Texas Doc Takes On The Collagen Industry 

Fact Check: 5 Collagen Lies Exposed + How to Find the BEST Formula for Your Age & Desired Results.

[Read below for details]

“When I heard one of the best-selling collagen products was recalled for ‘contamination,’ and saw so many people unknowingly using ‘dirty’ collagen - I knew I had to find a pure, effective, and affordable product for my patients” - Dr. Chad Walding

If you’re over the age of 50, man or woman…

And you’re struggling with pain in your joints, loss of mobility, or loose, sagging skin that’s robbing you of your confidence…

You’ve probably heard about collagen.

A 2023 study found one unique type of collagen can turn back the clock on signs of aging in as little as 4 weeks…

But not all collagen is created equal…

One of the most popular collagen products on the market was recently recalled due to “possible foreign contamination…”

And in 2020, the Organic Consumers Association found 64% of collagen products tested positive for arsenic…

And 37% tested positive for lead.

Which is just the start of scary additives lurking in so many “dirty collagens.”

If you’re interested in harnessing the powerful anti-aging benefits of collagen, but are concerned about harmful toxins…

Or maybe you’ve already tried a collagen supplement with no results except digestive upset…

You need to see these 5 collagen warnings.

As a doctor of physical therapy, I've seen the impacts first-hand how collagen can give men and women over 50 their lives back.

I’ve had patients who once moaned and groaned getting out of bed in the morning restore their mobility, get rid of aches and stiffness, and enjoy mornings again!

And women who felt like menopause was the end of their feminine beauty suddenly love looking in the mirror and having their picture taken.

But most importantly, I’ve seen people achieve the most incredible results in the shortest amount of time when they pay attention to these 5 collagen warnings…

I’m about to show you the exact kind of collagen that worked for them - and how it could help you regain mobility, strength, and a youthful glow, even if you think it’s too late.

But first…


“…My hair and nails are amazing. No more bones creaking after I get up in the morning. I'm 58 years old and I feel so much younger due to collagen. I wasted so much money on other stuff that didn't do anything…”

Joyce P. ★★★★★

What is collagen & why do you need it?



Amount of Collagen 















Collagen is the “glue” that holds your body together, and it’s the most abundant protein in the body.  

Without it…

...your skin, muscle tissue, bones and tendons can all begin to deteriorate.

And our bodies produce less collagen as we age at a rate of 1% every year starting around 30.

For women, studies show skin collagen levels plummet even more, declining approximately 30% in the 5 years following menopause, and 2.1% every year after…for 20 years.

Anyone over 50 knows all too well those bursts in wrinkles and sagging skin, joint pain, stiffness, hair loss, weight gain and more.

And for many women, the drastic decline in collagen can feel like you’re suddenly 20 years older!

So it’s no surprise that collagen products are having a BIG moment…

Hundreds of peer-reviewed, clinical trials have examined the benefits of a daily collagen supplement.

And the results are simply astounding

  • Increased bone mineral density by up to 7% compared to those who didn’t take collagen. Since bone mineral density drops by about 1-2% per year after menopause, that means these women got back 4-5 years of bone density… in only 12 months!

  • Significantly improved joint pain, stiffness, and physical function after 6 months in a group of 180 volunteers

  • Increased levels of skin collagen for a significant reduction of eye wrinkle volume in just 4 weeks!

  • Significantly improved skin hydration and elasticity in a review of 26 studies including 1,721 patients.

  • Reduced measures of artery stiffness in 31 healthy adults who took 16 grams of collagen daily for six months.


I've only been taking collagen for 2 months and I see and feel a significant difference.

I'm 59 and in menopause and this product has cut most of my symptoms that come with menopause almost gone. 

I'm amazed at the change in my body alone, thank you doc!"

Robin D.★★★★★

But it’s not as easy as running to the store and grabbing the first jar of collagen you see. 

There are 5 MAJOR problems with most collagen products that can diminish its health boosting effects…

…and even cause harmful side effects.

If you’ve ever tried collagen and didn’t see results like more comfortable joints, stronger bones, or glowing skin…

Or the only change you noticed was digestive problems…

It wasn’t because collagen doesn’t work. 

You’ve seen the research, and how collagen is clinically proven to restore bone density, minimize wrinkles, strengthen joints, support heart health, and more! 

Anyone not feeling and looking younger with collagen, likely didn’t know about THESE 5 Collagen Warnings...

1. If you don’t see one of these words on the label… RUN!

If you’ve shopped for collagen products, you’ve probably seen bone broth, peptides, hydrolyzed, powder, protein, serums and more.


And it’s hard to know what's right for you!

