. That which lifts your mood also has a wide influence on our sleep cycle, memory and learning.

Aid Digestion

Modern studies show that Turmeric can help regulate our gut health through reduce digestive discomfort, flatulence and bloating*. 

Black seeds and oil are “carminative,” which means they can ALSO support digestion and decrease digestive problems including gas, bloating, and stomach pain.

In addition, 2012 study results suggest the thymoquinone found in these potent tiny seeds could serve as a potential therapeutic agent for individuals with inflammatory bowel disease… and black seed oil is often recommended and successfully used for intestinal parasites.*

Promote Healthy Aging

Oxidative damage is believed to be one of the mechanisms behind aging and many diseases - which is where the antioxidant-rich Curcumin compound comes into play.

The main reason antioxidants are so beneficial is that they protect your body from free radicals.

Curcumin is a potent antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals due to its chemical structure*.

In addition, curcumin boosts the activity of your body's own antioxidant enzymes*.

In that way, curcumin delivers a one-two punch against free radicals. It blocks them directly, then stimulates your body's own antioxidant defenses to help maintain one’s youthful appearance and performance.

No Other Turmeric Supplement Does More

Because you simply can't get this level of purity, potency, and keto-approved ingredients anywhere else.

You won’t find it at Whole Foods…

Other online suppliers all fall short in purity & quality…

And you'd spend a small fortune trying to formulate this yourself, traveling deep into the forests of India, chatting with leading medical experts to dose it for you...

Which is where the good news comes in...

As I said earlier, my name is Dr. Chad Walding, co-founder and head researcher at NativePath.

For over a decade, I've been on a mission to make NATURAL solutions for my clients’ health concerns available to you...

I want them delivered (for FREE) right to your door so you can experience effortless relief in only seconds a day…

And now, I’m sure you see this “holy trio” could replace every pill you take...

In fact, it's a MUST-HAVE for someone as health conscious as yourself...

And since I believe you are doing your absolute best to make the right decisions for your health…

I want to make it as easy as possible for you to make this one…

Which is why I’m giving readers of this page ONLY an EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT.

Due to the newly recognized widespread benefits of this powerful compound (truly head to toe inflammation relief) demand has skyrocketed in the past few years…

Sourcing, shipping, quality-testing, and packaging costs have all gone up…

Which is why the suggested retail price for a month’s supply of NativePath Custom Curcumin Blend is $49.95

Which is already an incredible deal, considering if you add up the money many (possibly even you) waste on "grow younger vitamins" and temporary relief you get with Tylenol and Aleve...

Plus the time, energy, and resources spent googling solutions for creaky knees, lower back pain, and aching knees...

Doctors’ visits, maybe even surgery…

All to no avail…

It'd easily add up into the thousands, if not MORE.

But you’re not going to pay the suggested retail today…

Nope, you won’t pay anywhere near that…

Since Curcumin & Black Seed Oil Softgels Only Work If You…

  • Take them on a consistent daily basis. Simply take two softgels every day with water and a meal, or as recommended by your doctor.
  • Take the right amount for the results you want. By taking two softgels per day, you are consuming 500 mg of the powerful compound, curcumin, which will ensure you get all the medicinal benefits while not over-consuming the spice.
  • Take them for the proper amount of time. Clinical studies show that the longer you use Full Spectrum Curcumin & Black Seed Oil, the greater (and longer-lasting) the benefits will be

In other words, taking a softgel here and there isn’t going to cut it.

Consistency is key.

Which is why I recommend my clients to:

Start with at least 3 bottles of NativePath Custom Blend Curcumin Softgels at a time…

And get a 6-bottle supply to be COMPLETELY safe (and have no fear of running out early!)...

I've Decided to Cut the Price by 60% On This Page Only Because You've Proven to Me You Care About Your Health

Don't you think it's time you got rewarded for that?

I certainly do, which is why I’m prepared to offer you a month's supply of our Daily Activated Curcumin for as low as $19.99 a bottle.

That’s an instant savings of $29.96 per bottle that you’re being offered EXCLUSIVELY on this page…as a part of my mission to provide natural joint pain relief to seniors nationwide…

PLUS – I’ll cover the cost of shipping it right to your door!

So if you're ready to dive in...

Here's what you can expect next:

When you click on the ORANGE button below, you'll immediately land on our safe, secure order form page where you can choose how many bottles of Daily Activated Curcumin you want to order.

Even better:

Rest Assured You Can Order With Confidence Knowing Your Purchase is Backed by Our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we offer a Risk-Free 60-Day Return Policy…

That means you have 60 days to try out our products and if you are not JUMPING for joy as your joint pain becomes a thing of the past… digestive troubles disappear… you have a new “pep in your step”... and more… if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply reach out to our friendly Customer Care Center and they’ll help to make things right for you.