But it’s actually a lot simpler than it seems…

Collagen is a protein made up of amino acids that provide its restorative benefits.

Topical collagen serums and creams are like putting a bandaid on a broken bone. 

Your skin doesn’t absorb nearly enough collagen to correct your depleted levels. 

Which is why it’s crucial to restore collagen levels from the inside out, but you still need the right kind. 

Hydrolyzed collagen and collagen peptides mean the same thing: that the collagen has gone through a process that breaks it down into smaller, ready-to-absorb amino acids that can easily be soaked up by your body. 

Non-hydrolyzed collagen requires your digestive system to work harder, resulting in less absorption and potentially triggering digestive issues.

And thanks to recent research, we now know non-hydrolyzed is “unlikely” to work.

A 2018 study on the popular, non-hydrolyzed collagen - bone broth - concluded, “it is unlikely that bone broth can provide a consistently reliable source of key amino acids.” 

In short, for a product that will produce results you’ll see and feel, skip the topical serums and look for “hydrolyzed” or “peptides” on your collagen product label.

2. “Multi-collagen” products are a waste of money

The more the merrier, right? When it comes to collagen, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

There are dozens of products on the market that claim to be “more effective” because they’re packed with 5 or more different types of collagen.

As it turns out, this claim is NOT backed by science.

In fact, research shows combining certain types together can blunt the absorption of collagen – making your supplement far less effective.

Meaning it does nothing for you other than burn a hole in your wallet.

You see, there are 28 different types of collagen in your body. 

But 2 in particular make up a whopping 90% of your total collagen.

  • Type I: Found in bones, joints, tendons, skin, hair, and nails
  • Type III: Found in the skin, muscles, gut lining, and blood vessels

There’s also “marine collagen,” but it only gives your body type I collagen, so it doesn’t help relieve joint stiffness and digestive issues like type III.

In short, to maximize the amazing health benefits of collagen, you should search for types I and III collagen that are “hydrolyzed” or “peptides.”

But even then, you need to make sure you’re getting the right dose…

3. If you’re over 50, you’re likely NOT taking enough collagen

Remember how collagen production depletes 1% every year? Well that adds up…

And by the age of 60, most people make half as much collagen as they did in their youth.

“Every person I’ve seen who’s disappointed in collagen…
…is either taking the wrong kind, or not enough.”

My name is Dr. Chad Walding, co-founder of NativePath, Senior Nutrition Expert, and Doctor of Physical Therapy for over a decade.

For years, I’ve been giving my followers natural alternatives to the mainstream medical advice that’s too one-size-fits-all…

And the biggest changes I see — more strength, more energy, more youthfulness — occur in people over 50 who take 20 grams of collagen daily.

Unfortunately, with the recent “collagen craze,” there are countless products made with the wrong types of collagen and in serving sizes too small to make an impact on your health. 

Without paying attention to these 5 collagen warnings, you’ll likely end up with a useless product, and no results. 

That’s why I created my own that checks all the boxes.

NativePath Grass-Fed, Pasture-Raised Collagen Peptides, with types I & III collagen, now has over 7,000 5-Star Reviews and over 4 MILLION sold! 

Here’s what REAL customers are saying about NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen Peptides…


It dissolves in anything, is tasteless and has both Collagen I and III. I use it every day. I've only been using it for 2 months and plan to continue indefinitely. 

I'm a healthy, active 79 yr old woman (I'm blessed with no Rx in my cabinet) and I wish I had known of its benefits sooner. I'm certain I need it. 

I tried another brand but it upset my stomach. I looked at the ingredients and it was from sources other than bovine and was multi-collagen I, II, III. I will stick with NativePath."

D.S.B. ★★★★★


Somehow I got away from NativePath to try other collagen that was not as good.

I had been noticing my skin, hair and nails were not doing good at all.

I was told that NativePath has the best collagen, so I quickly ordered 8 canisters and within 3 weeks of taking the collagen, l saw my skin getting smoother, my hair stopped breaking and my nails got harder. 

A vast improvement and I was tickled pink. Now this is the only collagen that I will use. Very happy with my NativePath products!!!!!"

Ernestine G ★★★★★


I have finally rid my aging body of all the nagging aches and pains keeping me from living my life and doing my job. My joints and muscles and countless other areas of my body including skin and hair are fully charged with NativePath Collagen.

I was falling apart but now strong as ever. My body's clock is set back twenty years and I’m loving it.

The most impressive benefit for me is recovery time… I operate a granite saw at work and make heavy lifts by hand and it would take days to recover from all the strain I put on my body but now every day is a great day and it blows my mind. Thank you NativePath!"