I’m confident in offering this incredible risk-free guarantee, because I know once you’ve taken our NativePath Activated Curcumin consistently for just 30 days, you’ll be seeing shocking results like Patricia Kuehnau:

“Since I started taking NativePath Turmeric there has been improvement in my mood, my energy, and my joint pain! I’m on my 3rd bottle and it's already made an incredible difference. So happy to have found this amazing product.”

And Lynda Champion:

“I love the turmeric! It took my high blood pressure down to 116 and it has helped relieve my arthritis pain.”

And 90-year-old Reva Jones:

“Your turmeric has helped me so much! I’m almost 90 and have so much less pain! I take no prescription medications and I feel great!”

Right Now, Imagine You Stand at a Crossroads

To your left is the choice to stay as you are…

Struggling & straining to get out of bed in the morning as your “tin man” joints squeak and creak…

Hobbling up and down the stairs painfully, sleeping downstairs on your lounge chair more often…

Avoiding family activities for fear of falling or someone thinking you shouldn’t be living on your own anymore.

Turning to your right is the path to freedom from fear…

When you naturally eradicate inflammation from your joints, arteries, brain, feet, and more – no more imagining disastrous falls out of the shower, down stairs, even tripping over a carpet in the kitchen…

You can show up at family activities ready to dance, jump, and play with all of your grandchildren…

As your family members look at you in shock wondering what your secret is…

And not only that, but you can toss aside all those useless painkillers and medications with a laundry list of side effects…

All of this with just 2 capsules of NativePath’s Custom Curcumin Blend a day…

And don’t forget, ZERO side effects!

Is This the Future You’d Like to Wake Up To In a Few Short Weeks?

Of course it is!

So the time to act is now…

Now is the time to claim the bottles of NativePath’s Custom Curcumin Blend I’ve set aside with your name on them…

At up to a whopping 60% off.

I did this to make it easy as possible for you to enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself (without burning a hole in your wallet).

I've given you as much as $26.96 OFF per bottle as a "thank you" for being a loyal customer...

And there's no obligation since you're covered for a full 60 days.

This is a no-brainer if you ask me.

All that's left is for you to come and join me in my mission to have NATURAL solutions for frustrating joint pain in every household nationwide… 

Simply click the button below now:

Thank you for your time today. 

Dr. Chad Walding

Co-Founder, NativePath

PS. If you're still here, you might have some questions:

Frequently Asked Questions About NativePath’s Custom Curcumin Blend

Q - What kind of results can I expect from NativePath’s Custom Curcumin Blend?

A - Our Custom Curcumin Blend is 100% backed up by the latest science. So whether you're taking it for your joints, memory, or gut... it will work for you...

Within days, you could experience a "new pep in your step" throughout the day. This is due to a decrease in overall inflammation, so you can look, feel, and move pain-free. You might notice yourself getting better at detail-oriented tasks. I'm even willing to bet you'll get a better night's sleep.

Q - Is there really a 60-day money back guarantee?

A - Yes! Today's "loyal customer only" offer is completely risk-free.

Q - What time of day should I take the Custom Curcumin Blend?

A - The optimal time to consume our Custom Curcumin Blend is 20-30 minutes before a meal so your body can start to absorb the ingredients before stomach acid begins to increase in response to eating a meal. This will allow you to boost the absorption of additional nutrients from your meal as well.

Q - How many times per day should I take the softgels?

A - The recommended serving is 2 softgels taken twice daily for a total serving of over 1250 mg of the powerful “holy trio,” which will provide you with numerous health benefits, including those listed above.

It is essential to take our Custom Curcumin Blend softgels every day in order to experience long-term benefits.

Q - Is this Custom Curcumin Blend safe? What are the side effects?

A - There are no known side effects with our Custom Curcumin Blend. I've been taking it behind the scenes for months and I've never felt better. It's all-natural, keto-approved ingredients are backed up by solid science.

Q - Can I buy more than one bottle?

A - On the order form, you'll have a chance to buy more bottles in advance (even use some as gifts). We recommend you do because you'll save even more by doing so.

Q - Can I get it at my local grocery store?

A - No, Whole Foods or your local grocery store does not sell this Custom Curcumin Blend. This website is the ONLY place we sell it and that's exactly how it'll stay.

Find Full-Body Relief in Just Two Softgels a Day

Buy More, Save More! Save up to 60% When You Stock Up Today…

🔥 Recently Sold: 364 🔥


60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

© 2025 NativePath

114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993