Morris T ★★★★★


I started this collagen because a review said it worked faster than others… well I have to say I think they were right!!!

My hair is growing and I didn’t notice that with the others I used!!!!"

Deborah S. ★★★★★


“I use 3 scoops every day and my hair is getting thicker and my skin is healing faster.

My balance is improving daily. I will be 76 in August and I don't think it shows yet. I've lost about 40 lbs so far!

I will never run out of NativePath Collagen again! Thanks again!”

Charlotte J. ★★★★★


“NativePath Collagen is giving me flawless skin, stronger nails, and my hair is thicker. It has curved my appetite as well as helped my sciatica nerve pain in my left leg.

My age is 69, soon to be 70 in November. This product is the key to longevity."

B. Jones ★★★★★

The results are nothing short of astonishing…

For anyone over 50 looking to restore bone density, soothe joint pain, and get their youthful glow back with collagen, THIS is the perfect formula of types I & III collagen peptides.

To make trying it a no-brainer today, I’m offering new customers a massive discount… 

Which you can claim today by clicking the “Get Collagen Now” button below…

But first, there are 2 more things you need to look out for in your collagen supplement.

4. Collagen products can expose you to toxic junk

The easiest way to get types I and III collagen is with bovine sourcing. 

But we all know animal agriculture has its issues.

Which is why it’s crucial to look for “grass-fed” and “pasture-raised” on the label. 

You see, 95% of cows in the U.S. that are not 100% grass-fed are fed GMO corn. 

Plus - conventional beef is exposed to all kinds of chemicals like growth hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics that can end up in the final product. 

A shocking 80% of antibiotics sold in the U.S. are used in animals, and then ingested by humans when they consume animal products.

This is a major contributor to antibiotic-resistance, which the World Health Organization called, “one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today.”

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live in a world where life-saving antibiotics no longer work on ourselves and our children.

But that’s not all…

Cattle raised in factory farms can be exposed to toxic heavy metals through diet, drinking water, contaminated soil, and more… 

And in 2020, the Organic Consumers Association found 64% of collagen products tested positive for arsenic…

And 37% tested positive for lead.

Long-term exposure to these chemicals can cause skin lesions & discoloration, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, cognitive decline, and even increased deaths…

Grass-fed cattle are raised without antibiotics, hormones, and other dangerous toxins that can end up in your collagen product…

Which is why it’s crucial to look for “grass-fed” and “pasture-raised,” along with “peptides” or “hydrolyzed,” and types I and III on your collagen label for the safest, most effective product.

5. Beware of celebrity endorsements

Celebrity endorsements always catch my eye… 

I hate to admit it, but we’re all human.

But the truth is, these celebrity endorsements cost a lot of money. 

So instead of spending money on research, top-quality sourcing, and clean manufacturing practices… 

They’re handing thousands over to these celebrities.

Which means - these companies are prioritizing selling you over helping you.

And we now have proof.  

In April, 2023, one of the BIGGEST celebrity-backed collagen manufacturers recalled 59,701 canisters across 20 states due to “possible foreign material contamination.” 


Which is why I’m so happy you found this page today.

I might not have the star power of some of those other brands…

But with Native Path Collagen Peptides, I can guarantee we’re channeling all of our energy into making the highest-quality product that your body can effectively absorb without digestive upset…

Each small-batch formula is sustainably sourced, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) manufactured, and third-party tested to ensure it’s safe and pure…

For regenerated joint tissue and ligaments, increased bone density, and youthful skin - without dangers additives or contamination.

In over a decade of using collagen with my patients, this is the only one I’ve found that checks all the boxes…


Vital Proteins


Ancient Nutrition

Made In A Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certified Facility











100% Hydrolyzed




Dissolves Clump-Free




10 Grams Of Collagen Per Scoop




Contains Only 1 Ingredient (No Added Ingredients)




Uses Only Type I & III Fibers (No Filler Fibers)

Sourced Only From Bovine Hide (No Marine, Egg, Or Chicken Sources)




At this point, you may be wondering how you can try NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen Peptides yourself…

In order to deliver the most pure, potent source of collagen just as nature would offer it, our type I & III collagen formula comes straight from healthy grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine.

To increase the effectiveness, our blend undergoes a tedious hydrolysis process which breaks the protein down into shorter chains of peptides.

Thus, making them more absorbable and increasingly more effective.

There’s just one downside…

This meticulous process adds weeks (sometimes months) onto our manufacturing operations.

Which means it can take a very long time to produce even a single jar of NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen…

And with the demand for collagen increasing every day, many experts warn that shortages may come as a consequence.

On top of that…

People who try it keep coming back to order more… And at larger quantities, too!


I will never run out of collagen. I have been using it for about a year... no need for makeup anymore!"

Belinda W. ★★★★★


Nails, skin and hair have improved. Will definitely continue with 2 scoops a day."

Leo F. ★★★★★


I have used it for about four months and just recently bumped the dosage to two scoops! I just ordered six more jars. Thank you Native Path! I don't want to ever run out!"

Mary L. ★★★★★


I made an excellent choice ordering more collagen. I had a fracture in the patella of one knee. I wasn’t healing correctly. Fluid kept building in my knee. My Orthopedic doctor kept draining the fluid. I read an ad for NativePath Collagen & decided to order the product. Even if you take calcium for bone strength it still needs the collagen to work efficiently. Once I started using NativePath Collagen the difference was amazing. The pain in my knee became less; no fluid build up and my knee is now healed and pain free. My husband and I put two scoops of it in our morning coffee daily, because the benefits are real. We’ll continue ordering more."

AJ S. ★★★★★

This is a good problem to have, but… 

The increased order volume has put an even BIGGER strain on our production.

Especially since our small-batch hydrolyzed collagen formula can take months to produce.

As a result, our collagen keeps selling out…

To make matters worse… Inflation has caused massive spikes in freight costs, fuel and in shipping…

Due to ongoing inflation, we decided to order way more jars of our best-selling NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen than we needed…

Just so you can get it at the absolute best rate and without paying anything extra for it during these unprecedented times.

Now, since we’re a small business, these jars are taking up a lot of space in our warehouse…

So, we decided to offer an exclusive hardship discount to ease the stress many households are experiencing due to inflation…

Where you can stock up on NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen for as low as $21/jar.

That’s a whopping 45% OFF!

This is incredible news since myself along with many experts believe type I & III bovine collagen to be the most superior source to stock up on.

So, how much collagen do you need to take in order to reap its benefits?

Based on research, using anywhere between 10-20 grams (1-2 scoops) of collagen per day can provide an array of health benefits.

But, for older individuals, the effects of years and years of collagen deficiency may put them at a critical disadvantage.

Thus, it’s recommended for anyone over 50 to use at least 20 grams (2 scoops) of collagen for at least 60 days (or more) in order to achieve maximum benefits.

Using 2 scoops, or a double-dose, is a method called “collagen loading.”

Many of our customers find the most success by using the loading dose long-term.

This helps ensure that collagen levels stay elevated for good - and bone, joint, hair, skin, nail and gut health benefits are maintained.

So, it makes sense why so many NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen users order large quantities at a time…

The benefits of collagen are only truly realized when it’s taken day-after-day and month-after-month.

As I said before, collagen is no “miracle” supplement…

Collagen only works if you…

  • Take it on a consistent daily basis. Simply add it to your morning coffee, water, juice, or smoothie.
  • Take the proper dose. Using 2 scoops (20 grams) daily helps restore your collagen deficit faster so that maximum benefits can be experienced.
  • Take it for the proper amount of time. Clinical studies show that the longer you use collagen, the greater (and longer-lasting) the results will be.

In other words, taking a scoop here and there isn’t going to cut it.

Consistency is key.

Which is why I recommend my clients to:

  • Start with at least 3 jars of NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen at a time.
  • And 6 jars if they want to be completely safe.
  • Then take it for a period of at least 60 days.

It’s flavor-less and mixes well in just about any liquid, hot or cold. 

Most customers mix a scoop or 2 into their morning coffee or tea for a quick way to load up on collagen without changing their routine. 

And there’s never been a better time to secure your supply of our best-selling collagen than now…

Because so many studies show that using more collagen for longer durations yields the greatest results…

We wanted as many people as possible to have access to this powerful whole-food supplement.

That’s why my NativePath team and I went to great lengths to secure a surplus of our Type I & III collagen formula during these uncertain economic times to offer our deepest “hardship” discount offer yet.

Right now when you stock up on 6 jars of NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen…

Not only will you get our best pricing of $21 per jar…

But you will also receive FREE SHIPPING!

As a special “stock up and save” promotion, I've reserved an


(No monthly subscription. No strings attached.)

At NativePath, we don't believe you should spend an arm and leg for good health.

Especially considering if you calculate the money wasted on "grow younger vitamins", cheap multi-collagen products, and potentially toxic or contaminated products...

And in the time, energy, and resources spent googling how to naturally strengthen your fragile bones, achy joints, and sagging skin...

And it'd easily add up into the thousands, if not MORE.

But you won't be paying that today.

In fact...

Am I crazy for making NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen this affordable?

Listen: I’ve given you a 45% OFF hardship discount because in today’s economy, I understand it can be a struggle to make ends meet… Especially for those on a fixed income.

You shouldn’t have to choose between paying your electric bill or taking care of your body and health.

Besides, this small investment in your health today could end up saving you thousands of dollars on future medical bills.

Bottom line: I don’t want money to ever come between you and your health.

Which is exactly why with our exclusive hardship discount, we’re letting you stock up on NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen for as low as just $21/jar.

Best of all, there's no risk involved since our 365 Day Money-Back Guarantee has you covered for a full year.

This is a no-brainer if you ask me.

All that's left is for you to come and join us.

So, if you’re ready to experience the NativePath difference yourself… And finally get on The Path…

Here’s what’s going to happen next:

If you’re ready to try NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen, simply click on the “GET COLLAGEN NOW” button below.

From there, you can select your desired amount and proceed to our safe and secure checkout page where you can complete your order.

And even better...

Introducing our 365-Day "Money-Back" Guarantee

At NativePath, we believe in the quality of our products, which is why we now offer a 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee every time you purchase. That means you have an entire year to try out your NativePath Collagen, and if you are not jumping for joy as your knees stop creaking so much… your hair starts to feel thicker and healthier… deep wrinkles begin to disappear… and your motivation is supercharged…

If you don’t feel the difference or if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, you may return unopened products from your most recent order to us within 365 days of the day it is delivered to your door. Simply call our friendly Customer Care Center toll-free at 1(800) 819-2993 for assistance.

Rest assured you can order with confidence in knowing that your purchase is backed by our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee.


I love the plain collagen. It's really increased the thickness of my hair. My nails are stronger and haven't been breaking. I do have wrinkles but feel collagen is keeping them at bay. I'm 68 years old. I love how it dissolves in my coffee."

Deanne R. ★★★★★


I used it in my coffee in the mornings and noticed I slept better my knees didn’t pop the way they used to."

Angela L. M. ★★★★★


I have been using NativePath Collagen for several years because it makes me feel good! My nails and hair feel healthy and strong. My joints don't hurt as much. It is a wonderful product. I have tried other Brands (due to not ordering in a timely manner) but I never saw the same results. Because I love the benefits of Native Path Collagen, I put a scoop in every cup of coffee I drink."

Julie F. ★★★★★

You've got nothing to lose and a younger, more vibrant you to gain.

Are you ready to get started?

Because in a few days from now… Your order of NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen will arrive right to your doorstep.

Then... get ready.

Because as you eagerly rip it open like a kid on Christmas...

I want you to mix a scoop into your coffee or water… Then relax, and kick your feet up...

Because you've just done the most IMPORTANT thing you could do for your body and health for the rest of the day.

And within as early as your first few weeks...

Don't be surprised if you wake up with a slight smirk because, for the first time in decades, you actually feel GREAT...

Aches and pains that normally put a damper on your day are lifted...

More importantly...

Finally enjoying quality time with loved ones without your crippling joint or bone problems getting in the way...

I'm talking about enjoying spontaneous beach trips...

Peaceful walks in nature...

Telling stories and laughing the night away...

Even dancing for hours on end at family weddings...

All of this - and MORE - is waiting for you when you grab your collagen today for as low as 45% OFF.

Here’s what Jane Nader said after just 1 month of using NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen...

And I reserved a supply with your name on it!

NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen is your one-way ticket to reclaiming a vibrant life... And I reserved a supply with your name on it!

The one catch?

There’s no telling how long we’ll be able to afford to sell NativePath Grass-Fed Collagen at this low of a price.

So if you're reading this, the good news is we still have enough in stock to offer our 45% OFF hardship discount...

Which means NOW is the time to take action.

Because the truth is, as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, there's nothing more painful than the look of disappointment and regret in patients who've missed the boat...

Who've told themselves they'll do everything in their power to stay healthy...

To give their body, mind, and soul everything it needs...

But, when push comes to shove...

They vanish.

I realize this is a bit of tough love, but the way I see it, it's necessary.

That's why we formulated our type I & III collagen to be the most pure and potent source of collagen on the market.

To make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy the life you've always wanted for yourself (without burning a hole in your wallet).

All that's left is for you to get on The Path.

Click the button below now:

Yours in health,

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT

Co-Founder NativePath

(No monthly subscription. No strings attached.)

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. NativePath makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained on or available through this web site, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.

© 2025 NativePath

114 NW 25th St Unit #131 Miami, FL 33127
Toll-free: 1-800-819-2993



As Low As $57

4.9 | 7,600 Reviews